How a Service Desk Manager Can Stay Sane While Wearing Multiple Hats Everyday

Video presented by Pablo Diaz-Gutierrez

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Find balance and organization even at times when it feels like you are wearing every hat on the team. Service desk managers have a lot of responsibilities, and Priority Matrix makes it possible to stay on top of all of them.

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2.32s with number one this recorded webinar
5.36s number two a little survey asking for a
7.36s little bit of feedback and then the
9.04s third thing is going to include
11.36s a link for my upcoming webinars to
13.76s register so you can continue to learn
15.76s more
16.48s about priority matrix
19.28s for the duration of this presentation
21.12s i'm going to continue with my camera off
23.84s so i can ensure a good connection for
26.08s the screen share portion
28.72s if you do have any questions during this
31.12s webinar you can either drop them in the
33.20s chat and i'll be happy to answer them
34.96s for you at the very end or just write
37.68s them down and remember them and i'm
39.68s actually going to save time to do a live
41.44s q a so i'll be able to actually take you
43.76s off mute and we'll be able to talk
45.84s through your questions
49.44s you should be able to see my screen now
51.92s but please if there's any technical
53.92s issues during the duration of this
55.52s webinar please let me know um i'm
58.08s actually hosting this off of my hot spot
1:0.24 because we recently moved
1:2.16 and
1:3.20 the timing just so happens that the
1:5.04 wi-fi is getting put in tomorrow so
1:7.68 i've been able to successfully host a
1:9.44 couple of webinars so far through my hot
1:11.76 spot without any issues but
1:13.84 um just kind of a warning there please
1:16.32 please please let me know if for
1:17.84 whatever reason you can't hear me or
1:20.08 you're not able to see my screen but we
1:22.00 should be looking at my powerpoint
1:23.84 together at this point
1:26.48 with all of that being said let's go
1:28.16 ahead and get started so today's topic
1:30.72 is how a service desk manager can stay
1:33.36 sane
1:34.24 while wearing multiple hats every single
1:36.32 day
1:45.44 so priority matrix is for service desk
1:48.08 managers who struggle to manage all of
1:50.40 the following responsibilities so what
1:52.96 do common tasks and responsibilities
1:55.44 look like for a service desk manager
1:58.80 some common responsibilities can include
2:1.60 onboarding new employees
2:3.36 staff scheduling vendor management
2:5.84 budgeting
2:6.96 workload balancing and major incidents
2:10.24 so i've been with priority matrix for
2:12.64 just about six years now it'll be six
2:14.48 years next month which is
2:17.20 honestly just crazy to say time really
2:19.44 flies by but
2:21.36 over the past couple of years i've been
2:23.36 lucky enough to talk to a lot of our
2:25.28 first time users and also our long-term
2:27.68 customers as well
2:29.60 in that group of people there have
2:31.36 definitely been some service desk
2:33.52 managers or kind of leaders in similar
2:35.60 roles and so i've been able to get kind
2:38.16 of an understanding about what those
2:40.00 common responsibilities look like
2:42.48 and with that what the challenges can
2:44.80 typically look like when there's not a
2:46.96 good system in place to help you see all
2:49.12 of your projects and priorities in one
2:51.12 place
2:52.16 while also being able to collaborate
2:54.08 with your teammates
2:58.48 so what is the priority matrix approach
3:0.72 to support service desk managers our
3:3.76 approach offers an effective and visual
3:6.24 approach to managing priorities that
3:9.04 surfaces contextually relevant
3:11.04 information
3:12.40 while users are in a meeting responding
3:14.96 to emails
3:16.40 or focusing on projects
3:21.76 like so many companies over the past
3:23.52 several years
3:25.36 i can likely guess that you're probably
3:27.92 using the office ecosystem more than
3:30.08 ever
3:30.96 so you know just a couple years ago i
3:32.96 would come across people who were
3:34.32 definitely using outlook 365 but
3:37.44 honestly microsoft teams was not so much
3:39.68 on the forefront as it is now with
3:41.36 everybody working from home and it's
3:43.68 honestly just been adopted so heavily
3:46.48 so
3:47.20 over the past probably the past two
3:49.68 years or so one of our biggest focuses
3:52.96 was getting priority matrix fully
3:54.72 integrated into teams
3:56.40 and fully integrated into outlook
3:59.04 so you can continue to work in the
4:1.12 platforms that you know and that you
4:2.88 trust and they are already using every
4:5.04 single day
4:6.16 while being able to basically level up
4:8.40 so you no longer have to re rely on
4:11.44 sending chats through channels
4:13.76 and on one chats and teams
4:15.92 and kind of just cross your fingers that
4:17.92 those priorities don't slip through the
4:19.36 cracks
4:20.40 with our integrations you're able to
4:22.24 immediately prioritize those
4:23.76 conversations
4:25.20 those emails
4:26.88 and something very unique to priority
4:29.04 matrix is that while you're going to be
4:31.04 working through the office ecosystem you
4:33.60 are indeed still able to collaborate
4:35.68 with external parties we don't place any
4:38.24 barriers when it comes to that
4:43.20 so for the next probably
4:45.44 15 minutes or so we're actually going to
4:47.36 be taking a look at the live priority
4:49.76 matrix demo
4:51.44 so what am i going to show you during
4:52.80 this demo i'm going to start with a
4:54.56 really quick kind of basic overview so
4:56.72 for those of you on this webinar today
4:59.36 it's potentially your first time ever
5:0.96 seeing priority matrix so i don't want
5:3.20 to jump in and confuse you all before we
5:5.52 kind of walk through the basics that'll
5:7.44 be just a quick
5:8.84 intro i want to show you how you can
5:11.20 approach recurring processes by using
5:13.28 templates and recurring tasks
5:15.92 we're going to look at strategies for
5:17.36 having effective meetings via priority
5:19.44 matrix
5:20.72 and we're also going to take a very
5:22.16 close look at some of our reporting
5:24.00 which focus specifically on workload
5:25.92 management across your team or even
5:27.92 across a whole organization if that's
5:30.24 what you need
5:32.56 lastly we're going to touch on
5:33.76 escalation and cross-department
5:35.68 collaboration so for example if a
5:38.24 service
5:39.28 desk manager gets a ticket that needs to
5:41.20 be escalated or shared with it that's
5:44.08 definitely possible through the priority
5:45.76 matrix platform
5:49.52 all right so thank you all for staying
5:51.20 tuned until the live demo portion i'm
5:53.68 going to switch gears here and what
5:55.68 we're actually looking at now is
5:58.16 my priority matrix running 100 through
6:1.84 microsoft teams
6:4.72 so you'll notice in the top left corner
6:6.56 i have my priority matrix open and then
6:9.12 i actually have it pinned there so 100
6:12.32 i recommend adding priority matrix to
6:14.80 teams painting it open and then it's
6:16.96 going to stay there for you where you
6:18.32 don't have to go and search for it every
6:20.08 time that you would like to use it
6:23.52 so what's in the middle of my screen
6:25.20 here
6:26.40 priority matrix allows you to prioritize
6:29.60 your action items whether on an
6:31.76 individual level or with your teammates
6:34.40 or even external parties by setting up
6:37.44 projects
6:38.80 and these projects can represent you
6:40.80 know long-term things that you have very
6:42.88 planned out and that you're working it
6:44.56 towards finishing or you can just kind
6:47.04 of think of it as a way to group similar
6:49.84 priorities together
6:52.80 again these projects can either be
6:54.32 shared with your teammates or they can
6:56.32 be kept for just kind of your own
6:58.88 priority and task management
7:1.04 if you're working with clients and
7:2.48 external collaborators it's going to be
7:4.24 possible to share these projects 100
7:6.56 with them as well or
7:8.32 through a read-only version if that's
7:10.16 what you prefer
7:14.08 so when i open up one of these projects
7:16.32 or let's go to one that has
7:18.64 a little bit more context here
7:21.12 when i open up one of these projects
7:22.88 this is now that central space where a
7:24.88 service desk manager would be able to
7:27.60 you know track all of the moving parts
7:29.36 for a specific project that they're
7:31.04 working in
7:33.04 this manager would be able to share this
7:35.20 project with their teammates by simply
7:37.60 adding them over where it says project
7:40.00 members so i'm just clicking through a
7:42.16 couple here to give you a few examples
7:44.48 but again the idea is to now use this
7:46.72 project for any moving parts and in this
7:49.52 case we're looking at new employ new
7:51.84 employee onboarding as the example which
7:54.64 is absolutely something that a service
7:56.32 desk manager is going to oversee and be
7:58.56 in charge of
8:1.28 so
8:1.96 backtracking a little bit back to kind
8:4.32 of my main screen here i want to touch
8:6.24 on the first best practice for a service
8:8.64 desk manager using priority matrix
8:12.96 i've learned that a service desk manager
8:15.12 often deals with a lot of recurring
8:16.72 processes
8:18.00 whether it's on a project level or a
8:20.00 task level so using templates is going
8:22.72 to absolutely work to your advantage
8:24.56 working in this role
8:26.88 i set up this example for the employee
8:29.28 onboarding template so essentially what
8:31.36 you all are going to be able to do
8:33.52 is create projects and build out the
8:36.16 process 100
8:38.00 like i've done here in this example so
8:40.40 you know whether it's five steps or
8:42.72 300 things that you have to get done as
8:44.64 a new employee onboarding
8:46.80 build up that process as much as you
8:48.64 need to do
8:49.76 you can even go as far as setting
8:51.36 deadlines
8:53.52 when you're satisfied with what this
8:54.96 template looks like you can simply save
8:57.12 project as template
8:59.04 and then basically what happens is when
9:1.04 you're ready to reuse this project maybe
9:3.20 you have a new employee to onboard you
9:5.20 hit add project
9:7.44 and then when we go to my templates
9:9.12 we're going to see all of the projects
9:10.72 that you've set up saved as a template
9:13.28 and you can even share these with your
9:14.88 teammates
9:16.56 so we actually have a templates
9:18.64 pre-created on our website that you can
9:20.72 import to get started with but more
9:23.04 commonly people typically like to set up
9:25.20 their own templates their own processes
9:27.84 so you can reuse it and save time no
9:30.48 matter how many times you have to go
9:31.92 back and continuously reuse this
9:33.76 template and this project
9:36.48 so that's going to be best practice
9:37.92 number one for a service desk manager
9:40.56 when i open up this project again i want
9:42.56 to show you super quickly the concept of
9:44.80 setting a recurring task
9:47.04 again i often times see this done
9:49.04 quarterly or
9:51.12 maybe more so like bi-weekly by service
9:53.52 desk manager if they need to check in on
9:55.68 tickets check in on you know a vendor
9:58.08 they're working with whatever it might
9:59.76 be
10:0.48 the idea is you can set a deadline and
10:3.04 then you can make it recur let's say
10:4.88 weekly
10:6.16 so when i check this item off it's going
10:8.40 to temporarily go away from my quadrant
10:10.88 but you'll notice in just a moment it's
10:12.48 going to pop right back up with a new
10:14.40 deadline for you so again
10:16.56 this is going to be best practice number
10:18.48 two
10:19.44 for those recurring tasks
10:22.00 so at this point we've covered a
10:23.52 recurring project using templates
10:26.16 and a recurring task by setting that
10:28.48 repeating deadline those are going to be
10:30.80 two
10:31.60 best practices as a service desk manager
10:34.00 who's going to be using priority matrix
10:36.00 for recurring processes
10:40.72 the next thing that i want to show you
10:42.32 is our one-on-one view
10:44.72 so
10:45.44 as a service desk manager you're likely
10:47.52 overseeing a group of people and
10:50.00 oftentimes that requires checking in
10:52.00 with them making sure that the tickets
10:53.92 they're working on or
10:55.76 you know the priority the priorities
10:57.68 that you guys are working on together
10:59.20 are not slipping through the cracks
11:2.00 so
11:2.88 essentially what the priority matrix one
11:5.28 on one view does is it's going to give
11:7.84 you
11:9.12 a centralized view of all of your
11:11.84 priorities shared with this one person
11:14.16 and it's going to put it together
11:15.84 automatically for you
11:17.52 so looking through the scope of a
11:19.76 service desk manager
11:21.44 if i've assigned
11:22.88 20 tickets to somebody on my team our
11:25.44 weekly meeting is likely going to go
11:26.88 over hey are these on track and have you
11:28.96 finished them or what status update with
11:30.96 this the one-on-one view makes this
11:33.36 incredibly easy automatically generates
11:35.68 this priority list for you
11:37.60 and you can continuously add shared
11:39.84 tasks as well so when the meeting ends
11:43.04 you don't have to circle back and ask
11:45.12 questions and
11:46.56 you know everything is just going to be
11:47.92 here for you ready to go nothing will be
11:50.32 slipping through the cracks
11:54.08 i have two more things here on my notes
11:56.16 that i would like to show you all for
11:57.68 best practices and then i promise we're
11:59.60 going to open up the floor for the q a
12:2.00 and i would also love to hear how you
12:4.00 plan to use priority matrix as well so
12:6.88 hang in there just a couple more minutes
12:8.56 and then i'm going to turn it over to
12:10.08 you all
12:13.20 another massive responsibility of a
12:16.08 service desk manager is ensuring that
12:18.72 the workload balance is equal across all
12:21.84 of your teammates
12:23.28 and without priority matrix this can
12:25.52 oftentimes look like going through
12:27.04 emails
12:28.40 verbally discussing what you're working
12:30.24 on or just having that quick check and
12:32.32 hey how's it going are you overloaded or
12:34.56 do have more time but at the end of the
12:37.12 day it's honestly impossible to have a
12:39.52 true understanding of a workload balance
12:42.32 without the correct tool
12:45.36 so with priority matrix what you're
12:47.28 going to be able to do is open up our
12:49.60 workload management report
12:54.08 what happens here is
12:56.08 the system automatically shows you
12:57.84 everybody on your team who you're using
13:0.48 priority matrix with
13:3.04 and from here it's going to allow you to
13:5.60 filter it based off of what you need to
13:7.20 see so for me number of items that i
13:10.00 have due today
13:11.60 that's kind of how my brain works and
13:13.36 that's how i prefer to see this workload
13:15.20 management report
13:16.72 but if you schedule your priorities with
13:18.56 effort hours or scheduled hours
13:21.60 that view is also going to be available
13:23.44 for you
13:24.64 additionally i like to point out that
13:26.08 you can choose the time frame that
13:27.36 you're looking in
13:29.68 so from a management perspective looking
13:32.16 at myself here i can say okay
13:34.48 thursday today what does erica have due
13:37.20 today if i click on this number three it
13:40.56 shows me all the priorities that i have
13:42.56 scheduled to be due today
13:45.52 so as a service desk manager who has a
13:48.88 huge responsibility of making sure
13:51.60 everybody has a decent workload balance
13:54.48 not overloaded equally as importantly
13:56.72 not under loaded this workload
13:58.88 management report has taken out the
14:1.44 legwork of
14:3.12 manually computing this or again having
14:5.52 that verbal conversation that can kind
14:7.84 of be inaccurate at times
14:10.24 and it's given you a perfect picture of
14:12.48 what everybody has on their plate
14:14.48 breaking it down as far as you want to
14:16.40 go
14:18.00 if you need to modify a task from this
14:19.84 view you can also do it that way so you
14:21.76 don't have to go all the way back to
14:23.04 your projects to update
14:25.60 your tasks
14:29.20 another thing that i wanted to touch on
14:30.96 is in terms of using priority matrix
14:33.20 with external parties so let's say here
14:36.48 let me just add
14:38.16 my project tag back here so it doesn't
14:40.16 look too crazy
14:43.44 another responsibility of a service desk
14:45.52 manager is
14:47.12 those relationships with vendors so
14:49.60 again this would be a perfect example of
14:51.68 using a template for a new management a
14:54.64 new vendor management process
14:56.96 but alternatively i also like to point
14:59.28 out that if your vendor needs to be
15:1.84 involved with
15:3.60 you know a conversation with yourself
15:5.44 uploading files you know being on track
15:7.84 with those deadlines you can also
15:10.72 share this project with your external
15:13.12 vendors
15:14.08 if that's something that's of interest
15:15.52 to you let me know and we can kind of go
15:17.20 into what that account setup would look
15:18.96 like
15:21.36 and alternatively if you're working with
15:23.68 your vendors through channels or through
15:26.64 one-on-one chats
15:28.16 you can even pin those projects to the
15:30.56 top of your microsoft teams system
15:34.40 to make it just that much easier to
15:36.24 collaborate with those external parties
15:40.72 if a ticket comes in as a service desk
15:42.80 manager that needs to be escalated or
15:45.04 delegated to somebody in a different
15:46.88 group or department again that's not a
15:49.28 problem at all as long as they're using
15:51.28 priority matrix with you you simply just
15:53.36 need to share the project with them and
15:55.60 then you'll be able to delegate that
15:57.28 task out to them
16:1.28 so going back to the presentation here
16:3.76 let's look at the agenda again just to
16:5.44 make sure i touch on everything so we
16:7.12 did
16:8.64 it looks like we were able to touch on
16:10.72 all of these points that i definitely
16:12.40 wanted to focus on since i know they are
16:14.88 for sure relevant for a service desk
16:16.88 manager
16:18.72 so what were the key takeaways from that
16:20.48 presentation
16:21.76 as a manager you're going to have
16:23.28 everything in one place for less context
16:25.68 switching
16:26.80 you're going to have contextual
16:28.00 information when you need it most such
16:29.76 as during one-on-one or group meetings
16:32.72 and there's an effective visual approach
16:34.88 for easy prioritization
16:37.36 so unlike other applications that you've
16:40.00 likely looked at
16:41.60 a lot of the times i get feedback that
16:43.68 it just looks like a giant list of
16:45.12 things that you need to get done
16:47.04 and for a lot of people you know that's
16:49.44 definitely not an effective way to
16:51.68 manage your tasks
16:53.28 people love priority matrix because of
16:55.44 the four quadrant system and the ability
16:58.16 to further prioritize with things like
17:0.16 icons
17:1.36 and deadlines
17:5.44 with all that being said that was a lot
17:7.44 of information to share with you all i
17:9.44 do have you pulled up on my screen off
17:11.52 to my right so i'm looking at the
17:13.36 participant list and if there's
17:15.04 questions feel free to just raise your
17:17.12 hand and i can actually take you off
17:19.04 mute
17:20.40 or alternatively you can drop those
17:22.16 questions into the chat box
17:26.32 i'm going to keep an eye on you all over
17:28.16 on my right hand side but a couple
17:30.24 common questions that i typically get
17:32.96 number one how can i register for the
17:35.36 next webinars in my follow-up email i'm
17:37.92 gonna send you a list to all of my
17:39.68 webinars i have four scheduled for next
17:41.84 week so be sure to check those out
17:45.68 the next question that i typically get
17:47.52 is how can or rather will my company
17:50.24 allow me to use priority matrix the
17:52.88 answer is yes we've gone through a lot
17:55.52 of hurdles for um our security basically
17:59.84 and
18:0.64 at the end of the day we were able to
18:2.40 achieve a microsoft security
18:4.24 certification which if you have any
18:6.88 questions about that or if you're
18:8.00 concerned that you may not get priority
18:10.24 matrix approved let me know more than
18:12.72 happy to email it over to you
18:16.24 and last but not least the question that
18:18.32 i get a lot of the times is how do i
18:19.92 onboard my team effectively and you know
18:22.40 quickly as well
18:24.00 we offer a lot of different training
18:25.84 options for our enterprise customers we
18:28.80 actually offer customized webinars and
18:31.44 one-on-one or team training sessions
18:33.52 which
18:34.48 at the end of the day are definitely
18:35.92 going to be the most effective way to
18:37.44 get everybody up and running
18:40.40 for users on our different licenses
18:43.04 below the enterprise option we have
18:45.84 an incredibly well built out youtube
18:48.16 channel with new videos added every
18:50.08 single day which
18:51.60 is definitely going to be your best
18:52.88 go-to option for getting your team up
18:55.12 and running with the new priority matrix
19:0.80 with all of that being said i don't see
19:2.96 any other questions coming through
19:5.52 so i'm going to go ahead and end the
19:8.48 screen chair and stop the recording