Mastering Work-Life Balance: How to Set and Prioritize Personal and Professional Goals with Priority

Video presented by Hai Nguyen

Webinar on

Are you constantly juggling between your personal and professional life, struggling to find the right balance? Join our webinar and discover how Priority Matrix can help you set and prioritize your goals, ensuring you achieve success in both your work and personal life.

In this webinar, you'll learn:

The importance of setting clear and achievable goals for your personal and professional life
How to use Priority Matrix to categorize and prioritize your goals based on urgency and importance
Strategies for managing your time effectively and avoiding burnout
How to utilize Priority Matrix's features, such as project templates and task delegation, to streamline your goal management
Tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and staying motivated

Priority Matrix seamlessly integrates with your favorite tools, like Microsoft Teams and Outlook, making it easier than ever to manage your goals and stay on top of your tasks. With Priority Matrix, you'll gain clarity and focus.

Explore other past and upcoming webinar events from our team.

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1.12s my name is hwin I'm co-founder of
3.00s affence the company behind pry Matrix
5.36s today's webinar is on mastering your
7.44s work life balance and how to get um how
9.68s to set and prioritize both your personal
11.68s and professional goals using pry Matrix
13.92s I'm going to make some basic assumptions
15.60s that you know a little bit about pry
17.00s Matrix but I'll still show you some
18.96s basic capabilities that I think are
21.16s actually very helpful um in helping you
24.16s prioritize and and um set
27.96s goals couple of goals for today one help
31.16s you understand the importance of work
32.64s life balance uh understand the
34.76s principles and benefits of the
36.00s Eisenhower Matrix how to use pry Matrix
38.88s to set these personal and professional
40.64s goals and then how to use py Matrix to
42.92s achieve those goals I'll also be sharing
45.28s some best practices that I've I have
47.68s accumulated over the years talking to
49.76s thousands of
52.08s customers so first let's start with the
54.16s importance of work life balance um I
55.96s think this is actually a really
57.08s interesting topic because it's something
59.44s that for me um I struggle with
1:1.76 constantly so what happens when you lose
1:4.28 the sense of work life balance is that
1:6.08 you end up getting stress or the feeling
1:8.44 that you're actually not moving forward
1:10.08 despite all the work that you do and
1:11.80 then at the same time the lack of
1:13.20 fulfillment so the benefits of the work
1:15.68 life balance then is actually that
1:17.56 improved sense of fulfillments better
1:19.60 relationships and achieving your goals
1:21.76 so at the end of the day when we talk
1:23.68 about patrix we talk about our
1:26.08 software all that matters is that you
1:29.00 accomplish whatever is that you want to
1:30.84 accomplish right um so people use prod
1:33.24 Matrix in so many different ways but
1:35.20 what happens is that I want you to walk
1:38.16 away with a sense of how prod Matrix can
1:41.20 benefit you at this very moment and so
1:44.56 um if there's any questions you have
1:46.00 around that definitely bring them up and
1:48.32 I'd be happy to address those but I will
1:50.44 show you the tricks that I have
1:52.32 implemented to make myself more
1:56.96 productive one of the biggest myth that
1:59.44 I've seen over and over again around
2:1.00 work life balance is that people think
2:3.72 work life balance means doing less work
2:6.80 and I think that's not the case at all
2:8.76 um from my own personal experience work
2:11.32 life balance is really around working on
2:13.52 the most meaningful things at the most
2:15.60 me at the right time and so what's
2:18.04 really interesting is that you know if
2:19.60 you're able to commit to whatever it is
2:21.36 that you do and and let's say during the
2:23.72 work hours you work harder than ever
2:25.72 before and you're doing more than ever
2:27.76 before but then when you're not working
2:30.88 you know and in your personal time
2:32.44 you're committed to that 100% and you're
2:34.48 not thinking about work that's the magic
2:37.04 and so for me personally I have so many
2:39.60 things on my plate I try my best to
2:42.00 actually differentiate them and so I'm
2:43.76 able to work on the right things at the
2:45.36 right
2:48.16 time so what is party Matrix party
2:50.72 Matrix is a comprehensive email priority
2:52.92 and project management software that
2:54.76 helps individual prioritize your most
2:56.72 important tasks in emails help team stay
2:59.04 aligned on key projects and then at the
3:1.56 organizational level creates a single
3:3.68 source of Truth to help you become more
3:5.44 efficient and more effective what
3:7.92 happens with patrix is that it creates
3:10.72 this one central place where it's very
3:12.80 tangible for you to see what it is that
3:14.96 you need to work on um and what it is
3:17.00 that you should not work on and so if
3:18.88 you use protom matric correctly you'll
3:20.72 see both of
3:23.04 those so what makes prod matric very
3:25.64 effective are the following first um
3:27.52 we're the only software that's Microsoft
3:29.28 36 security certified for teams Outlook
3:32.48 and web app at the same time and we're
3:34.68 deeply integrated to the Microsoft
3:36.08 ecosystem so if you do end up using uh
3:38.68 Microsoft teams Outlook or or anything
3:41.24 on the Microsoft side our solution is
3:43.12 no-brainer now party Matrix works
3:45.28 completely outside of teams as well you
3:47.56 don't have to have anything that's
3:48.84 related to Microsoft to use our system
3:50.76 but if you do um use Microsoft um teams
3:54.64 and all that then make sure that you
3:56.64 install those uh those addins and then
3:59.88 Matrix focuses on prioritization H the
4:2.52 name of our product uh one of the things
4:4.32 that I think is most
4:6.28 important the most important takea away
4:8.32 from using our software is not necessar
4:10.56 to you know plan out the things you have
4:12.44 to do but just so then you can
4:14.56 communicate to yourself and to others
4:16.92 what it is that you need to work on at
4:18.44 any point in time patrix also provide
4:21.08 what I call people Centric collaboration
4:23.00 and this is pretty useful when you're
4:25.00 looking at a team environment and trying
4:27.00 to understand what is it that you need
4:29.16 to do for another person um and then
4:31.84 party Matrix is available as a standard
4:33.48 SAS solution but we also have a HIPPA
4:35.52 compliance solution for healthcare and
4:36.80 Life Sciences as well as an Azure
4:38.68 government Cloud solution for state and
4:40.20 local government and then one of the
4:42.24 last things that uh we're working on and
4:44.08 we're investing a lot of effort on is
4:46.08 actually creating AI features that
4:47.84 actually are beneficial to you I think
4:49.80 AI can be used in many different ways
4:51.64 but what we're trying to do with AI is
4:53.40 actually to go and help you achieve your
4:55.56 specific goals and simplify things
4:57.36 wherever possible
5:0.92 let's start with the fundamentals behind
5:2.52 prot Matrix um there's a famous quote
5:4.56 attributed to former President
5:5.96 Eisenhower what is important is seldom
5:8.28 urgent and what is urgent is seldom
5:10.28 important now what I really like about
5:12.24 this quote is that it helps us
5:13.88 understand that the things that are
5:15.92 always pulling us you know that pulling
5:18.84 us away from from um whatever moment
5:21.92 that we're in those are the things that
5:23.48 are Urgent and most of the time they're
5:26.44 not important and so instead of looking
5:28.08 at a to-do list instead what you want to
5:30.84 look at is the two dimensions of
5:32.84 importance and urgency so when you have
5:34.92 a task you don't just say do I need to
5:36.76 do this now you should also ask do I
5:39.92 need to do this task at all and that's
5:42.48 the difference right doing it now means
5:44.92 it's urgent but doing it at all means
5:47.64 it's important so if we look from that
5:50.40 perspective instead of having a list
5:52.56 with all the tasks in it we have What's
5:54.60 called the Eisenhower matrix it's a very
5:56.96 simple powerful time management
5:58.48 framework that categorizes things into
6:0.68 four quadrants four buckets the
6:3.24 dimensions of importance and urgency so
6:5.28 what that means is you have the things
6:6.44 that are important and Urgent the things
6:8.16 that are important and not urgent the
6:9.80 things that are urgent but not important
6:11.32 and then the things that are not
6:12.20 important and not urgent now obviously
6:15.92 this can be implemented in so many
6:17.32 different ways I mean I think if if you
6:20.40 end up using promatrix obviously patrix
6:23.24 is designed to handle this this
6:25.20 methodology but the reality is you can
6:28.00 do this on pen and paper talked to
6:30.12 customers who you know ran up to me at a
6:33.52 conference and literally show me his his
6:36.40 piece of paper and says I've been doing
6:38.48 this for 10 years on pen and paper and
6:41.48 patrix fundamentally changes how he can
6:44.00 work with his data and then thirdly um
6:47.52 The isenhoward Matrix helps you
6:48.92 prioritize your task and make the most
6:51.08 out of your time one of the things that
6:53.36 I think is extremely important that
6:55.36 people don't recognize enough is that
6:58.16 doing good work is just as important
7:2.28 around determining what to work on as
7:4.72 determining what not to work on and so
7:6.84 hopefully as you use PR Matrix you're
7:8.88 getting both
7:11.24 sides so how does it work with PR Matrix
7:14.20 instead of actually having a to-do list
7:17.96 or um a task list in PR Matrix we use
7:21.64 the is Matrix and we adapt it to our
7:23.84 software and so now on the top left you
7:26.20 have the do now quadrants right these
7:28.04 are the things you need to work on again
7:30.00 those are the things that are important
7:31.08 and Urgent and then the things that you
7:33.20 start planning for are the things that
7:34.68 are important but not urgent and then
7:37.04 the things that are not important but
7:38.56 urgent perhaps you could delegate to
7:39.96 somebody else um if it's someone else's
7:42.04 job maybe they can do a better work
7:44.12 better job at it than you or they're
7:46.28 just more specialized at it right and
7:48.24 then lastly you should not have anything
7:50.72 that's not important and not urgent be
7:52.72 able to cross those things out is just
7:54.60 so valuable so instead in Quadrant 4 it
7:57.68 should be your inbox
7:59.80 this is where you put things down if you
8:2.08 haven't decided where they fit within
8:3.52 the bigger picture and then from there
8:5.32 determine if they fit in quadrant one
8:7.12 two or three or just get rid of them
8:9.44 completely so when you use patrix we
8:12.44 force you to prioritize using this
8:15.16 methodology and it is hard it is not
8:17.76 easy and that's one of the things that I
8:19.64 can't emphasize enough patrix isn't
8:22.00 about doing the easiest thing it's about
8:24.16 making sure that you do the most
8:25.68 effective things so I want you to use
8:28.00 patrix in a way
8:30.08 where you feel like you're making tough
8:36.32 decisions the second way to adapt petric
8:39.28 is to actually use it for goals and so I
8:41.96 talk about how um how in in this webinar
8:46.20 we're talking about setting both
8:47.68 personal and U professional goals as
8:50.36 part of our work life balance one of the
8:52.24 things I use patrix for is to set my
8:54.64 long-term goals my short-term goals and
8:57.00 then also my anti-g goals these are
8:58.96 things that I actually don't want to do
9:1.76 um because they do harm me uh from
9:4.80 meeting the the short-term and the
9:6.36 long-term goals and one of the
9:8.20 challenges that I think a lot of people
9:10.16 face and myself included is actually
9:12.84 remembering our goals and and making
9:15.40 sure that we focus on it so there's a
9:17.80 couple tips and tricks that I'll show
9:19.52 you on how to actually ensure that
9:22.84 you'll work on those goals that you've
9:24.80 set um and then from a personal level
9:27.64 you know for me it's so beneficial to to
9:29.84 be reminded of what truly matters and
9:32.92 then constantly reiterating and
9:35.48 constantly shifting my priorities to
9:37.60 make sure that I meet these
9:39.36 goals and so as you can see with patrix
9:42.32 it is very very customizable um I've
9:44.64 shown you two different ways to use our
9:46.12 software in in terms of the quadrants
9:48.32 but you can actually use patrix
9:50.44 literally a thousand other
9:53.64 ways so a couple of side note um on goal
9:57.80 setting just in you know just in in case
9:59.68 you're not familiar with this yet but
10:2.12 this is this applies to setting goals
10:4.68 more broadly than just our software but
10:6.84 just make sure that you set what's
10:8.44 called smart goals right that means
10:9.88 they're specific they're measurable
10:11.72 they're achievable relevant and time
10:13.44 bound so regardless of what software you
10:15.76 use making sure that you set these kind
10:17.88 of goals is actually very helpful and
10:20.28 then I like to differentiate between the
10:22.68 long-term goals and short-term goalss
10:24.96 and so as you can tell you know the way
10:27.44 it works at Pro Matrix is that we have
10:28.92 all these different Dimensions right so
10:30.96 importance and urgency so what that
10:33.08 means is you have a time dimensions and
10:35.36 then another dimension so what that
10:36.76 means is that when you adapt it to other
10:40.08 um other matrices you can think about
10:43.52 the exact same way so then you can have
10:45.36 goals that are important goals or
10:47.28 personal goals in short term or personal
10:49.84 goals in longterm Etc and then always
10:52.40 remind yourself on why you set up the
10:54.16 longer term goals and then use anti-g
10:56.52 goals to set boundaries we all have too
10:59.48 many things to do so many things on our
11:1.64 plates if we don't set boundaries we
11:3.96 will be pulled away to work on things
11:6.20 that are actually not that
11:8.88 important so a couple of ideas and tips
11:11.64 as you use part Matrix if everything is
11:14.08 important and Urgent then nothing is
11:16.16 important in Urgent and I can't
11:17.64 emphasize this enough this is
11:19.36 particularly important for managers uh
11:21.52 you know if you go to your employees and
11:23.40 you're like hey we got to do this right
11:25.08 now drop everything and do this and then
11:27.24 5 minutes later you do the exact same
11:28.92 thing again well guess what you know
11:31.76 what you're just doing there is you're
11:33.16 firefighting you're not planning for the
11:34.80 future and so when you use PR Matrix if
11:37.52 everything you have is in quadrant one
11:39.64 you're doing it wrong you have to make
11:41.80 that conscious decision on
11:43.72 deprioritizing things and so um
11:46.64 similarly imagine if you're trying to
11:48.36 work and your manager is coming
11:50.92 constantly and telling you to do all
11:52.96 these things and so that's the problem
11:54.52 we've we've seen over and over again
11:56.80 with a standard communication tool like
11:59.24 a chat software right if you use
12:0.80 Microsoft teams or slack and you're
12:2.44 sending messages back and forth guess
12:5.12 what it's always urgent there's always
12:7.36 just something that's new and you're
12:9.00 actually spending time looking at those
12:10.60 things that's supposed to be important
12:11.84 things and uh if you know if you get
12:14.32 task delegation via text messages or
12:16.76 people walk into your office it's so
12:19.84 important that you go and make sure that
12:22.68 you um take out those things that are
12:25.00 actually not relevant towards your
12:27.08 actual goals and then regular Lally
12:29.48 review and update your task
12:30.88 categorization so with protom matrix
12:33.08 it's very Visual and it's very easy to
12:34.84 see but it requires maintenance so what
12:37.96 happens is you have to go and look at
12:39.80 their task and determine okay this is
12:41.76 what I need to work on this is what I
12:42.96 shouldn't work on and try to identify
12:45.24 and eliminate time
12:46.88 wasters this is a very important skill
12:49.96 um it requires us to actually be very
12:52.16 cognizant about what it is that we want
12:54.20 to do and what it is that we don't want
12:55.44 to do and the correl to that is learn to
12:58.48 say no to a lot more task uh and so you
13:1.68 know not every email has to be responded
13:3.84 to not every task has to be done if
13:6.52 someone asks you to do something and you
13:8.96 already have so much on your plate
13:10.44 respond back and say hey I'm more than
13:12.48 happy to do this which of these other
13:14.56 things do you want to drop and then
13:16.64 breaking task into smaller manageable
13:18.92 steps and then use time blocking to uh
13:21.48 allocate specific time slots for
13:23.08 different task and then regularly
13:25.12 reassess and adjust your strategies now
13:27.36 a lot of these things here is pretty um
13:29.72 applicable regardless of what system you
13:32.36 use to
13:34.48 prioritize so the four quadrant
13:36.56 Eisenhower Matrix create alignment for
13:39.08 your team because it forces you to
13:41.04 prioritize from the very beginning and
13:42.84 when it comes to goal success from using
13:44.68 for Matrix is about identifying what you
13:46.84 need to work on every day and
13:48.28 identifying what you should not work on
13:49.88 every day so one of the things I want to
13:53.04 um uh an analogy that I really like is
13:56.96 Imagine taking you know a piece of paper
13:59.92 and write down all the things you wanted
14:1.24 to do or you have to do rather and then
14:3.56 put it into the four quadrants right so
14:5.32 now you have your goals and so you have
14:7.40 your priorities and said these are the
14:8.96 things that's important and Urgent to me
14:10.80 these are the things that are important
14:12.00 but not urgent to me and then do that
14:14.12 and then ask your co-workers to do the
14:16.48 exact same
14:18.84 exercise then walk around the office and
14:21.68 start comparing notes so imagine if you
14:24.72 go to your manager and you show him or
14:27.12 her your your piece of paper with the
14:29.12 quadrants on it and say hey by the way
14:30.40 these are my priorities do you agree or
14:32.56 do you disagree and then take a look at
14:34.60 their priorities and see if it matches
14:37.08 and the reality is you know 80 90% of
14:40.04 the time all those priorities match the
14:42.16 most important things match but once in
14:43.76 a while there's discrepency and that's
14:46.12 where the magic happens a lot of
14:48.92 times we have this um this sense of what
14:52.40 we think's important but we don't make
14:54.40 it explicit and therefore we try to
14:57.28 imply that something's important but not
14:59.56 everyone's on the same page so I I can't
15:2.40 emphasize enough how important it is to
15:4.88 be explicit in prioritization and that's
15:8.00 what makes par Matrix so so effective is
15:11.76 because it forces you to be explicit in
15:13.96 your priorities and then each of your
15:15.80 co-workers are explicit in their
15:17.52 priorities and when you come together to
15:19.80 compare notes there is no um lack of
15:24.32 clarity for lack of better
15:26.68 words okay I do want to emphasize that
15:28.76 the webinars are recorded and there's a
15:30.52 lot of other webinars on our website
15:32.52 that's um that's there that covers other
15:34.80 topics including the basics of
15:36.08 Prometrics and so forth and so with that
15:38.64 what I'd like to do now is actually walk
15:40.32 you through the product and show you how
15:42.00 to put this into
15:44.88 practice all right so now I'm going to
15:47.84 open up my P Matrix so you should be
15:49.44 able to see my screen here um I have my
15:51.96 P Matrix on the web and what happens let
15:54.76 me walk you through the structure of py
15:56.44 matrix on the left hand side are my
15:59.04 projects so you you can think of
16:1.00 projects as um essentially buckets or
16:4.64 categories of of quadrants right so so
16:8.28 for example here I have my personal
16:10.56 priorities and So within this project I
16:13.48 have the four quadrants do now do later
16:15.64 delegate inbox and within that I have
16:18.20 all my task but what happens is I might
16:20.92 be working on other initiatives or I
16:23.72 might be working on different projects
16:25.32 so let me give you a couple of examples
16:26.80 of what a project might be you might
16:28.52 have a project for your personal goals
16:30.44 you might have a project for your team
16:32.16 priorities so then everyone who's who's
16:34.36 on your team knows exactly what
16:35.96 everyone's priorities are uh if you are
16:38.60 in sales you might have a project for
16:41.40 each of your Enterprise customers that
16:43.40 you're trying to close or if you're in
16:47.20 product management then each of your
16:48.84 project might represent a product line
16:51.00 that you're working on and so projects
16:53.56 are actually very very flexible in terms
16:55.80 of its terminology and what it entails
16:59.52 um it's just that within each projects
17:1.36 you have the four quadrants so if you're
17:3.72 a site manager and you manage you know
17:5.84 10 different plants then have a project
17:8.40 for each of those plants the reason is
17:11.20 when you go to those plants then you can
17:12.96 see the priorities for each of those
17:14.52 plants and then you know exactly what it
17:16.12 is that you need to work on so that's my
17:18.20 general recommendation don't be afraid
17:20.88 of creating more projects so in my work
17:23.28 account I have more than 300 projects um
17:26.80 you know covering almost every single
17:29.32 things that I I work on it doesn't mean
17:31.32 that I actually touch all of those but
17:33.32 it gives me a sense of everything that's
17:35.24 happening within the scope of my work
17:38.36 okay so that's a list of projects here
17:40.16 and then what I also have is I have
17:41.68 what's called star projects so these are
17:43.68 at the top of my list these are the
17:45.12 projects I care about and these are the
17:46.96 projects that are most important and
17:48.84 then within each project are the four
17:50.96 quadrants so you can see how I have
17:53.44 these task here that I can create within
17:55.44 each of the quadrants and let me give
17:57.36 you an example so let's just say
17:59.36 I might have to do a task which is
18:1.40 follow up with webinar participants okay
18:4.96 so this is something that I certainly
18:6.20 have to do after this call and then I'm
18:8.32 going to go ahead and say do tomorrow at
18:10.76 2 pm and so this is an example of a task
18:13.68 that I I can create in PR Matrix and so
18:15.96 when I click add here what happens is it
18:18.60 creates a task but part Matrix uses
18:20.88 natural language to interpret that due
18:23.00 date for me so then it will actually set
18:24.64 the due dates in my local time so if
18:27.24 you're on um a different time zone it'll
18:30.64 set it to your time zone and now the
18:32.84 task is created the the date is set and
18:36.04 I could easily have said do in two weeks
18:38.60 or do in five hours um Etc now now that
18:42.80 I created the task on the right hand
18:44.40 side is actually my item details right
18:46.92 and so this is where I have the item
18:48.56 name and then I have the owner so in
18:51.20 this case I created the task so the
18:52.76 owner is me but I can go and actually
18:54.68 delegate this to another person and then
18:57.24 after that I can actually set d dates
18:59.04 and reminders one of the things I want
19:1.16 to emphasize right now is how important
19:3.16 it is to use due dates and reminders in
19:6.08 PR Matrix and the reason is the
19:7.84 following if you want to be effective at
19:11.96 understanding what tasks are important
19:13.80 and Urgent then you need the dimension
19:16.84 of time and so therefore you know even
19:20.12 just putting a due date to something
19:22.36 helps you put it within the perspective
19:25.00 of everything else that you have to do I
19:26.56 mean we don't have infinite time we
19:27.96 don't have infinite resources whatever
19:29.84 it is that we work on will consume some
19:32.68 time and therefore what I like to do is
19:35.56 for every task that's important I set a
19:38.28 due date now there's a difference
19:39.84 between due dates and reminders and let
19:41.28 me give you an example let's just say if
19:44.80 you're working on a really critical
19:46.36 project um or a really critical task and
19:48.88 that task will take you five days of
19:50.72 work to do and you set a do dates doe in
19:53.56 two weeks now when that two weeks come
19:56.56 and you if you haven't started yet on
19:58.16 that project guess what you're not going
19:59.80 to get that done you can't do 5 days of
20:1.52 work in one day and therefore what you
20:3.60 want to do is you want to set reminders
20:5.16 ahead of time to keep it top of mind so
20:7.76 then you know to get started right now
20:9.72 that's a big difference between just
20:11.40 saying that you know you said a due date
20:12.88 and a start date because that puts on
20:14.96 your calendar but still there's no
20:17.04 reminders that's actually telling you
20:18.44 that you need to work on so what I like
20:20.48 to do down here is I'll actually really
20:22.76 I'll just type this out remind me daily
20:25.56 so now I've just created a task um in
20:28.68 Quadrant 4 I've set the due dates and
20:30.72 now I've set a daily re recurring
20:32.56 reminder and the reason why reminders
20:35.44 are so powerful and important is because
20:38.24 it helps us overcome that urgent um
20:42.68 mindset let me explain what happens is
20:46.00 that every single day we're getting
20:48.20 bombarded with new things right so for
20:50.28 example emails every day I get dozens of
20:53.52 new emails in the morning and guess what
20:55.60 it's the last email in that's the first
20:57.92 email that I look look at and you know
20:59.68 I'll try to respond to those and so
21:1.24 forth is that the most important email
21:3.80 unlikely same thing with task you know
21:6.20 your managers your co-workers your
21:8.12 clients your customers will send you
21:10.84 task and ask you to do things but it's
21:13.12 the last thing that they ask um that
21:15.48 ends up being the first thing that you
21:17.12 end up looking at or responding to it's
21:19.12 not the most important and then at the
21:20.96 same time if you don't get it done guess
21:23.36 what whoever goes and respond to that
21:25.64 and circle um and and get back to you
21:29.28 again and again and again they're the
21:31.32 people that's going to get a response
21:32.96 right and so when who someone is loud um
21:36.88 with respect to you know how many times
21:38.80 they ask you to do something or the
21:40.76 frequency in which this get brought up
21:43.32 that creates this false sense of
21:46.36 importance and so similarly with then
21:49.04 party Matrix we try to capitalize on
21:51.32 that and so then for all your most
21:53.08 important tasks you can set a due dates
21:55.36 but set those recurring reminders so
21:57.68 then it competes
21:59.04 with all these other urgent things that
22:0.40 you have and so now on the daily basis
22:2.92 my most important task will get a daily
22:4.76 reminders so then I know oh hey this is
22:7.36 something that's important and I know
22:8.60 it's important and I'm getting this
22:10.16 daily reminders to make sure that it
22:12.28 doesn't get crowded out by all these
22:14.00 other urgent task it's a very very
22:16.32 simple process I I understand that you
22:19.08 know not everyone will end up using it
22:21.48 but I strongly encourage you to do so so
22:25.28 you know if you go into pry Matrix and
22:27.24 you just create 10 Tas task 10 of your
22:29.72 most important tasks set the due dates
22:31.88 set those recurring reminders and I
22:33.96 guarantee you that it'll make you feel
22:36.12 so much better to get it out of your
22:37.76 brain and then knowing that there'll be
22:40.20 notifications and reminders for you to
22:42.16 work on that so that's one of the most
22:44.40 important features in Prometric in terms
22:46.36 of um balancing all these things that
22:50.28 that are coming at you um now within the
22:52.72 item details there's a lot of other
22:54.24 things you can do one of the things you
22:55.68 can do is you can star a task that's
22:57.52 similar to starring a project starring a
22:59.32 task means it's at the very top of your
23:1.04 list um within each quadrants and then
23:3.36 you can click on the add icon here and
23:5.56 and add an icon to it so for example you
23:8.16 know I've seen customers use red yellow
23:10.32 and green as a way to say hey this
23:11.92 thing's on schedule this thing's behind
23:13.32 schedule but maybe for your personal
23:15.44 task maybe something's related to travel
23:17.72 so you can choose that or related to
23:19.52 something else to home or something like
23:21.16 that um so that's a way to just to add
23:23.16 the icon it's Visual and you can sort it
23:25.40 and organize it that
23:27.12 way now in the bottom here of the item
23:29.72 details you have that chat which is
23:31.40 where I send those messages earlier but
23:33.92 it also serve as a place of
23:35.88 communication so what that means is that
23:38.32 if you're working with a coworker they
23:40.04 can respond to this and you can you can
23:42.20 both have conversation back and forth
23:44.24 within the context of this task which is
23:47.28 very very important so when we think
23:49.28 about you know a conversation we have
23:51.28 with a coworker let me give you an
23:52.64 example let's just say you know you're
23:55.56 standing in the hallway and you're
23:57.80 talking about a very very important task
24:0.28 and you come up with a bunch of great
24:1.68 ideas and you come up with a bunch uh of
24:4.00 tasks that you want to do you both go
24:6.52 back to the office and then you know of
24:9.36 course you got new emails new tasks and
24:11.12 then you forget to write down all those
24:12.68 things two weeks later you reconvene and
24:15.00 you're like wait a minute did we write
24:16.28 down those things or um what was it that
24:18.92 we said guess what you've forgotten all
24:20.72 of it right U because you're not no
24:22.80 longer thinking about that and it's no
24:24.28 longer within context the difference
24:26.24 between a contextual conversation in a
24:28.60 chat here is that you have all that
24:30.68 information related to this task and
24:33.32 again it's very simple but it's it's the
24:35.60 equivalent of an email thread um there's
24:38.24 a reason why you have an email thread as
24:40.08 opposed to constantly creating new and
24:41.80 new emails but one of the most powerful
24:44.60 things about this this chat section is
24:47.92 the ability for you to assign a task to
24:50.32 a different person and they'll get the
24:52.76 full historical conversation and they
24:55.64 can actually have a good understanding
24:57.76 of exact everything that's been
24:59.36 discussed um and the time stamp of all
25:1.88 the changes in in priorities or um
25:5.48 change in quadrant or due dates Etc so
25:7.88 that's very very useful then next up you
25:10.12 have the notes section this is where you
25:11.48 can create subtask and add notes related
25:14.08 to the task itself and then next to that
25:16.84 you have the resources section where you
25:18.24 can upload files emails links um images
25:22.48 that's relevant to the task okay so
25:24.20 that's item details that's the quadrant
25:26.80 and this is the list of projects
25:28.84 so now let's talk about personal goals
25:31.72 um that or actually how to how to create
25:34.76 goals in prod Matrix and some of the
25:36.56 tips that I would like to give you so
25:38.72 one of the things I would like you to do
25:40.40 is create a project called goals for
25:42.76 2024 the way you do that is you click on
25:45.44 Project then create
25:47.88 project and then here you can choose a
25:50.48 blank project so I'm going to go ahead
25:52.40 and create a project here I already have
25:54.64 a project called goals for 2024 so I'm
25:57.32 going to go ahead and call goals for Q3
26:1.20 2024 okay and go ahead and create that
26:3.76 project here and then I'm going to
26:4.92 choose a color and then click add
26:6.64 project so when I create a project like
26:9.04 that now the project is selected in the
26:11.76 middle is the four quadrants again it it
26:13.92 chooses the color coding for me um I
26:16.68 like color coding as a way to categorize
26:20.16 different types of projects so sometimes
26:22.08 you know you might want to use orange
26:23.60 projects for all your personal and then
26:25.28 green projects for all your work or
26:27.12 different departments ET
26:28.80 so now we have a project goals for Q3
26:31.32 2024 now a couple things I want to do
26:33.92 one I want to customize this project so
26:35.84 when this project is selected on the
26:37.60 right hand side is my project details so
26:40.88 here I have the do now do later delegate
26:43.20 postpone I'm going to go ahead and
26:44.80 change this to long-term goals and then
26:47.88 change this to shortterm
26:50.48 goals and then change this to anti-
26:54.44 goals and then I'll change this to catch
26:57.96 all
26:59.44 okay so now I've customized the four
27:2.52 quadrants to reflect this project around
27:4.80 goals for my quarter so now let's start
27:7.72 with creating a something that I want to
27:9.56 do so for example read a new business
27:15.28 book monthly okay so imagine this very
27:18.36 very simple task that I have um within
27:21.48 the goals that I have for this
27:22.64 particular quarter now here's the thing
27:25.80 here's the reason why people never
27:28.52 achieve their um New Year goals because
27:33.84 they will go and have a goal like like
27:37.80 something like this for example at the
27:39.72 beginning of the year you go and you
27:41.36 create a goal and you say I'm going to
27:42.44 read a new business book monthly guess
27:44.60 what you write that down you're like
27:46.00 that's fantastic I'm GNA get started the
27:47.72 first month it's still somewhat top of
27:49.68 mine right the second month you already
27:52.52 have so many other things that's
27:53.64 happening you're going start to forget
27:55.08 it and once in a while you remember by
27:56.80 the third month you haven't thought
27:58.24 about this goal for a long time and then
28:0.28 that gets dropped off completely and
28:2.20 this happens to every single thing that
28:4.28 we do so one of the strategies that I
28:7.92 employ which I recommend that you do too
28:10.92 is when you create a project like this
28:13.20 create that goal and then down here say
28:17.04 remind me monthly so now on a monthly
28:21.64 basis party Matrix will send me a
28:23.68 reminder to work on this goal and that
28:27.08 is a very very simple strategy um that
28:30.08 you can use to make sure that you work
28:31.96 on the goals that you need to work on
28:33.64 and so I recommend that you can you
28:35.80 create one of these goals project for
28:37.52 yourself write down everything that you
28:39.60 want to achieve this year this quarter
28:41.72 whatever it is um and you could even go
28:43.68 longterm as in like you know five years
28:45.80 out or whatever and then just set these
28:47.96 recurring reminders for every single one
28:50.56 of your goals as a way to ensure that it
28:53.00 becomes top of mind and it stays top of
28:55.84 mind okay so that's an examp example of
28:58.84 a way for you to create a personal goal
29:0.44 and then afterwards I'm going to go
29:1.84 ahead and drag this up here so now I
29:4.12 have just reprioritize it and then every
29:6.96 once in a while I will go and look at
29:8.88 this and look at my goals and know what
29:10.52 it designed to work on so one of the
29:12.56 things I talked about is reminder so how
29:14.56 does it come in if you go to the home
29:16.56 section here what happens is there's an
29:18.92 a section called alerts in the alerts
29:21.52 view it tells you everything that's
29:23.36 relevant to you so what that means is
29:25.80 that you know these are items that you
29:27.24 follow as in
29:28.64 task that um maybe you assigned to other
29:31.00 people or task that people assign to you
29:34.08 or task where due dates and reminders
29:36.64 trigger so whenever you go to the home
29:38.72 view here these are the items that
29:40.48 require your attention it's just like
29:42.72 your inbox and then as you click through
29:44.76 each of these it goes away one of the
29:47.12 things I like to do is that if I don't
29:49.04 go through all of my alerts and I've
29:51.48 I've scanned through it and I know you
29:53.00 know these are every I've already
29:54.72 tackled everything that's important I'd
29:56.52 like to go and clear all not ifications
29:58.92 so for example in this case I'm going to
30:0.44 go ahead and clear everything older than
30:1.72 a week um and now suddenly my list is
30:4.52 smaller and I can actually just go
30:5.80 through the things that's most important
30:7.60 and then what happens is that if I I
30:10.44 happen to forget one of those important
30:12.88 tasks guess what I've set those
30:14.64 recurring reminders and so either the
30:16.56 next day or the next week or the next
30:18.24 month it'll pop back up again and then
30:20.64 I'll see it on here and it triggers my
30:22.52 memory and then I know to work on it so
30:25.68 that's how you deal with um setting
30:28.20 goals and making sure that you work with
30:30.20 them one of the things you can do too in
30:32.12 PR Matrix is actually go to What's
30:33.52 called the agenda view the agenda view
30:36.04 takes everything that have due dates um
30:38.08 and actually show you the things you
30:39.48 need to work on so as we talk about the
30:42.28 task that's on our list we have both
30:43.96 personal tasks as well as work tasks
30:45.72 right and therefore they span across all
30:49.32 these different projects so when you go
30:51.28 to the home View and then to the agenda
30:53.28 view it shows you everything across all
30:55.96 of your projects that are due either
30:58.60 today or tomorrow or whatever it is over
31:0.92 the next few days so it's a very very
31:2.96 simple um uh way to ensure that you work
31:7.28 on things regardless of what project it
31:9.96 belongs in and if you go to this top
31:12.88 right here you can actually change to
31:15.28 only items that you own which means that
31:18.20 have been delegated to you um or you
31:20.84 know that you've created or items that
31:22.80 you follow which means you're able to
31:24.88 also see tasks that your co-workers are
31:27.44 working on so an example might be you're
31:30.16 a manager you have five or 10 direct
31:32.12 reports you assign a lot of tasks to
31:34.20 different direct reports and you want to
31:36.08 know what are the things that's on their
31:37.88 plate as well then when you go to this
31:39.72 View and you you choose items I follow
31:42.28 then you able to see the tasks that they
31:44.32 have that's coming
31:45.92 up um one of the things I mentioned is
31:48.76 around team prioritization and making
31:50.96 sure that everyone's on the same page
31:53.00 similar to how I created a goal for for
31:55.44 my 2024 one of the things I can do is I
31:58.04 can actually create a project for team
32:0.00 priorities so in this particular case as
32:2.24 you can see I choose team priorities the
32:4.72 quadrant names here are actually
32:6.32 slightly different um and then on the
32:8.64 right hand side here under members you
32:10.72 can see that I actually have other
32:12.24 people in this project it's not just me
32:14.68 so what that means is that when my
32:16.32 co-workers log into their party Matrix
32:18.64 they'll see the exact same information
32:20.64 in this project as I do and that's how
32:23.24 you create transparency and that's how
32:25.40 you keep everyone on the same page
32:28.08 imagine this you create a project called
32:30.52 team priorities and then within it you
32:33.12 you write down all the priorities for
32:35.52 each of your uh your staff members then
32:38.96 on a weekly basis when you have your
32:40.72 staff meetings just project part Matrix
32:44.36 onto the big screen and now suddenly
32:47.44 everyone's on the same page everyone can
32:49.56 see exactly what everyone's priorities
32:51.32 are then you can focus on the things
32:54.44 that are truly important one of the
32:56.28 biggest time wasters is is actually
32:58.44 having a meeting to talk about something
33:0.12 that doesn't matter right and so what
33:1.96 that means is that you shouldn't spend
33:4.32 any time talking about the things that
33:5.80 in quadrant four for example instead
33:8.24 talk about the things that are in
33:9.12 quadrant one and then a little bit of
33:10.96 time talking about the things that are
33:11.88 quadrant two so you start playing for
33:13.56 that and what happens is that everyone
33:15.64 will look at it and then someone will
33:17.76 say wait a minute this other task is
33:20.32 much more important why isn't it in
33:21.80 quadrant one or the vice versa this task
33:24.72 is no longer important we should get rid
33:26.32 of it and so you can see how you can
33:29.24 actually make your meeting so much more
33:30.80 effective and so if you're a manager i'
33:33.72 highly highly recommend that particular
33:35.96 step which is to project prod Matrix
33:38.24 onto the onto the screen in your office
33:40.56 or sharing the screen when you're in a
33:42.24 meeting and guess what your
33:44.24 conversations will be far far more
33:46.40 effective because everyone's on the same
33:48.56 page and you're not spending time
33:50.52 talking about things that don't matter
33:53.12 so the way that you add team members you
33:55.04 just simply click on this plus here you
33:57.08 choose the approach team members and now
33:59.48 whoever's invited they can accept the
34:1.20 project and they'll see the the same
34:3.04 thing they can make modifications to it
34:5.28 one of the things I like about this too
34:7.04 is what I called
34:9.04 asynchronous um uh you can you can
34:12.12 actually know exactly what the
34:13.60 priorities are asynchronously so what
34:15.84 that means is that you don't have to
34:17.48 have a meeting to be on the same page
34:19.68 anyone at any point in time can open up
34:23.88 the team priorities project and see the
34:25.76 priorities across their entire um team
34:28.48 and then as you use protom Matrix more
34:30.48 and you're creating different projects
34:31.88 that covers you know your product line
34:34.04 your operations your marketing and so
34:36.28 forth you can actually get visibility
34:38.28 into everything that's important at any
34:40.92 point in time in real time without
34:43.24 having a necessary meaning so I do want
34:45.40 to emphasize how powerful that is and
34:47.64 here's the the amazing thing that that
34:51.32 happens when everyone uses PR Matrix so
34:54.08 let's just say if you have a project and
34:56.24 you have a lot of priorities in it
34:58.24 um and then you go on a leave of absence
35:1.04 so either medical leave or you're out
35:3.40 for the day guess what someone else can
35:6.12 come in to the project and look at your
35:8.60 priorities look at the things you're
35:9.84 working on look at the things that's due
35:11.48 today and know exactly what to take over
35:14.44 right they don't have to ping you they
35:15.76 don't have to call you and panic around
35:17.92 what are the things you worked on but
35:20.00 here's another magical thing about it
35:22.40 which is imagine if you have a
35:24.88 salesperson and that salesperson is
35:26.76 working on a very very critical lead uh
35:30.04 and it's an Enterprise customers there's
35:31.64 a lot of tasks that's been opened
35:33.04 there's so many conversations you need
35:34.88 to know what are the things that's
35:36.16 important to the customers and all that
35:38.20 now that salesperson's lead if they
35:40.28 don't use protom metrix and they wrote
35:41.96 everything down in their emails or on a
35:44.04 piece of paper guess what no one else
35:46.16 can take over and know exactly what to
35:48.04 do and you have to restart the entire
35:49.72 process but instead if that salesperson
35:52.52 had used party Matrix someone else can
35:54.52 literally take over the Matrix know
35:56.64 exactly what the priority are can click
35:58.64 on every single task and know the notes
36:1.40 um and see the notes and the details and
36:4.00 the history of all those changes it is
36:6.68 so so powerful um as a way to ensure
36:10.68 that that you know you have this
36:12.48 organizational knowledge that's not lost
36:15.08 now you can say the same thing applies
36:18.20 if you use any task management system
36:20.40 but the difference with prod Matrix is
36:22.48 the four quadrants here so being able to
36:25.04 see what the person considered to be
36:27.64 highest priority important and Urgent
36:29.80 and then you know important but not
36:31.72 urgent that's the kind of information
36:34.08 that gets lost real easily when you
36:36.40 don't use something like patrix so keep
36:38.56 that in mind as you think about how you
36:40.68 want to implement PR Matrix um it's so
36:43.00 powerful especially if you're a manager
36:45.68 okay so what that means is that after
36:47.52 today's calls I recommend that you
36:49.68 create that project for your goals that
36:52.32 project for your personal priorities
36:54.16 that project for your team priorities
36:56.04 and make sure that you invite the appro
36:57.88 people now let's talk about how to
37:1.60 manage your personal task versus your um
37:6.32 your uh work task so as you can see you
37:9.60 know I have to click through these
37:11.40 different projects and so forth to see
37:13.96 the tasks I have for me personally uh
37:16.32 personal as in you know maybe outside of
37:18.84 work but one of the things you can do in
37:20.84 promatrix is actually look at what's
37:22.92 called the global view so on the left
37:25.36 hand side here I have a lot of different
37:26.84 Global views I can actually go to the
37:28.96 calendar view and this is um a a
37:32.36 calendar view of all the tasks I have
37:34.24 across all of my projects and what I can
37:36.44 do is actually I can click on this
37:37.96 project here and then just choose the
37:40.04 appropriate project right so of course I
37:42.00 have a lot of projects here but I can
37:43.72 actually just select the project that
37:45.04 matters and so if you use prod Matrix on
37:47.44 a personal level you can go to here to
37:49.76 select your personal project and now you
37:51.48 see your calendar for your personal
37:53.40 projects or if you use prot Matrix to
37:55.72 track the tasks that you have to do for
37:57.24 your your client you can actually just
37:59.48 choose that project and see all the
38:1.24 things you have to do for that
38:2.40 particular client across all of your
38:4.88 projects so that's an example of a
38:7.48 global view the another global view is
38:9.64 the search view if you click on the
38:11.36 search view this is what used to be
38:13.24 called The Master view it shows you
38:16.04 everything across all of your pry Matrix
38:18.72 that you have access to um and give you
38:21.12 whatever it is that you need to make you
38:23.44 know to decide what you need to work on
38:25.28 so when you go to this view you can
38:26.80 search for all your task and it shows up
38:29.24 in this one list and you can actually
38:30.68 sort it and all that and what's nice
38:32.56 about this is you can actually see
38:33.80 things that are overdue um because
38:35.64 they'll turn red and you can select them
38:37.72 regardless of what project they're in
38:40.12 but you can actually go to the filter
38:41.80 section here and then start selecting
38:44.76 tasks that are assigned to specific
38:46.60 people so for example let's just say if
38:50.00 you're managing five or 10 people and
38:52.68 you want to know what is so and so
38:54.76 working on right you know what is
38:56.16 Eugenia working on and so I can actually
38:58.20 go to this filter section in the search
39:0.20 View and see exactly what Eugenia is
39:2.40 working on across all the pr matrics um
39:5.64 all projects that you have access to and
39:7.80 then now you can see okay you know what
39:9.80 I see Eugenia has a lot of tasks that
39:11.60 overdue uh or you know a lot of these
39:14.00 tasks haven't been touched in a while
39:15.72 and then I can go to rep prioritize or I
39:17.48 can bring it up and have a conversation
39:19.24 with her so what happens with patrix is
39:21.92 that in the master viiew you can gather
39:24.64 all sorts of information that helps you
39:26.20 make decisions you you can also see the
39:28.32 task that Eugene finished right and then
39:30.76 you can also see the task that Eugene
39:32.52 finished in quadrant one and so by using
39:35.68 the the filter system in the master view
39:38.48 I can actually have full visibility on
39:41.12 everything that's important across all
39:43.08 of my co-workers and myself included
39:46.04 obviously um and then not only that
39:48.88 you're able to include specific projects
39:51.12 exclude specific projects and then find
39:54.08 the um items that are tagged in
39:56.24 different ways so I want to bring that
39:58.32 up is be because when you use prod
40:0.52 Matrix you're going to find that you
40:1.84 create so many different projects that
40:4.04 cover so many different topics but rest
40:6.92 assure that prod Matrix gives you so
40:8.92 many different ways to filter out that
40:10.68 information so you get to what you need
40:13.16 and then once you've created something
40:14.84 like this you can print it out so
40:17.32 imagine if a use case here let's just
40:20.36 say you're doing your performance review
40:22.60 right and now you want to find out hey
40:24.72 what are all the things I worked on last
40:26.32 quarter well you can go to the master
40:28.44 viiew select you select the things you
40:31.12 finish select the time span select the
40:34.04 projects that are appropriate and then
40:35.80 print that out or export that as a CSV
40:38.36 or whatever and you can use that to put
40:40.64 into your performance reviews so you get
40:43.40 that really good visibility now there's
40:45.72 a couple of other views but one thing I
40:47.40 want to show you is actually what's
40:49.04 called workload management so as you use
40:51.80 prod Matrix more one thing you're going
40:53.48 to find is that you know um for you
40:56.04 personally you can you can see the
40:58.12 number of things you have on every
40:59.64 single day so when I go to workload
41:1.80 managements I can actually see myself
41:3.88 and I can see the number of tasks I have
41:5.60 due on each of those days and I can
41:7.64 click on it and then change it or modify
41:9.92 them and open them and do whatever it is
41:11.76 that I need to do but one thing that's
41:13.60 useful here too is if you have to manage
41:16.32 the workload of your co-workers this
41:18.92 view also lets you see who has what on
41:22.40 their plates and who's going to be
41:23.92 overwhelmed right so let's just say if
41:25.88 you have a new project that's getting
41:27.32 started um and you want to ensure that
41:29.24 you assigned it to someone who has the
41:30.80 capacity to do it this workload
41:32.80 management report gives you that
41:34.48 visibility um across every team member
41:37.36 that you work with across all of your
41:39.24 projects and you could drill down as
41:41.08 needed and then not only that as you use
41:43.28 produ Matrix more you can actually
41:45.20 create what's called effort um so you
41:47.60 can say that you know this task would
41:49.00 take you half a day or 4 hours or
41:52.12 whatever and then you can actually go
41:54.44 and
41:55.76 review their work work based on the
41:58.08 number of effort hours or schedule hours
42:0.40 that's on their plates so you can't
42:2.32 expect someone to do 60 hours worth of
42:4.08 work in 40 hours um and therefore when
42:6.64 you go to a view like this you can
42:8.00 actually shift them around as needed
42:10.92 okay so in a nutshell um this at a high
42:14.68 level is how I recommend that you
42:17.24 approach PR Matrix okay so make sure
42:19.92 that if you use PR Matrix on a personal
42:21.76 level again make sure you have that
42:23.56 personal priorities and if you manage
42:25.84 other team members even even if you
42:27.68 don't want them in per Matrix or don't
42:29.56 need them in per Matrix yet create that
42:31.80 project for call team priorities and
42:34.04 just project that onto the screen
42:35.92 whenever you have your the meeting with
42:37.68 your team members and then actually if
42:40.04 you work with external clients and you
42:42.24 want to ensure that you and your
42:44.04 external clients are on the same page
42:45.92 it's the exact same exercise it's all
42:48.52 around putting it down into something
42:51.24 tangible and the um a list just doesn't
42:54.28 cut it you know I'm I'm sure so many
42:56.52 people have used list before what
42:58.28 happens with the list is where do you
42:59.92 start at the top or at the bottom so by
43:2.04 using per Matrix using the the quadrants
43:5.24 it's so clear what the priorities are
43:8.04 and so clear when you have discrepancies
43:10.96 and disagreements that you can focus on
43:13.08 that
43:14.16 disagreement so don't be afraid to
43:16.32 create those projects make sure that you
43:17.68 create whatever is needed one last thing
43:19.60 I'm going to show you is actually
43:20.96 Integrations with emails um mostly
43:23.32 because all of us struggle with email
43:25.08 management PR Matrix is one of the best
43:26.72 email prioritization system so if you
43:29.32 happen to use outlook for example you
43:31.44 can install our P Matrix for Outlook so
43:33.64 if you go to apps here you click add
43:35.68 apps and search for prod Matrix turn
43:37.36 email into task so when you get an email
43:40.32 in in Outlook instead of just flagging
43:42.84 it as unread or you know hoping that
43:45.00 you'll remember to get back to it you
43:46.72 can actually click on our app and then
43:48.60 choose prioritize email able to take any
43:51.40 email and create a task in party Matrix
43:54.44 from that email and then what's powerful
43:56.76 about to is that you're able to go and
43:59.48 take that email and put in the
44:1.56 appropriate projects and assign to the
44:3.16 appropriate people let me see here
44:8.64 oops see if I that opens up it's
44:18.68 loading oh now I click a little too fast
44:22.08 usually it's much faster than that so I
44:23.72 was trying to be impatient here because
44:26.08 that's what I like like to I tend to do
44:29.20 so go try one more time here and so now
44:32.16 there you go what happens is I take an
44:33.80 email I can actually convert that into a
44:35.68 task I can actually choose the quadrant
44:37.56 it goes in I can choose the the project
44:39.64 it goes in um and then I can set a due
44:43.36 dat um and then I can assign it to
44:45.40 another person that's needed it's a very
44:47.36 very powerful way to ensure that my most
44:49.84 important emails are not forgotten and
44:51.92 so as I mentioned earlier you know
44:53.80 setting a due date to something and
44:55.64 setting a reminder to something is a way
44:57.60 to trick our brain to ensure that we
44:59.48 don't lose track of that so for me there
45:1.96 are emails where I can't to respond to
45:4.08 at this moment in time and need to
45:5.84 respond to within a week or two weeks or
45:7.80 something like that I can't just flag it
45:9.76 because then I have so many flag emails
45:11.20 already so I would go into part Matrix
45:13.48 and set this another cool thing you can
45:15.56 do party Matrix is get your inbox
45:17.36 address so what that means is that if
45:19.32 you go to back to party Matrix here
45:21.00 click on inbox all of you have What's
45:23.24 called the secret inbox address so what
45:25.72 that means is that you can click on this
45:27.32 secret inbox get that email address and
45:30.00 now when you have an email and you can
45:32.16 actually just click forward and then you
45:34.96 can actually forward to inbox address
45:37.20 and you're able to create a task in py
45:38.84 Matrix just by forwarding the email but
45:41.24 here's the the useful part which is I
45:44.44 can actually type do tomorrow remind me
45:47.72 daily and part Matrix will interpret
45:50.08 those as commands to make sure that I
45:51.72 set the due dates and set the reminders
45:54.24 for these emails I use this all the time
45:56.64 when on my mobile device and so I happen
45:59.36 to use an iPhone and I use apple mail I
46:1.92 don't have an Outlook extension for that
46:3.84 but if I get an important email I would
46:6.08 click forward and then I'll set the due
46:8.00 dates and the reminders and now I know
46:10.48 that I'll remember to actually access
46:12.92 and open up that email and respond to it
46:15.16 as needed very very useful way to ensure
46:17.92 that we work on the right
46:19.52 things okay I'm going to go ahead and go
46:22.00 back to my presentation real quick here
46:27.40 so let's wrap things up um now it's up
46:30.68 to you um sign up for prod Matrix if you
46:33.04 haven't already if you use teams Outlook
46:36.08 uh make sure that you install our
46:37.16 applications for teams and Outlook so we
46:39.44 probably have one of the best out uh
46:40.92 teams Integrations as well what that
46:43.00 means is that we actually allow you to
46:44.84 send tasks back and forth and then
46:46.92 within Outlook you can actually open Pro
46:48.72 Matrix within Outlook too you don't even
46:50.88 have to open our application on the web
46:53.24 but if you happen to use um Mac or or
46:55.92 Windows you can also install our desktop
46:58.52 apps and so we having it having part
47:0.36 Matrix everywhere it's completely
47:2.56 ubiquitous allow you to access
47:4.20 everything that you
47:5.20 need at the very least create three
47:7.56 projects the personal priorities the
47:9.08 share team priorities and your goals um
47:11.44 the reason I emphasize that is because
47:13.76 it's so important that you use patrix
47:16.20 successfully you know I know that at the
47:18.36 end of the day um once you you use
47:22.28 patrix well you'll bring it to your team
47:24.84 and then you'll bring it to your
47:25.76 organization but all starts with you so
47:28.28 I can't emphasize that enough that when
47:30.64 you use it to set your personal goals if
47:33.48 you do nothing else just putting things
47:35.92 down in a tangible form will be so
47:38.16 powerful and so helpful to your your
47:40.96 mentality um when you create task and PR
47:43.40 Matrix make sure that the most important
47:45.64 task all have due dates and reminders
47:47.84 and then make sure you put in the
47:48.96 appropriate quadrants and and feel free
47:51.20 to customize the quadrants in a way that
47:53.16 makes sense to you and then lastly
47:56.08 ruthlessly prioritize we just have too
47:58.92 many things on our plate you know I have
48:0.96 300 plus projects I have more than
48:2.56 10,000 items with patrix I'm actually
48:5.16 not that overwhelmed the vast majority
48:7.20 of those items are sort of in the back
48:9.12 burner but I'm able to take them out put
48:11.52 them down and then you know essentially
48:14.12 um I don't have to think about them
48:15.52 until I need to find them or something
48:17.16 like that and then I can actually just
48:19.16 focus on those star task in those star
48:23.56 projects what success with promatrix
48:25.88 should look like on a personal level you
48:27.52 should be checking Patric every week um
48:30.36 at least to remind yourself of your
48:31.80 goals um that's the most powerful way to
48:34.36 ensure that you work on all those
48:36.20 important things and then as you use
48:38.12 prrix more it should become the one
48:40.88 central place to track your priorities
48:42.56 now we integrate with you know a lot of
48:45.12 other tools as well that are way to
48:47.36 track task and all that but if you use
48:49.64 petric correctly it can meet the needs
48:52.40 of of every task management it has all
48:54.64 the task management and project
48:55.84 management features that you can
48:57.56 possibly want so uh party Matrix will
49:0.00 become That central place at the team
49:2.24 level everyone becomes aligned on the
49:4.84 key task and so I can't emphasize enough
49:8.68 how powerful it is that when you just
49:10.96 project party Matrix on the big screen
49:13.04 during your team meeting how much more
49:15.32 aligned your team members will be
49:17.68 because all these things that we take
49:19.32 for granted we think everyone's on the
49:21.32 same page we're not um so therefore when
49:24.84 you project it on the screen you able to
49:26.72 to see and communicate to others what
49:29.20 the priorities are and then talk about
49:30.92 the things where you disagree and then
49:32.80 of course if you have important emails
49:34.76 don't just forward it to a coworker
49:36.96 create a task in PR Matrix put in the
49:39.40 appropriate quadrants put in the
49:41.04 appropriate um reminders and due dates
49:44.32 and then assign them to the right people
49:46.40 so then you have one central place to
49:47.96 have a conversation around that email so
49:50.36 you're not talking about that emails in
49:51.92 an email thread instead you're having
49:53.88 that communication within the part
49:55.88 Matrix chat
49:58.72 okay with that I finished my
50:0.40 presentation and demoed I'd be happy to
50:2.16 field any questions that you have you
50:4.04 can send them in the chat you can also
50:6.76 um send me an email to hia
50:9.44 and I'd be happy to talk about your
50:11.44 specific use cases and how you can best
50:13.80 leverage for Matrix