Advanced Users' Guide to Priority Matrix
Video presented by Hai Nguyen
Webinar on
So, you've been using Priority Matrix for a while. You know the ins and outs. You create tasks, you prioritize them, you set due dates and reminders. Now, what's next?
What are the features of Priority Matrix that you should use next to get to the next level?
Join me in this webinar to explore advanced ways to use PM to really get things done. I'll share some tips and tricks that I use to manage hundreds of PM projects and tens of thousands of tasks -- and still stay sane!
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Video transcription (51:53.56)
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3.28s ahead and get started thank you so much
5.48s for being here today you should be able
7.04s to see my screen my name is hi I'm
9.60s co-founder of affluence the company
12.12s behind party Matrix um today's webinar
14.80s is on the advanced user guide for party
17.88s Matrix so I'll be sharing a lot of
19.76s things um that are intended for folks
22.68s who are familiar with party Matrix
24.16s already so hopefully all of you here
25.84s today and anyone who's listening to the
27.28s call afterwards that you're already
29.16s familiar with Matrix and you're looking
30.88s for ways to accelerate your usage of
33.36s Matrix to maximize your
35.48s success I do want to mention that this
37.72s webinar is recorded and so I'll be
39.44s sharing the webinar with everybody
41.08s afterwards and then if you're interested
43.24s in the more basic version of the webinar
46.04s we actually have all of those posted on
48.08s our website as well with that let's go
51.52s ahead and get
56.96s started my goals for today um I'll be
1:0.16 sharing my tips and tricks on using
1:1.92 patrix and I'll try to share some of the
1:4.08 things that I do personally um in order
1:6.40 to you know maybe give you some ideas on
1:8.32 how you can leverage promatrix as well
1:10.60 and then second of all how to manage 50
1:12.76 plus projects now I imagine that you
1:15.24 know if you've used party Matrix for a
1:16.72 while the number of projects that you
1:18.00 have will grow very very quickly me
1:20.40 personally in my my work account I have
1:23.36 more than 300 projects and more than
1:25.44 10,000 task and patrix is one of those
1:28.04 software that actually continues to work
1:30.44 really really well despite the number of
1:34.04 projects and number of tasks that you
1:35.56 have and so I think the way the part
1:37.32 Matrix is structured is conducive to
1:39.52 such scenario and then thirdly how to
1:42.20 help you integrate party Matrix deep
1:44.36 into your workflow that's I think one of
1:46.72 the most important thing which is py
1:48.20 Matrix should be there wherever it is
1:50.44 that you need it to be in terms of
1:52.56 creating task and in terms of finding
1:54.68 what you need to work on and then a
1:56.68 couple of things to help you manage all
1:59.16 these complex that arises from just
2:1.48 having so much data right how to Archive
2:4.20 projects how to use advanced search and
2:6.00 and filters in order to you know narrow
2:8.72 down what it is you need to focus on
2:10.20 every single day and then lastly the
2:12.60 most generic thing I can possibly say
2:14.84 how to use promatrix to achieve
2:16.56 everything you want to achieve and my
2:19.60 goal personally with promatrix as a a
2:22.00 software is that it should help you
2:25.20 become more successful become the most
2:27.80 successful version of you and part of
2:30.36 that means putting your effort where you
2:33.12 have the most impact and then secondly
2:35.72 how to achieve those goals that you want
2:37.96 to achieve whether it's getting a
2:39.92 promotion or whether becomes more uh
2:42.12 become more effective at managing your
2:43.68 time and personally I feel that one of
2:47.12 the uh worst thing we can do with our
2:49.76 time is to work on things that don't
2:51.56 matter right and imagine how much time
2:53.52 and effort all of you have gone through
2:56.16 working on critical projects that you
2:58.40 thought were important but at at the end
3:0.08 of the day they turned out not to be so
3:2.24 and so I want to provide you some
3:4.52 thoughts and guidance on how to actually
3:7.92 constantly be using part Matrix to shift
3:10.80 your focus to the most important
3:14.32 task the other thing I do want to
3:16.36 mention is there is a chat section in
3:18.36 the webinar here so if you have any
3:19.92 questions send them there and I'd be
3:21.40 happy to address them after the
3:26.28 demo one thing I want to remind
3:28.96 everybody is why do you even prioritize
3:32.68 uh there's three reasons customers come
3:34.20 to promatrix the better keep track on
3:37.00 the status of work across many areas
3:39.88 responsibilities to create alignment
3:42.28 across team members so that everyone
3:44.04 knows what's important to Take Back
3:46.56 Control of emails and meetings and then
3:50.40 aside the corer to that is what happens
3:52.96 when you don't prioritize which is you
3:55.40 lose sight of what's important and you
3:57.16 work on the wrong things or you feel
3:59.28 busy but you're not meeting your goals
4:1.44 and then you're completely overwhelmed
4:3.08 by emails and meetings now I don't have
4:5.36 to remind you you know the people
4:7.20 listening to this call and all you folks
4:8.92 who are here today on the webinar why it
4:11.72 it is important to prioritize but it is
4:14.52 so useful to always come back and think
4:18.92 about our primary reason for using
4:21.76 something like party Matrix because I
4:23.68 think that you know I've talked to so
4:25.08 many customers where you get really
4:26.96 excited initially when you use prod
4:28.56 Matrix but then after a while you know
4:31.60 you start getting maybe overwhelmed or
4:33.96 you realize there's just so many things
4:35.12 to do and then you start dropping off in
4:37.04 terms of your usage of patrix but never
4:39.64 forget the reason why you came to patrix
4:42.44 in the first place and these are the
4:44.36 reasons right and what happens is that
4:47.48 um I actually heard feedback from a
4:49.08 customer where you know they haven't
4:51.36 used party Matrix in a long time and
4:53.12 they started forgetting about it and
4:54.84 then suddenly they remembered the reason
4:57.36 why they started using p Matrix in the
4:58.80 first place and then happened to watch
5:0.44 one of these webinars and then suddenly
5:2.36 got excited again and suddenly started
5:4.60 feeling Clarity again and so sometimes
5:6.84 you know we are so overwhelmed we're too
5:8.72 busy to prioritize for lack of better
5:10.56 words and it is the most ironic thing um
5:13.52 with all that so I do want to remind you
5:15.88 you know just keep in the back of your
5:17.40 mind whenever you sort of lose track of
5:19.92 party Matrix or you lose track of your
5:21.56 key action items just think about your
5:23.68 initial reason why you came to the
5:26.80 software and of course party Matrix
5:29.76 helps you at the individual level and
5:32.36 then help you at the team level and help
5:34.16 you at the organizational level so you
5:36.20 know for some of you you might already
5:38.00 be using patrix at the team or
5:40.00 organizational level but as part of your
5:42.96 user guide as part of your advancement
5:45.44 through PR Matrix ecosystem realize that
5:48.08 if you're only using PR Matrix today for
5:50.48 individual task management that it has
5:52.68 become so much more powerful when you
5:54.60 start using it in a team environment and
5:56.72 then equally in a in an organization
6:3.60 and of course never forget the the
6:6.44 famous quote attributes to former
6:7.84 president Eisen Hower what is important
6:10.00 is seldom urgent and what is urgent is
6:12.12 seldom important so whenever it is that
6:14.24 you're prioritizing your task whenever
6:16.04 it is you're deciding what is that you
6:17.36 want to work on today always have this
6:19.80 quote in the back back of your mind and
6:21.96 so we're always thinking about hey what
6:23.72 are the things that are truly important
6:25.48 and urgent that I need to focus my time
6:27.64 on and then what else can I drop because
6:29.76 if everything's important and Urgent
6:31.28 then nothing is never forget that and so
6:34.28 hopefully um I'm bringing this up
6:36.44 because you know I want to you to think
6:39.96 about the philosophy behind promatrix as
6:42.64 much as the feature itself you know at
6:44.60 the end of the day the software is there
6:46.76 just to help you um but we're just a
6:49.00 software I mean if you use it well then
6:51.36 I think you'll be successful and if you
6:52.88 don't use it well it doesn't matter how
6:54.76 good the software is right and um in in
6:57.76 my opinion too you know you can achieve
6:59.60 a lot of the things that you achieve
7:1.00 with promatrix with any other software
7:3.76 we just happen to have the right um
7:6.60 structure and methodology to make you
7:8.32 successful and so I want to emphasize
7:10.80 the philosophy just as much as the
7:16.36 solution couple of tips um as you scale
7:19.52 up promatrix and so I imagine you know
7:21.92 for those who are using promatrix for a
7:23.80 long time as you increase the number of
7:25.88 projects you start wondering hey when
7:28.44 should I stop adding project projects or
7:30.76 what is a project versus what's not a
7:32.32 project and there's something that I've
7:35.24 thought of for you know even the past
7:36.88 decade or so there's three distinctive
7:39.16 categories of projects and so when
7:40.80 you're adding a project you can think of
7:42.36 three types of project the transient
7:45.00 those are the ones where you have a
7:46.84 start date and an end date for the
7:48.32 project right so it could be something
7:50.72 you want to achieve this this quarter or
7:52.92 this month right so it could be a
7:54.08 quarterly goals um it could be an
7:56.96 initiative that has a start date and end
7:58.72 date and so that project will you get
8:1.08 created you created you create all the
8:3.12 task then you have a burndown diagram
8:5.80 you finish all of it everything's done
8:7.92 you um you can complete the project
8:10.48 archive it and then you don't have to
8:12.16 worry about it again second type of
8:14.44 project is are um persistent projects
8:17.64 and so persistent projects are one that
8:19.88 stick around forever for lack of better
8:22.20 word so an example at our company we
8:24.68 have you know a project for our Mac app
8:27.44 a project for our Windows app project
8:29.00 for our teams app Outlook app web app
8:31.16 and so forth those projects last forever
8:35.04 unless you're you know done with
8:36.56 building that particular piece of
8:37.76 software for us we're constantly adding
8:40.08 action items we're constantly adding
8:41.84 features requests and so forth and then
8:44.44 you know things are getting marked off
8:45.88 but new things are getting added and so
8:47.76 that project becomes massive we're
8:49.32 talking about thousands of action items
8:51.24 but they're always there and so at your
8:54.12 organization or for your own um your own
8:57.12 work they could be personal goals right
8:59.48 right you can have a project that's
9:0.88 personal goals and they'll last forever
9:2.80 um because you're always adding new
9:4.16 goals but a a different type of goal
9:6.56 that might be transient would be
9:8.32 something like your goals for 2024
9:11.16 because then you have a start date and
9:12.64 an end date and then the last type of
9:14.80 project is informational and these are
9:16.80 you can consider these as resources or
9:19.36 templates so if you're not aware yet um
9:22.68 one of the things you can do in pry
9:23.84 Matrix is create templates that you can
9:27.04 sort of uh start and reuse over and over
9:30.60 again so let me give you an example
9:32.40 let's just say if you have an employee
9:35.24 or customer onboarding process every
9:38.04 time you onboard a customer you have 10
9:39.92 things you have to do for them right so
9:41.48 you you create that list of action items
9:43.88 you have to do for the customer in put
9:45.72 Matrix using the quadrants to organize
9:48.04 it in whatever specific ways that you do
9:50.44 and then you save as a template now this
9:52.44 type of project itself is informational
9:54.20 in the sense that it's there for you to
9:56.52 have a record a history with all the
9:59.40 resources necessary for you to be more
10:1.72 efficient in the
10:3.48 future and then as you continue to use
10:5.96 promatrix make sure that you track the
10:8.36 things that matter to you um you know
10:10.36 I've talked to many customers where they
10:12.08 use too many tools honestly you know
10:14.16 you're using uh various to-do list tool
10:17.12 you're trying to use emails you're
10:18.36 trying to use um task and Outlook and
10:21.76 then you're trying to write things down
10:22.96 on paper guess what the more places you
10:25.40 have things the less organized you'd be
10:27.52 and the more challenges you you have
10:29.40 have around keeping track of all of it
10:31.48 and have one Central and be able to
10:33.28 understand what you need to work on at
10:34.32 any point in time so the way I think
10:36.44 about patrix is PR Matrix should be the
10:39.08 place where you track the most important
10:40.72 work that you have and then if you're
10:43.76 truly invested in that you can actually
10:45.44 put pretty much everything else in pry
10:47.08 Matrix just organize it based on you
10:49.36 know the different types of project and
10:50.88 so forth and now you have one central
10:52.72 place to understand everything so keep
10:55.20 that in mind because uh it actually is
10:57.80 detrimental to our productivity
10:59.96 when you have you know too many places
11:2.76 where you're tracking all these these
11:4.56 things uh and the Corel to that is
11:7.36 actually you know that's a reason why we
11:9.44 actually build so many extensions on
11:11.92 promatrix so if you're not aware we have
11:14.52 extension for Edge extension for Chrome
11:17.40 uh it allows you to go and actually
11:19.92 create tasks from any of those other
11:21.60 places and then lastly incorporate party
11:24.20 Matrix into your mobile experience and
11:26.28 so party Matrix has an app for iPhone
11:28.64 app for Android you can use patrix web
11:30.72 app by just going to prom on
11:33.84 your mobile device and you have all your
11:36.00 tasks present the reason I mentioned the
11:38.36 mobile experience in general is uh this
11:40.52 applies to me too personally which is
11:42.40 you know I'm on my phone several hours a
11:45.08 day even when I don't want to and I I
11:46.80 you know I get those reports that says
11:48.24 this is how much time you spent uh per
11:50.36 day on your phone and sadly we spent a
11:53.04 lot of time on our phone sometimes I
11:55.32 would get an email when I'm out and
11:57.60 about and I need to prioritize that
11:59.52 email in patrix by actually
12:1.88 incorporating patrix into my mobile
12:3.96 experience I can actually forward patrix
12:6.24 I'm sorry forward any emails into prot
12:8.64 Matrix and mod to prioritize my tasks as
12:10.80 needed so if you use patrix having it on
12:14.88 multiple locations means you can access
12:17.32 it
12:20.96 everywhere so part Matrix uh all these
12:23.76 webinars we post them on
12:25.56 webinars and so again for those who are
12:28.12 actually wanting a a little bit more of
12:29.76 an introduction then definitely check
12:31.60 out the introduction to prod Matrix but
12:33.64 then also I have a couple of other Deep
12:35.32 dive such as the email management Master
12:37.12 Class templates and advanced topics and
12:39.08 so likewise this webinar will be posted
12:41.60 online as well just in case you need to
12:43.48 review
12:45.28 it all right with that I'm going to jump
12:48.12 into promatrix now and I want to walk
12:50.72 you through some of these things that
12:52.04 we've talked about as mentioned if there
12:55.08 you have any questions whatsoever send
12:56.84 it through the chat you know that's what
12:58.48 I'm here for I can answer those
13:0.08 questions for you especially when it
13:1.64 comes to very very uh unique use cases
13:4.60 that you might have and so this is this
13:6.88 is your
13:8.04 chance okay so now you should see my
13:10.96 party Matrix and so of course I always
13:12.72 have party Matrix web app open uh for me
13:15.28 personally that's where I've been
13:16.44 spending a lot of time on Within part
13:19.16 Matrix itself and so the web app allows
13:21.44 me to access it anywhere here I have it
13:23.48 on edge I can have it on Chrome Etc
13:26.60 so um a couple of notes because I'm not
13:29.36 going to walk through the basic in you
13:31.36 know interactions with P Matrix I'm
13:33.16 going to jump around quite a bit and
13:35.88 show you Advanced things that you should
13:38.00 be doing today especially again again if
13:40.52 you have a bunch of P Matrix action
13:41.80 items already one of the first things I
13:44.08 I want to highlight uh is actually star
13:46.76 projects so as you can tell on my left
13:48.92 hand side these are my this is my list
13:50.56 of projects and always there's a couple
13:53.28 projects that's up here right these are
13:55.16 my star projects the way you star a
13:57.40 project is go to the project detail
13:59.08 details which is right here and you
14:1.20 click on that and it opens the project
14:3.08 details and then there's a little start
14:5.08 icon here when you start it it goes to
14:8.28 the top of the list so as you have more
14:10.76 and more projects again if you have 10
14:12.56 projects you know you might be able to
14:14.24 survive without starting the projects
14:15.64 but if you have 50 projects you want to
14:18.04 Star the projects that are active so for
14:19.92 me personally I have five to 10 star
14:22.56 projects on any point in time these are
14:24.52 the ones I care about these are the ones
14:26.12 that should be at the top of my list
14:27.76 everything else is just there um I can
14:29.88 access them as needed but you know
14:31.44 allows me to jump to what matters most
14:33.36 right and so that's the whole goal of
14:35.60 all of this is that have an easy way to
14:38.48 identify the most important projects the
14:40.28 most important task um Etc every single
14:43.28 every single day so make sure you use
14:45.68 this new capability here um where it
14:48.08 shows at the top of the
14:49.84 list the second thing I want to talk to
14:52.16 you about with respect to projects is
14:54.04 user group so as you use prod Matrix
14:57.48 more um one of the things you're
14:59.24 probably aware of is that you can
15:0.36 actually invite various team members
15:2.64 into your specific projects and so this
15:5.40 gives you very very granular control on
15:7.96 who's in what project but as you use per
15:10.72 Matrix across your team and organization
15:12.80 one of the things you can do is actually
15:14.24 click on this user group here and you
15:15.64 can build various types of User Group um
15:18.80 and let me give you an example here for
15:20.64 example you might be you have your
15:22.44 engineering team that's a user group or
15:24.64 your product team or your sales team or
15:26.56 your marketing team so then when you
15:28.40 create a project instead of actually
15:30.24 manually allocating the users you just
15:32.56 select the team so if you're an it you
15:35.76 can actually build out these teams for
15:37.92 your organization and then letting
15:39.56 people invite the appropriate folks
15:41.96 right uh and then what's nice about that
15:43.96 too is when you have a new team member
15:46.08 you just add them to the team and then
15:48.04 they automatically get access to all
15:49.84 those other projects and then vice versa
15:52.04 when someone leaves you can remove them
15:53.92 from the team and then they actually get
15:55.48 removed from all those projects as well
15:57.32 so as you use prod Matrix more across
15:59.48 your teams uh make sure you check out
16:1.52 the user
16:2.68 group one of the things that I think is
16:5.80 very important when you use part Matrix
16:7.64 well is customizing your quadrants so as
16:10.72 you know um I hope you've tried some of
16:13.20 this before but every single quadrant in
16:15.52 PR Matrix is customizable and you can
16:17.68 click on here and then you can you know
16:19.64 delete this text and add new text and so
16:21.56 forth but as you use patrix more you're
16:24.60 going to find that hey some quadrants
16:27.08 are always empty um and so therefore you
16:29.88 don't want to have those quadrants
16:31.44 instead you actually want to create a
16:33.24 new type of quadrant name that is
16:35.60 actually you know reflect the way you
16:37.84 think more or reflect the way your
16:39.52 organization needs more and so one of
16:41.84 the things I tend to like to do for
16:43.96 example is I tend to change delegate
16:46.68 here to like resources right and so
16:49.84 resources and files um and so that just
16:52.92 allows me to go
16:55.32 and um and and change this qu right here
16:59.88 to Resource into file so that I can
17:1.56 actually just go and upload resources or
17:4.36 files relevant to this project instead
17:6.12 of having a delegate um quadrant and
17:9.20 then I typically always leave quadrant
17:11.24 force in box and that's where I add my
17:13.24 task at any point in time some of the
17:16.08 other things that you may not be aware
17:18.24 is that every single one of your
17:20.04 projects actually has a calendar and so
17:23.84 I actually don't use this feature too
17:25.48 much but for some people it's actually
17:27.56 really really useful let me give you an
17:29.64 example let's just say if you have a
17:33.40 project for a client that you consult
17:36.04 for and so now in promatrix you might
17:38.96 have let's say a dozen different
17:40.76 projects right one for each of your
17:42.44 clients and within that you have a lot
17:44.16 of action items you have a lot of due
17:45.72 dates and so forth well guess what every
17:48.44 single one of those project has a
17:49.80 calendar so you can actually click on
17:51.84 get calendar link and share that
17:53.96 calendar with your clients your external
17:56.04 clients they can then add it to their
17:57.88 calendar and they can see exactly the
18:0.48 task you have open at any point in time
18:3.76 so it's a very useful way to share that
18:5.92 information with external parties
18:8.44 likewise you can actually you know
18:10.08 subscribe to specific projects that are
18:12.64 important to you within your own
18:14.32 favorite calendar software so um this is
18:17.20 an underuse uh feature but it works
18:19.56 really well again especially if you work
18:21.96 with external
18:23.40 parties I want to walk you through a
18:25.40 couple of advanced option that's
18:26.88 typically not used um inside prodct
18:30.40 Matrix project details here if you click
18:32.72 on the top right you're going to see a
18:34.52 lot of different options now you know in
18:36.76 my opinion you can get 80% of the value
18:39.48 out of prod Matrix with 20% of the
18:41.12 features what that means is you probably
18:43.00 don't need any of these but sometimes to
18:45.76 go from that 80% to 95% or 98% these
18:50.00 extra thing in part Matrix makes it a
18:52.76 standout compared to every other tool
18:54.72 out there couple things one every
18:58.80 project in PR Matrix has a link to the
19:1.72 project so what that means is it allows
19:4.00 you to actually create like dashboard
19:6.16 projects where you have a project that
19:8.04 linked to other projects and so what you
19:10.24 can do is you can copy this link to
19:12.08 project and when you do that you can
19:13.80 actually paste in PR Matrix and
19:15.64 essentially jump around to all these
19:17.28 other projects you have you can choose
19:20.28 how you get notified on changes for the
19:22.36 project sometimes you actually want to
19:24.16 mute a project because it changes often
19:26.68 and so you don't want to get
19:27.48 notifications around it
19:29.56 calendar link we talked about that you
19:31.76 can actually embed a project inside a
19:34.96 website or inside your SharePoint so
19:37.68 what's neat about this is you can
19:39.00 actually get a code that you can
19:40.88 actually paste and you know how uh
19:43.04 you've been to web pages where you have
19:44.84 an embedded YouTube video well you can
19:48.08 embed a prod Matrix project inside one
19:50.68 of your websites as well so I've seen
19:52.72 people use this where they just want to
19:55.48 communicate uh hey these are the um some
19:58.36 of the things I'm thinking about right
20:0.08 and they want to organize it in real
20:2.32 time so then when you make the changes
20:3.64 in PR Matrix It Updates this embedded
20:6.20 view pretty useful if you want to put it
20:8.52 in SharePoint let's just say if you
20:10.96 create a project in P Matrix called
20:13.84 goals um you know your your uh company
20:16.84 goals or quarterly goals then you want
20:20.80 to embed it into your SharePoint so then
20:22.68 anyone who visits that page can
20:25.44 see all those goals inside you know that
20:29.36 whatever page they have and and they
20:31.68 don't need a Prometric license to access
20:34.88 that um you probably have seen the Inbox
20:38.76 and so I'll show you a little bit on the
20:40.24 inbox as well how I use inbox but just
20:42.80 so you know every project and every
20:46.08 quadrant in PR Matrix has an email
20:48.44 address which is really really neat let
20:50.28 me give you an
20:51.36 example uh when for me personally when I
20:54.16 use this capability uh I actually create
20:57.60 autof forwarding r rules so the way it
20:59.64 works is every email that I get from
21:1.52 Microsoft I would aut automatically for
21:3.96 it into my Microsoft Project and so that
21:6.00 allows me to actually have information
21:7.88 be organized really really
21:9.80 easily you can share project in readon
21:12.44 mode what that means is you can actually
21:14.92 again send a link to somebody who's
21:16.84 external and they can actually see your
21:18.92 part Matrix in readon mode and they
21:20.68 don't need a a license for part Matrix
21:23.12 of course you can duplicate projects you
21:24.76 can export the project as a CSV you can
21:27.76 import the project
21:29.08 from CSV after you edit it and then of
21:31.48 course you can save the project as
21:32.84 templates that allows you to essentially
21:35.24 never have to create the same Tas over
21:36.96 and over again and then you know
21:38.64 restoring deleted items and so
21:41.20 forth the other two options down at the
21:43.76 very bottom here is the ability to
21:45.36 Archive projects as well as delete
21:47.04 projects so sometimes when you use prod
21:49.56 Matrix for a long time you may have a
21:51.16 lot of projects and what that means is
21:53.52 that you may not want all of them around
21:55.76 visible on the leftand side so in that
21:58.12 case you can actually choose archive
21:59.76 projects and they get hidden from View
22:1.72 and then later you can actually go and
22:3.32 choose to see all your archive
22:6.12 projects okay those are Advanced
22:8.84 capabilities on a per project level now
22:11.68 let me walk you through a couple of
22:13.88 things that I think is useful to help
22:16.60 you take part of Matrix to the next
22:17.96 level so as you can see here on my left
22:20.36 hand side when I go to projects I have
22:22.68 the ability to create project and of
22:25.12 course you you know you've seen the
22:26.48 blank project and so forth but if you
22:29.08 are a longtime customer of a prot matrix
22:31.32 you may not leverage this already which
22:34.04 is the ability to create project with
22:36.24 AI one of the things I really like here
22:39.32 is that we're leveraging AI to build
22:43.08 out build out essentially features that
22:46.08 might be useful to you for you to meet
22:48.96 your goals and so let's just say if one
22:51.60 of your goals to get a promotion this
22:53.32 year right you literally go to create
22:55.52 new project here then you type you know
22:57.80 get a promotion
22:59.32 and so and then you click proceed here
23:2.48 and so when you do that patrix will use
23:4.60 AI to generate a list of things that you
23:7.40 should do in order to get that promotion
23:9.92 now the you know the whole point is that
23:11.76 it's not supposed to be perfect but it
23:13.48 gives you a fantastic starting points so
23:15.96 I've already generated that and so let
23:18.48 me show you how that looks like so here
23:20.92 I have um a the project getting a
23:23.72 promotion I generated using our AI all
23:26.88 of these tasks were made for me I didn't
23:28.88 have to create any of it and one of the
23:31.00 things you can see here is that it uses
23:33.08 a different type of quadrant name high
23:34.84 impact high impact long-term high low
23:37.68 impact quick wins low priorities and so
23:40.64 what that does is it creates a series of
23:42.56 tasks organize it into different buckets
23:45.52 and when you look at this you can
23:47.36 determine hey what are the things I
23:49.16 should work on in order for me to meet
23:51.16 this goal one thing that I think is
23:54.20 important with per Matrix is helping
23:57.24 you a achieve whatever it is that you
24:0.00 want to achieve right and so we we
24:1.68 talked about that and part of that means
24:3.88 that it helps you meet your own personal
24:6.24 goals at any point in time um for me
24:8.84 personally I you know every year I have
24:11.04 a series of goals and then I also have
24:13.76 my personal goals as well as my work
24:15.32 goals and therefore using something like
24:17.52 patrix to track all my goals and coming
24:20.52 up with ideas on what it is I want to do
24:22.72 just makes it a lot more
24:25.16 powerful um as a way to ensure that I
24:28.08 work the right things now there's a
24:29.88 couple of tipss I want to give you after
24:32.44 you create one of these AI projects
24:34.92 which is to look at the task list and
24:36.84 then set due dates and reminders so for
24:39.56 example let's just say you look at this
24:41.40 project and you see create professional
24:43.56 development plan right and you click on
24:45.24 notes it tells you some notes around it
24:47.40 but if you just look at this you're not
24:49.36 going to get it done so the way I would
24:51.36 approach is is you go down here and then
24:53.88 you say do in one month and then you
24:56.92 would say remind me month
24:59.32 when you do something like this with
25:0.80 your goals it creates a recurring
25:4.00 reminder for you to ensure that you
25:6.64 actually end up working on it and you
25:9.40 know how it is with with all of us which
25:11.76 is you know we're constantly being
25:14.36 bombarded by new things that's coming in
25:17.32 right and so what that means is if we
25:19.52 have something that's important but we
25:20.84 don't set ourselves reminders we're
25:22.76 going to forget so in PR matrix by
25:25.56 setting these recurring reminders it
25:28.32 keeps on popping back up into your home
25:30.24 View and it ensures that you will
25:32.28 actually work on them there are so many
25:34.40 times I've missed something important
25:36.28 but because I set the recurring
25:37.88 reminders per Matrix comes back and ping
25:40.36 me and I realize wait a minute I forgot
25:42.24 to do that and then I actually get get
25:43.92 to it and so I always set these remind
25:46.92 me monthly as part of my routine for
25:49.36 anything that's important so if you're
25:50.68 not setting a reminder daily for all
25:54.08 your um critical tasks make sure you do
25:56.76 that today that's the one one way that I
25:59.24 can handle thousands of items in PR
26:1.84 Matrix because you know 99% of the task
26:6.16 I don't have to worry about you know
26:7.24 maybe I'll create them maybe they have a
26:9.00 due date and so forth but if they pass
26:10.68 it's not a big deal but all the
26:12.56 important ones are there for me on a
26:14.92 constant reminded me I'm reminded of
26:17.28 them on a constant basis the other thing
26:19.80 you can do too is actually every single
26:21.96 item you have the ability to Star the
26:23.88 item as well when you star items you
26:26.52 actually can generate a special report
26:28.84 onto start items is just like the St
26:31.12 projects the start items is uh Pops at
26:33.64 the top of your list and so for me I
26:35.96 always have a couple star items in my
26:38.36 star projects and so these are the ones
26:40.48 that's active for me one thing that
26:43.36 actually apparently wasn't so obvious is
26:45.48 that right below that you have the
26:46.84 ability to add icons and so you know for
26:49.24 some customers they never realized that
26:50.88 this capability was there but if you
26:52.64 click on that option you actually have a
26:54.64 ability to select some icons just a way
26:57.12 to visualize that task that you have and
26:59.72 one of the things I've seen a lot of
27:1.20 success with are these colors right and
27:3.64 so I like to you know color code some of
27:6.00 these tasks for example you could say
27:8.04 that um red red icons here are tasks
27:11.52 that are behind schedule or or you could
27:13.96 say red are the critical ones and then
27:15.80 greens are um the one that's aren't as
27:18.00 critical or on on task Etc whatever it
27:20.92 is it's up to you and your own approach
27:23.84 and how you communicate to your team but
27:26.08 that's the point of these colors it
27:27.68 makes it so visual so for example let's
27:30.88 just say if I choose a color here now I
27:33.00 can actually see the color within the
27:35.00 quadrants themselves and so it's very
27:36.96 visual very easy for me to focus or see
27:39.88 what are the things that requires my
27:41.88 attention so that's how you set icons
27:44.60 the other thing you'll notice is
27:46.04 actually down here in the tag you can
27:48.12 see that you have um a couple of tags
27:50.32 that's created for this item including
27:52.24 starred and so forth so what that means
27:54.36 is that a star task simply just means um
27:58.56 it has the tag starred right and so what
28:1.92 that also means is that if you want to
28:3.92 Star another task instead of actually
28:6.32 clicking on the star here you can just
28:8.56 type star hasht star oops
28:13.48 um so I can actually just type hashtag
28:16.24 star here and so that allows me to um to
28:19.00 actually create let's see
28:22.44 here oh something causes my app to
28:25.52 actually
28:27.12 um flip to another another page so so
28:30.96 anyways that's if you can actually you
28:32.56 can actually type in the comment itself
28:34.68 to actually star the
28:36.48 task okay I want to show you a couple of
28:39.40 things around email management because I
28:41.52 think that if you actually perfect email
28:44.24 management with patrix you'll find that
28:46.76 you can use patrix for pretty much
28:48.48 everything else so if you're not aware
28:50.52 already if you go to inbox here you have
28:52.72 your secret inbox address so let me show
28:54.56 you here so for example you know I have
28:56.72 my secret inbox address here I'm going
28:58.48 to copy email address I right click and
29:0.40 copy email address now when I go to my
29:3.24 my Outlook you're aware that we have an
29:5.68 Outlook integration right so what that
29:7.44 means is I can actually open per Matrix
29:9.40 here I can prioritize email
29:12.08 Etc well guess what when I'm on my phone
29:16.16 and I'm on you know Apple Mail I don't
29:18.72 have this nice integration so if I get
29:21.44 an email on my phone in order to
29:23.92 prioritize in PR Matrix what I do is
29:26.00 actually I forward it into p matx so
29:29.00 that inbox address that I captured what
29:31.04 I would do is I would create a contact
29:33.32 in Apple Mail so I call it inbox prot
29:36.20 Matrix so then when I have an email that
29:39.16 I need to um to prioritize what I'll do
29:42.28 is I'll click forward and then I would
29:45.32 type inbox part Matrix but since I don't
29:47.88 have that here I'm going to paste that
29:49.60 address that I got right and so you see
29:51.84 how I can forward an email into per
29:53.84 Matrix it has the the subject here and
29:56.56 the body here but here's some tricks
29:59.12 which is in the top part here of the
30:1.32 email you can actually type commands so
30:4.12 for example earlier you saw how I said
30:7.76 do you know and then a a date I could
30:10.40 say do tomorrow remind
30:14.64 me daily and then hashtag so now what
30:19.12 happens is I have an email that's come
30:21.32 to me from any email systems right I can
30:24.32 forward into PR Matrix and type the
30:26.24 command directly here and I click send
30:28.68 so what that does is it actually
30:30.04 forwards its in PR Matrix applies each
30:32.88 of these command as different lines and
30:35.56 ensure that I actually will get to this
30:37.28 email there are so many times where this
30:39.52 has saved me a bunch because you know
30:42.04 flagging an email in Apple Mail works
30:45.60 but that doesn't actually help me um
30:49.32 when it's in Gmail and then second of
30:51.72 all flagging works well if I have a few
30:55.20 flag emails but when I have 200 flag
30:58.00 emails it goes away real fast and then
31:0.56 you know I can't set due dates I can't
31:2.60 set recurring reminders and so forth
31:4.92 with mail you can actually get a one
31:6.96 time reminder but then again you're
31:8.64 going to forget about that and then of
31:10.20 course I can't start and so that just
31:12.72 creates another place where I'm tracking
31:14.68 emails but it doesn't bring it all
31:16.60 together into one central place where I
31:18.16 see all of my task this is a really neat
31:20.44 trick if you don't do this already and
31:23.12 um you know make sure you add the inbox
31:24.76 address and then of course now that you
31:26.92 know you know you can can do these
31:28.36 commands it's actually really useful we
31:30.44 actually have a web page that explains
31:32.04 the different commands that you have in
31:33.52 patrix so if you don't know this you can
31:35.64 actually search for command patrix and
31:38.00 then it should bring you to this web
31:39.28 page here um but essentially these are a
31:41.80 series of commands that you can actually
31:44.28 uh add to your task and that could be
31:46.36 through emails again through the
31:47.88 forwarded emails or within the items
31:50.36 themselves and so this is really useful
31:51.96 and it's very very powerful if you use
31:54.24 it correctly so one of the things I've
31:55.72 done to is I would say you know move to
31:58.04 quadrant one or move to quadrant 2 Etc
32:0.68 and those commands will actually
32:2.44 work so if I go back to my per Matrix
32:5.08 here you see how that that email um got
32:8.20 sent to me and actually it just went
32:10.88 through it just got processed it set the
32:13.60 due dat for me it set reminders for me
32:15.28 and it got starred so how cool is that
32:17.80 um and I didn't have to open per Matrix
32:19.60 to do that and I can actually afford a
32:20.96 bunch of emails sometimes you actually
32:23.36 some people actually write an email to
32:25.04 themselves and so you could write an
32:26.64 email to your part Matrix inbox and it
32:28.80 comes here and then when you do that
32:30.72 what happens next is you can actually
32:32.80 hover over this and then move it to the
32:34.72 appropriate project right so you know
32:36.92 you can move it to another project you
32:38.32 can choose the quadrant that goes in
32:40.04 directly from there now of course I told
32:42.64 you earlier that every project and every
32:44.76 quadrant in part Matrix has its own
32:46.88 email address so technically you could
32:48.68 do this forwarding for all of that it
32:50.92 just creates additional complexity so
32:52.76 now you have to have multiple contacts
32:54.92 um for each of those projects but if you
32:57.12 have just a few projects and you're
32:59.24 always foring emails to those projects
33:0.88 it's very very easy just create a
33:2.16 different
33:3.12 contact um so for example you know let's
33:6.04 just say if you have a particular client
33:8.44 that is super super important right you
33:10.80 can go to you know let me show you how
33:12.60 that works right here you go to here you
33:14.60 know you can say you're going to create
33:15.96 a new project you're going to say super
33:18.72 important client right here and go ahead
33:21.36 and click add once you've done that at
33:23.96 the top right here you can go and choose
33:26.56 get secret email address you can say
33:28.84 that anytime you forward an email to
33:30.72 here it would assign to a certain person
33:33.00 or it would put in appropriate quadrants
33:35.12 and then you copy address and then you
33:36.64 save as a contact so whenever that
33:38.80 client sends you an email you can
33:40.28 forward it into this particular project
33:42.80 or you can set a rule and Outlook to
33:44.84 automatically forward that and so makes
33:47.00 it so easy for you to keep all this
33:49.32 information organized because I think
33:51.68 emails is just one of those tough
33:54.28 challenges for us to deal with because
33:56.40 you know um no matter how much we can
33:59.48 get the team to be on PR Matrix external
34:1.96 people will always be emailing you and
34:3.64 so this is how you tie it all
34:5.92 together uh the other thing I want to
34:8.20 talk to you real quick about are
34:9.56 actually the other types of projects so
34:10.96 earlier I mentioned to you how you have
34:12.40 a get promotion but the other thing too
34:14.88 is you can actually create onboarding
34:17.08 templates for your customer as we talked
34:19.16 about earlier again this was generated
34:21.24 from my AI goal so I said you know I
34:23.56 Want to Build a Better customer
34:24.96 onboarding template and party Matrix
34:26.68 came up with a bunch of IDE ideas for me
34:28.68 to create that better template so I
34:31.00 recommend using our AI system um
34:33.80 wherever appropriate and what it'll do
34:36.16 is it'll really Kickstart you along the
34:39.12 path right and so from here you can
34:41.12 remove any task that's not relevant
34:43.00 that's not useful to you but for those
34:44.88 that are useful you can star them you
34:46.64 can assign it to people directly from
34:49.28 here okay um so a couple things I want
34:54.04 to mention so again you know if you use
34:56.52 PR Matrix for a long time time you'll
34:58.40 find that you know your goal with patrix
35:1.00 is to have it be accessible everywhere
35:3.08 so one of the things you can do is
35:4.60 actually install patrix across all our
35:7.40 different extensions so per Matrix is
35:9.24 probably already the most integrated
35:10.80 solution in the Microsoft teams Outlook
35:13.12 ecosystem but I don't know if you're
35:15.32 aware but you know we have protom Matrix
35:17.24 for Edge for example so if you're on
35:20.04 Windows and you use Microsoft Edge which
35:22.40 actually I really like the browser um if
35:24.52 you go and search for patrix for Edge we
35:27.32 you can actually go here and you can see
35:29.12 we can actually install this extension
35:31.76 right up here and so what that allows me
35:33.40 to do is I can convert any web page I'm
35:36.00 on into a part Matrix task the same way
35:40.56 that I did it with my um forwarded
35:43.76 email similarly we have P Matrix for
35:46.64 Chrome that allows you to add it for
35:48.04 your Chrome um and then P Matrix for
35:50.28 Gmail um and by the way you know I
35:52.56 talked a lot about a Microsoft ecosystem
35:54.56 and office and so forth but that same
35:57.08 way that I use the inbox is how I would
35:59.48 manage from your email so what that
36:1.56 means I'm sorry from your Gmail email so
36:4.00 what that means is if you go to Gmail if
36:6.12 you only use Gmail in your organization
36:8.32 you can still click compose and you
36:10.04 paste in the address and then you know
36:11.88 you forward an email or you write a new
36:13.60 email Etc type in the command and press
36:15.28 send and it adds it to your party Matrix
36:18.96 but as you can see party Matrix also has
36:21.32 a Gmail extension and one of the cool
36:24.20 thing about our Gmail extension is it
36:25.92 lets you actually insert P Matrix task
36:28.88 into your email itself too so all you
36:31.80 have to do is install P Matrix for Gmail
36:34.72 extension here and it shows up here and
36:37.40 then you authorize it um within your own
36:39.76 organization and so that allows you to
36:41.56 have P Matrix be even more integrated
36:43.80 into your existing
36:49.96 workflow so let's talk about how you
36:53.44 manage so many projects at any point in
36:56.16 time um so for example you know in my My
36:59.56 Demo account here I have what like a few
37:1.68 dozen projects and as I mentioned to you
37:4.04 in my real work account I have several
37:5.88 hundred projects so patrix has something
37:8.64 called the search view so if you use our
37:10.32 desktop app a long time ago we used to
37:12.00 have something called the master view
37:13.84 well the search view is actually even
37:15.76 more powerful than the master view what
37:17.80 the search view does is it actually
37:19.64 shows you all your tasks across all of
37:22.40 your petrics right so if you have a lot
37:24.88 of projects one of the last thing you
37:26.12 want to do is Click through through each
37:27.96 project and find out what it is that you
37:29.52 need to do so by going to the search
37:31.60 view it shows everything here then you
37:34.12 can actually click on this filter option
37:36.28 and you have all sorts of ways to find
37:39.28 out what it is that you need at any
37:40.72 point in time for example you can click
37:42.88 on overdue right that allows you to see
37:45.36 all your overdue tasks across your py
37:47.40 Matrix or star and that again that is
37:50.20 why starring task um is so important
37:52.92 because when you start a task it shows
37:54.96 up in its own special list inside PR
37:56.76 Matrix across all your projects so if
37:59.56 you have 50 projects you have five 10
38:3.24 tasks that are starred by clicking on
38:5.60 start it allows you to hone in and see
38:7.80 those tasks real quick my items
38:10.52 essentially these are tasks that are
38:12.04 assigned to you right so um the search
38:14.72 view actually will show you all items
38:17.40 across everything but then you can go
38:19.72 and say only show the things that are
38:21.12 assigned to me or you can actually use
38:23.60 this filtering system to find tasks that
38:26.20 that you follow Etc
38:28.40 and then also of course based on the
38:29.76 dimensions of due dates but there's a
38:31.96 couple things here that I think is
38:33.20 really useful one you can actually
38:35.52 filter down to specific quadrants so
38:37.56 I've had customer ask hey I want to find
38:40.20 out what are all the important and
38:41.60 Urgent tasks that I have well that's
38:43.60 easy you would say the tasks that are
38:46.20 assigned to me right and then um
38:49.24 afterwards you can say the tasks that
38:50.48 are assigned to me in quadrant one and
38:52.68 then afterwards you can say in only inar
38:55.00 projects and so you can see how in one
38:57.92 view I can actually narrow down here on
39:0.32 my you can see how right here what I'm
39:2.36 showing you is actually the list of
39:3.60 items I have despite having hundreds of
39:6.56 items inside part Matrix with just a few
39:9.16 filter option I've actually narrowed
39:11.24 down and I can hone in and jump to
39:13.52 exactly what it is that I need and let's
39:15.76 just say this filter is something that's
39:17.60 very important for me I can actually
39:19.36 click on this custom filter and I can
39:21.76 type a name here and I can click save so
39:24.16 what that allows me to do is actually
39:25.80 save this filter and has one button so I
39:29.20 can click on it and it automatically
39:30.80 applies this filter for me next
39:32.88 time very very useful if you're a
39:35.92 manager and you want to build these
39:37.80 custom reports to see what your
39:39.60 co-workers or your direct reports are
39:41.72 working on right so you know you can say
39:44.40 for person a person B person C person D
39:47.68 you can do that and then save all of
39:49.80 that and then you know you have your
39:51.56 one-on-one meeting you just click on
39:53.40 that filter and then it shows you only
39:55.64 the things that's relevant this is so
39:58.20 powerful when it comes to managing
40:0.28 literally thousands or tens of thousands
40:2.32 of items for me you know the search
40:4.84 capability in part Matrix is one of its
40:7.20 most useful capability as you expand
40:10.08 your
40:11.12 usage um the other thing you can do from
40:13.72 the search view too is you can actually
40:16.36 select these items so this is again not
40:18.84 so obvious but if you click on this top
40:20.96 view right here it's called a multiple
40:23.08 selection pops up if I do that I can
40:25.56 actually select multiple items
40:27.84 so imagine again you know I want to go
40:30.40 and find all the items I want to delete
40:32.36 right I can do the search filter I go to
40:34.80 this multi selection view I can select
40:37.24 all and then click on this again and
40:39.76 then I can go and delete the item or
40:42.36 print the item or export a CSP so
40:45.72 imagine if a coworker of you um a
40:49.32 coworker of yours is um no longer with
40:52.72 the company and you need to assign all
40:55.00 of those tasks to another person well
40:57.36 guess what you can go to the filter
40:59.52 search find all the tasks assigned to
41:1.28 that person click on this multiple
41:3.08 selector select all change owner and
41:6.56 immediately every single task across
41:8.88 every single one of your projects that
41:10.24 were previously assigned to that person
41:12.20 is now assigned to a new person or mark
41:14.56 them as delet uh completed or mark them
41:16.84 as red or U change icon change dates Etc
41:20.88 so powerful so useful and it's an
41:23.28 underused capability because you know
41:25.48 sometimes it's kind of hard to figure
41:26.72 out that's how you can do it but now you
41:29.96 know um couple of other things uh so
41:33.56 you've probably seen inside pry Matrix
41:36.44 you know for example going back to get a
41:38.00 promotion here you probably seen these
41:39.60 other views that we have so for example
41:41.60 the quadrant view is always front and
41:43.08 center for us but you can change a list
41:45.04 view you can change a calendar view um I
41:47.48 like the list view to find overdue items
41:49.48 I like the calendar view to see the
41:50.84 things that's coming up and then the
41:52.60 gantar view just to see how things tie
41:54.88 together across larger time scale
41:57.92 so one of the things you can do with the
41:59.04 Gant Chard is zoom out so then you can
42:1.08 actually see across like you know 10
42:3.16 months at a time as opposed to a
42:5.36 calendar which is good for at most one
42:7.40 month at a
42:8.44 time uh and then the other thing is
42:10.60 actually in the reports view too you can
42:12.84 actually run a report for every single
42:14.96 project that you have right and so this
42:16.40 is a per project basis but if you look
42:19.20 on the leand side you actually have
42:21.16 these other views and these are called
42:22.72 Global views so you can click on
42:24.80 calendar and now you have a calendar
42:26.44 across all the your projects you can go
42:28.28 to Gant chart um and actually this is a
42:30.48 new feature we're going to have which is
42:32.04 the ability for you to see Gant chart
42:33.52 across all of your projects so again
42:35.60 these are Global views these are per
42:37.92 project views so as you use petrix more
42:40.84 sometimes you know people interact with
42:43.16 the system in different ways Some people
42:45.36 prefer the list view right Some people
42:47.36 prefer the quadrant view but what's nice
42:50.20 about P Matrix is that you can actually
42:51.96 have all of those still sync together
42:53.96 and it still makes sense and it's just
42:55.68 different ways of displaying the data so
42:58.72 make sure you use this and you know if
43:0.44 you have some team members who are not
43:2.60 familiar with the four quadrant
43:4.36 methodology you can explain to them that
43:6.44 they can go to the list View and you
43:7.92 know for some people it just makes a lot
43:9.32 more
43:10.80 sense okay so that's how you manage a
43:14.28 lot of projects and that's how you
43:15.80 manage a lot of tasks um one of the
43:17.88 things you can do too with your project
43:20.04 is you can you know up here you can
43:22.28 actually search for your specific
43:24.64 project but earlier you saw how I I tag
43:27.88 a task it turns out you can also tag
43:30.72 projects so if you go down here within
43:32.96 this group of projects you can actually
43:34.36 click on the tag here and but to add a
43:37.16 tag for for your specific quadrants and
43:40.24 what's useful about that is again when
43:41.88 you go to the filter system you can
43:43.92 actually just filter four specific types
43:46.12 of
43:47.68 projects
43:50.44 okay couple of other things I'll mention
43:52.80 and then I'm going to wrap things up um
43:55.72 you know we've actually I've seen
43:57.48 customers use existing systems already
44:0.68 and so one of the things P Matrix allow
44:2.80 you to do is actually pull
44:4.84 in um tasks from other systems as
44:8.96 specific projects so this is called task
44:11.48 connectors the way task connector works
44:13.60 is that you can go to this web page here
44:15.64 and then you can connect to your other
44:17.80 tools for example jira Outlook Microsoft
44:21.76 planner um Azure devops Etc and so what
44:26.12 this what this does is actually pulls in
44:28.36 those various task into prty Matrix as a
44:31.84 one-way sync so as you update planner or
44:34.80 micro or Outlook calendar uh to-dos it
44:37.64 pulls into P Matrix now we don't do
44:40.04 two-way Integrations because you know
44:42.84 the goal with P Matrix at the end of the
44:44.64 day is to create one central place for
44:47.28 you to prioritize all your tasks so you
44:49.00 should find that this is you know a one
44:51.40 way um for you to actually pull in all
44:53.92 those items and then afterwards you
44:55.96 should be spending a lot more time with
44:57.40 in put Matrix too but if you go to task
44:59.76 connectors here that's one way for you
45:1.16 to integrate all that
45:3.44 together okay with that I'm going to go
45:6.04 ahead and jump back to my presentation
45:7.80 here and wrap things
45:11.08 up so as mentioned um you know again
45:16.60 this is intended to be an advanced user
45:19.68 guide for promatrix so I hope that what
45:22.04 I'm sharing with or what I share with
45:24.00 you today is actually useful from the
45:27.08 perspective of helping you leverage prot
45:28.96 Matrix to the next level right you know
45:31.12 you've seen all the basic features how
45:32.84 to create task and and all that so you
45:34.56 don't need to see that again but as you
45:36.80 use patrix more and again at the
45:39.44 individual level and then to the team
45:41.04 level and then to the organizational
45:42.36 level I hope that you see patrix as the
45:45.32 one central place to track all your
45:47.52 priorities and if that's not happening
45:49.76 then something's wrong and reach out to
45:51.28 us if you need help but the goal with
45:54.36 all of these systems is that you know
45:56.32 you want to have one central place where
45:58.60 everyone can be at and see okay this is
46:1.04 what I need to work on today right and
46:3.40 or you can see hey what is my manager's
46:6.56 top priorities or what are my direct
46:8.60 reports priorities and so having that
46:11.20 information inside prrix will create a
46:14.16 lot of alignment within your
46:16.44 team and so everyone on the team should
46:19.04 about understand and be aligned on key
46:20.84 task um I love having a project called
46:22.96 team priorities and so if you don't do
46:24.88 this already make sure you do that
46:26.24 create a project called team priorities
46:28.08 invite all your direct reports into what
46:29.92 central place everyone goes there and at
46:32.60 any point in time you know it could be 5
46:34.92 p.m. your time it could be 88: a.m. your
46:37.16 time it could be you know middle of the
46:39.48 night and they can go there and they
46:40.84 should able to see what everyone's
46:42.80 priorities are and that's the point of
46:44.68 pro INRI you don't have to have a
46:46.20 meeting just to be aligned right you can
46:48.88 be aligned
46:50.28 asynchronously um repetitive procedures
46:52.44 are templatized you've seen the template
46:54.84 system the template system saves a lot
46:56.56 of effort a lot of work use our AI
46:59.32 system to build some of the preliminary
47:1.36 templates and then from those templates
47:3.44 save them and you can um uh ensure that
47:6.68 you can reuse them over and over again
47:9.44 so you don't have to recreate
47:11.60 work important emails are prioritized
47:14.48 again if you don't use our email
47:16.04 prioritization right now you you have to
47:18.92 um you know I think emails is email
47:21.68 management is probably the number one
47:23.12 reason why people come to PR Matrix and
47:25.56 so now you know how you can forward the
47:27.48 email into your inbox and then set all
47:29.92 those commands uh by the way one of the
47:31.92 commands you can have inside there is
47:33.88 assign to a team member so what that
47:36.84 means is when I you know forward the
47:38.48 email into a specific quadrant I can
47:41.36 assign it to a team member um or I can
47:44.16 type assign to and then their email and
47:46.76 so I've done this in fact I've I've done
47:49.36 this today um you know I get an email
47:51.48 from a customer and so I just for some
47:54.16 reason didn't use the Outlook extension
47:56.00 to convert to task so I just fored into
47:58.40 my inbox assigned to the person set the
48:0.60 due data and all that and they were able
48:2.16 to follow up with me afterwards and
48:3.60 ensure that we you know we answer the
48:4.96 email the customer email appropriately
48:7.56 and then again if you're using part
48:9.36 Matrix so far just on a personal level
48:11.52 which is totally okay you know I think
48:13.72 success at the personal level is most
48:15.28 important but as you achieve success at
48:18.00 the personal level bring promatrix to
48:20.28 your team and organization um I've seen
48:22.68 customers where for some reason they
48:26.04 have tremendous success with the at the
48:28.04 personal level but then they don't bring
48:29.92 it to the team and then they don't bring
48:31.52 it to the organization and then guess
48:33.28 what somebody else will go and and
48:35.68 Implement some other systems some other
48:38.64 software for task management at the team
48:40.96 level and it's an inferior solution but
48:44.08 because it got implemented at the you
48:45.96 know the team level you know suddenly
48:48.76 all the all the other people are using
48:50.52 that and you're using it but you're like
48:52.24 this doesn't work well and now you have
48:54.04 data in multiple places and it just ends
48:56.24 up being
48:57.24 uh detrimental for everybody so if you
49:0.72 use party Matrix uh and it works well
49:3.16 for you be proactive and bring into your
49:5.80 team and organization and then you know
49:7.80 it ensures that everybody becomes
49:9.40 successful with it and our team you know
49:11.60 at affluence and at promatrix we want to
49:14.80 provide you resources um for you to be
49:17.40 successful and actually uh for those who
49:20.32 you know don't use English as a primary
49:22.68 language or you know you have Global
49:24.12 team we actually have training materials
49:27.24 in every single major languages um you
49:30.40 just have to reach out to us and and we
49:32.36 offer a lot of additional help at the
49:34.96 business level to ensure that our team
49:37.48 members the team members within your
49:39.52 organization are successful regardless
49:42.28 of the whatever language barrier that
49:43.84 you have so with that I conclude this
49:47.16 presentation I'm going to check to see
49:48.68 if there's any questions um and also you
49:51.00 can always reach out to me at high
49:52.68 or our support at
49:55.24 in order to um get any of
49:58.76 your needs addressed thank you so much
50:0.76 for
50:3.96 listening um someone mentioned that they
50:6.64 um they had some bad audio no problem
50:8.84 what we'll do is we'll send you a copy
50:11.36 of this webinar so you can actually view
50:13.88 it uh great thanks for the other person
50:16.80 for confirming that you know not
50:18.32 everyone's missing all the audio uh
50:21.04 thanks for the the mention um you know
50:23.56 of course it this this is a lot of
50:25.52 information and so hopefully you will
50:27.80 you know you can review this webinar
50:29.48 afterwards if you want to dive into any
50:31.68 specific details again if it's
50:33.96 overwhelming you don't have to use these
50:35.88 capabilities uh the goal of this
50:38.04 Advanced webinar is to go help you go
50:40.68 from uh 80% to 95% uh these are the
50:44.00 things I use personally on a routine
50:46.16 basis and and I cannot survive without
50:49.48 promatrix because I get a couple hundred
50:51.00 emails per day um I go through you know
50:54.00 several dozen task at least um every
50:57.08 single day and so for me I can't think
51:0.68 of a more powerful way to be on top of
51:3.48 my key tasks so um don't worry about
51:6.80 using all of these features use the one
51:8.64 that works best for you and that's all
51:11.16 there is to it and then you know in a
51:12.60 year I think you'll find that once you
51:15.20 use all of these features you'll find
51:17.36 that um you'll achieve a lot of success
51:20.12 and then as I mentioned you know some
51:22.20 team members prefer this in specific
51:25.00 languages and so forth we we actually
51:27.20 have a system for um translating all of
51:30.20 this into the respective languages and
51:33.72 so we have so many cross language teams
51:37.92 thank you all feel free to reach out to
51:40.40 me if you have any other
51:41.72 questions appreciate your
51:45.00 time thank
51:50.56 you