Deep dive into PM for MS Teams and Outlook

Video presented by Hai Nguyen

Webinar on

Prioritization is hard, Priority Matrix makes it easy. If you or your team struggle with staying aligned on high impact tasks, join us for this introductory webinar to Priority Matrix - with a focus on the integrations with Microsoft Teams and Outlook.
- Understanding the Eisenhower Matrix: This time-tested method helps you prioritize more effectively, enabling clear communication of your priorities.
- Task Management with Priority Matrix: Ensure no crucial tasks fall through the cracks, and navigate through your work with ease.
- Collaborative Project Management: Gain insights on team projects, creating templates, and delegating action items effectively.
- Priority Matrix for Microsoft Teams and Outlook: Manage your projects and emails seamlessly, without switching context, right from your favorite Microsoft tools

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0.00s get started first of all I will let you
2.52s know that this webinar is being recorded
5.34s so we'll be posting this and sharing
7.44s this on our website afterwards the
10.20s second thing is there's a chat section
12.18s so if you have any questions whatsoever
13.98s please send us a chat message
17.04s um the third is for those who registered
19.46s but did not get to attend and when you
22.86s have questions afterwards please feel
24.54s free to shoot me an email with any
26.52s questions you may have
28.14s with that I'll get started thank you so
30.30s much for joining us today my name is hi
32.04s co-founder of affluence and today's
34.56s webinar is about party Matrix for
36.42s Microsoft teams and Outlook it will be
38.82s an introductory webinar so with that
42.06s um we'll be covering the basic features
44.16s in the web in the pretty Matrix
46.26s application itself with an emphasis of
48.48s showing you how to get the most out of
50.34s Microsoft teams and Outlook so uh
56.28s again if you have any questions please
58.14s feel free to shoot me a message here I
1:0.90 will have this open
1:2.30 so what is part of Matrix party Matrix
1:5.16 is a comprehensive email priority and
1:7.26 project management software the way I
1:9.60 like to think about it is party Matrix
1:11.46 is a communication tool what it does is
1:13.80 it communicates to the rest of your team
1:16.56 what your priorities are across all your
1:19.50 projects and all of your
1:20.46 responsibilities so that nothing falls
1:23.22 through the crack so that you're not
1:25.02 losing track of the most important work
1:27.30 you have at any moment in time
1:30.68 so what makes part Matrix different and
1:33.54 better than some of the other existing
1:35.64 solution that you may have first we use
1:38.22 the four quadrant methodology as the
1:40.74 core to help promote effective
1:42.12 prioritization so I'll go into that a
1:43.74 little bit more the other aspect of
1:45.30 protein matrix is that where Microsoft
1:46.80 365 security certified for the web app
1:49.98 Outlook app as well as the teams app
1:52.92 and of course we're outlook's editor's
1:54.96 Choice app
1:56.34 um there are aspects of AI inside pretty
1:58.50 Matrix to help you achieve your goals
2:0.66 better and then part of Matrix also has
2:3.48 really deep Integrations into Microsoft
2:5.52 teams itself that will enhance your
2:7.92 experience working one-on-one and then
2:10.26 finally there are templates that you can
2:13.98 create Within part of Matrix itself that
2:16.20 would allow you to share within your
2:17.40 organization to save you a lot of effort
2:19.86 down the road especially if you have
2:21.18 repeated processes and so forth party
2:23.64 Matrix is available as a SAS solution a
2:26.64 HIPAA compliant solution as well as an
2:28.92 Azure government Cloud solution so what
2:31.14 I'm covering here today is our standard
2:32.94 SAS solution which is very very easy and
2:34.92 straightforward to sign up and if you
2:37.44 are interested in the other Enterprise
2:39.36 solution definitely send me a message
2:45.08 there's a famous quote attributed to
2:47.22 President Eisenhower what is important
2:49.20 is seldom urgent and what is urgent is
2:50.94 Sodom and porn and the core of
2:53.64 underlying in this is that every single
2:55.80 day we're being bombarded by all sorts
2:59.40 of things that actually requires our
3:0.96 attention but does not necessarily
3:3.42 add value right those are the things
3:5.70 that are urgent but not important like
3:7.86 when I wake up in the morning I'll get
3:9.24 30 or 40 emails the vast majority of
3:11.76 them aren't that critical
3:13.32 but there are some that actually should
3:15.06 stand out and where I should focus my
3:16.56 time but likewise for you and and so
3:20.28 many others out there that information
3:22.14 those those pings and so forth come from
3:24.66 many different sources in Microsoft
3:26.22 teams how um emails as I mentioned task
3:29.04 management software meetings and so
3:31.02 forth so imagine if I asked you to take
3:34.92 a piece of paper right now and start
3:37.02 noting down all the things you have to
3:38.88 do
3:40.26 and on that piece of paper uh write down
3:43.08 the things that you have to do today the
3:45.48 things you have to do this week the
3:46.62 things you have to do this quarter and
3:48.36 then the second part of it is
3:50.82 asking you to decide what should you
3:53.10 work on
3:54.12 would you work on the things at the top
3:55.74 or would you work on the things at the
3:57.06 bottom
3:58.26 or somewhere in between how do you
4:0.12 decide that
4:1.26 so instead of having this list what I
4:4.32 would ask you to do is instead take
4:6.42 those action items and start splitting
4:8.76 them into
4:10.20 the criteria of perhaps importance and
4:13.56 urgency right
4:15.84 but then also got to be done right now
4:18.72 and then what are the things that are
4:19.98 important but got to be done next and
4:21.66 what are the things that are not so
4:22.86 important but does require your
4:25.08 attention so if we were to do something
4:27.30 like that
4:28.86 the way you can imagine it this list of
4:31.80 yours becomes a matrix on the top left
4:34.56 will be the do now these are the things
4:36.66 that adds the most value to you if you
4:40.38 actually execute and then the things
4:42.30 that are important but not not do at
4:45.30 this moment right those are the things
4:46.80 you just plan for so ironically if you
4:49.80 were on top of everything your quadrant
4:51.66 one should be empty because you're
4:53.34 actually on top of things there's
4:55.08 nothing that requires your attention and
4:56.94 then instead what you're doing is you're
4:58.08 spending your time planning on what you
5:0.06 should tackle next the delegate um
5:3.54 quadrants are things that if you can
5:6.36 actually Outsource it to somebody else
5:7.80 maybe somebody else can execute on this
5:9.84 better or maybe
5:11.94 um there's a way to actually not do it
5:14.34 at all right that's where belongs and
5:16.02 delegate and then the inbox is pretty
5:18.18 much where you start your day
5:21.18 um as in a new task or new action item
5:23.46 goes in the Inbox and then from there
5:25.32 you decide which quadrant it belongs in
5:27.42 so that's how you could approach this
5:30.18 entire management aspect aspect of this
5:32.72 in a four quadrant methodology so when I
5:36.24 said that party Matrix is communication
5:37.92 tool
5:39.06 what I mean is you have this piece of
5:41.52 paper with all your action plans and all
5:43.68 your priorities and imagine you start
5:45.66 walking around the office
5:47.88 and compare notes right you go to your
5:50.28 manager and say hey by the way these are
5:51.96 my priorities do you agree or disagree
5:54.12 uh and then you go to your colleagues
5:56.34 that you work with uncritical projects
5:58.02 you do the exact same
6:0.30 the exact same thing and then you
6:2.46 finally go to the people who report to
6:4.26 you and look at their matrices and do
6:7.14 you have alignment
6:9.60 the interesting thing in all of this is
6:12.24 that if everyone agrees on everything
6:14.94 right you go around the office and
6:17.22 there's no disagreement whatsoever you
6:19.08 don't need party Matrix that means you
6:20.82 have everything figured out but the
6:22.92 reality is
6:24.18 there will be disagreements and not only
6:26.64 that there'll be disagreement on really
6:28.74 really important projects and then
6:30.54 suddenly you're spending all this time
6:32.22 working on tasks that you thought were
6:34.92 important but ironically
6:37.62 you know to your manager it may not be
6:39.18 or to your manager's manager may not be
6:41.46 and then the reverse of this happens too
6:43.80 which is your teammates or your
6:45.54 co-workers or the people reporting to
6:47.22 you are working on things that actually
6:48.60 is not that important and so the
6:50.88 Eisenhower Matrix and the approach that
6:53.40 we have in this particular methodology
6:55.16 forces you to make that key decision
6:57.66 right now and it force you to prioritize
7:0.36 and that's the hardest part but that's
7:1.80 where we add the most value
7:3.54 party Matrix as a software is a digital
7:7.08 version of everything I've just talked
7:9.36 about here to make it easier for you to
7:11.22 communicate your priorities to make it
7:12.66 easier for you to track the task and
7:14.28 that's what this presentation is all
7:16.08 about
7:16.98 again for those who are um who just join
7:20.96 this webinar will be recorded it will be
7:23.64 available on webinars
7:25.56 we'll also have a lot more webinars on
7:27.24 there as well and of course if there's
7:28.86 any questions whatsoever contact to
7:30.54 support affluence there's a chat inside
7:33.60 here
7:34.86 um and so if you have any questions go
7:37.68 ahead and send a message and I'd be
7:39.30 happy to address it during this
7:41.88 presentation
7:43.32 and with that I'm going to jump into the
7:45.36 party Matrix demo
7:49.02 all right so
7:51.36 as I showed you in the um
7:55.38 the four quadrant methodology the do now
7:57.48 do later delegate an inbox if you open
8:0.24 up pretty Matrix and here I have
8:1.92 partometrix and Microsoft teams again
8:3.66 that's where we're focusing today's
8:5.58 presentation on which is how do you
8:8.34 actually manage your priorities how do
8:10.56 you actually communicate your priorities
8:12.06 to everyone else within your
8:13.68 organization and then do in a way that
8:16.38 actually requires a least contact
8:17.88 switching so
8:20.16 many many of our customers use Microsoft
8:22.14 teams already the idea around having
8:25.08 part of Matrix embedded inside teams is
8:27.36 so then you're not switching apps you're
8:29.04 not going and open another application
8:30.96 in order for you to track your
8:32.34 priorities or figure out what you need
8:34.44 to work on so in order to get pretty
8:36.24 Matrix simply go to the App Store and
8:38.28 search for pretty Matrix now we do have
8:40.44 three versions of pretty Matrix which is
8:42.18 our Standard Version our HIPAA compliant
8:44.28 version as well as our government Cloud
8:45.54 version again the blue one is what I'm
8:48.06 demoing today which is our Standard
8:49.50 Version once you install pretty Matrix
8:51.42 simply pin it on the left hand panel
8:54.06 here choose pin and then you get
8:56.64 this quadrant view so this right here is
8:59.70 where you start your day and this is
9:2.34 what a project is so the idea around a
9:5.04 project could be one it could be an
9:6.90 actual project that you're working on
9:8.10 right
9:9.12 um that might be something that starts
9:10.62 today and ends in three months the
9:12.78 second way to look at it is it's just
9:14.64 the list of tasks that you have so
9:16.50 imagine if this was your personal action
9:18.90 item list and these are all the things
9:20.52 that you're thinking about so let's just
9:22.44 get started
9:24.36 I'm going to create a task and I'm going
9:26.16 to say
9:27.06 follow up with webinar
9:30.24 um participants
9:32.16 okay so that's a very very simple task
9:34.62 because that's something that I want to
9:36.48 get done and I want to make sure that I
9:39.00 have it in my to-do list for lack of
9:40.92 better words but if I just put that then
9:43.92 I don't know when I'm gonna get it done
9:45.60 will I get done today or tomorrow so
9:47.52 instead I can just do and say do
9:49.92 tomorrow
9:51.48 well actually tomorrow Saturday so how
9:53.64 about due next week
9:56.34 okay when I create a task like that so
9:58.68 what part of Matrix does is we use
10:0.42 natural language interpretation to look
10:2.64 at the action item that you create and
10:4.14 then set those due dates for you due
10:6.00 dates are actually really important
10:7.08 because if we talk talk about importance
10:9.06 and urgency if you don't know when
10:10.86 something is due how do you know when to
10:12.36 get started so I highly recommend
10:14.36 leveraging this natural language aspect
10:16.98 of pretty Matrix in order for you to
10:18.78 track your tasks and and that's pretty
10:20.46 much how you create a task now when I
10:22.98 create a task on the right hand side
10:24.54 there's something called the item
10:26.40 details item details is essentially a
10:29.22 breakdown of additional metadata
10:31.62 additional information regarding that
10:33.30 task you have that task name right here
10:35.22 you have the project it belongs in
10:36.72 because I can move it to another project
10:37.92 if needed
10:39.30 and then of course I can go and I can
10:41.40 star a task when I start a task what
10:43.98 it's doing is it's actually
10:45.98 signaling part of Matrix that hey this
10:48.12 is important so I want to make sure I'm
10:49.92 alerted about this and so forth and then
10:52.20 down here you have What's called the
10:53.82 owner
10:54.92 and every task has a owner one single
10:58.44 owner
10:59.34 um but you can have other people who are
11:1.32 actually relevant uh to the task and
11:3.30 those are called followers and then you
11:4.98 have progress which means zero 100 100
11:7.26 means done zero means hasn't been
11:9.00 started yet effort how much time it
11:11.28 takes and then you have that due date
11:12.84 like I mentioned which is this is due
11:14.94 next week as you saw how I created this
11:17.70 task a nice introduced natural language
11:19.08 but then there's something called
11:20.34 reminders and reminders is actually very
11:22.14 very different
11:23.34 um and it's it's extremely useful as
11:25.62 well because this is something I do all
11:26.88 the time let's say you're working on
11:30.54 um taxes right taxes was due April 15th
11:34.56 or something like that
11:35.82 um but if you wait until April 15 to do
11:38.52 your taxes clearly you don't even get
11:39.90 that done so you want to be reminded
11:41.64 ahead of time and so the idea is you
11:43.92 have something due at a certain time but
11:45.72 then the party Matrix should go and
11:47.40 surface that to you
11:49.02 um as many times as needed for you to
11:50.70 get started so I since I have this due
11:53.58 date already set I want to make sure
11:55.86 that I'm reminded so remind me Monday
11:59.28 and so what is happening right now is
12:2.04 when I type this into pretty Matrix the
12:4.14 green text is an indication that our
12:6.30 system is processing it using a natural
12:8.10 language again to help you
12:10.26 um
12:11.24 prioritizes tasks and so you see now
12:13.32 that I have this in place
12:16.08 um I have a task and I have all this
12:18.00 meta metadata on it down here is the
12:20.58 chat you can think of the chat as a way
12:22.56 to track
12:24.12 the history of all the changes for the
12:26.10 task and it's it's um as you use
12:28.68 Microsoft teams one of the things you
12:30.18 know is that you and your colleagues
12:32.22 might be talking about so many different
12:34.08 things at any point in time so it
12:36.54 becomes extremely challenging to be to
12:39.36 have the contacts you need for any
12:41.04 particular task so a chat here is a chat
12:44.70 specific only to this particular task
12:47.28 and so it's stored within per Matrix but
12:49.56 it's a way for everyone to be on the
12:51.06 same page
12:52.34 and the nice thing about this too is it
12:54.90 provides a history of all the changes
12:58.32 that's that's happening inside inside
13:1.38 this particular task and so when you six
13:3.66 months from now right imagine if your
13:5.64 colleague had some updates about their
13:7.86 task but then they leave the
13:9.18 organization or they're on vacation or
13:11.10 or on some sort of leave you can still
13:13.14 look at this and understand why
13:15.42 decisions were being made what are the
13:16.92 priorities and so forth then there's the
13:19.14 note section the notes section is just a
13:20.94 way to add additional information about
13:22.62 the task it's not meant to be a rich tax
13:25.56 environment that's something you can do
13:26.94 in Microsoft Word but you can't create
13:29.28 subtasks so for example I do subtask one
13:31.98 step task two subtask three
13:35.10 right and allowing me to create subtasks
13:37.14 within this particular task and then
13:38.82 there's a resource section resource
13:40.26 section is where you can attach files
13:42.18 documents links emails and so forth all
13:45.24 within the context of this task so then
13:47.34 if you were assigning this to somebody
13:48.78 they have everything they need to
13:51.18 actually get the work done or if you are
13:53.40 working on a document you can upload
13:55.14 that document here so then it's a single
13:57.24 place for you to actually track all the
13:58.98 resources you need so if I will go to
14:0.96 the chat section you see how it actually
14:2.46 has a record of all these subtasks I
14:4.32 created and then if I were to Mark the
14:6.12 subtasks as you know one subtask done
14:7.98 then our system will understand that and
14:10.50 actually update the progress as needed
14:12.50 so that is everything I have to do
14:15.00 regarding a task but let's just say if I
14:17.70 want to move from one quadrant one to
14:19.26 quadrant two I can actually just drag
14:20.70 and drop so pretty Matrix is very very
14:22.68 simple interface for you to prioritize
14:26.40 I'm going to pause there for a second
14:27.84 because what I want to communicate here
14:29.46 is that I have a very very simple
14:31.74 project and I have a very very simple
14:33.90 task but within this project it shows me
14:37.32 the information that I need in a very
14:39.18 visual way what I should be working on
14:41.46 right so again I'm you know I asked you
14:44.70 to look at the things you decided to
14:47.28 work on this morning
14:48.84 did you work on the things that were
14:50.52 actually important did you work on the
14:52.08 things that happened to be the last
14:54.06 email that was sent to you or someone
14:55.74 just sent you a message so
14:58.26 if you don't have a clear sense of how
15:0.30 to get started then then how will you
15:2.64 spend your time so when you look at this
15:4.68 party Matrix you can see that hey these
15:7.38 are the things I really should focus my
15:8.88 time on everything else should go in the
15:10.92 other quadrants and I can talk to my
15:13.08 manager and show them that these are
15:15.72 where I'm focusing my time
15:17.82 so that's a project and that's um that's
15:21.00 a task now a project can be customized
15:23.70 so let me show you actually how to
15:25.50 create a brand new project now one one
15:28.26 area that um one thing I want to
15:30.24 encourage you to do is actually when you
15:32.16 get started with part of Matrix create
15:34.20 three projects the first is your
15:36.30 personal task right these are the things
15:38.28 that you have to do on a personal basis
15:40.14 no one else has to see this project no
15:41.70 one else has to see all the task in it
15:42.96 then the second project would be one
15:45.12 where it's on a critical project that
15:47.46 you're working on
15:48.66 the number one project that you're
15:50.16 working on in the third our tasks you
15:52.38 have in common with your manager so
15:54.54 that's those are the three
15:56.70 type of projects that I encourage you to
15:58.56 do so let me show you how to create a
15:59.88 project you simply click on this Matrix
16:1.98 box right here and then this is your
16:4.02 list of projects so in my my actual
16:6.06 account I have something like 300
16:7.56 projects or so and so what that's uh
16:10.26 that spans across all sorts of spectrum
16:12.18 but I don't ever have problems
16:13.98 understanding what I need to work on but
16:15.30 just the way part of Matrix is organized
16:16.98 but let me show you how to create a new
16:18.36 project
16:19.50 when you go choose a new project you
16:21.90 have a couple of options you can use a
16:23.40 blank project which is what we're going
16:24.90 to do but at the same time under public
16:27.06 templates here you can actually choose
16:28.98 from some templates that we've created
16:30.84 and the idea around these templates is
16:32.88 actually there are different methodology
16:34.68 to think about the party Matrix
16:37.56 um and so what sometimes as I mentioned
16:39.60 to you that Imports into urgency but at
16:41.58 the same time for example the 30 60 90
16:43.74 day plan if you're a new manager
16:45.48 actually this Matrix is really really
16:47.88 helpful because you can go and actually
16:49.92 you can start planning out your your
16:53.34 work for the next quarter as a way to
16:55.56 demonstrate how you're able to um
16:58.62 create value for the organization right
17:0.84 or if you want a performance to crush
17:3.54 your performance in order to get
17:4.62 promoted so that's for example is a
17:6.48 matrix template that you can use but I'm
17:8.40 going to go ahead and do the blank
17:9.66 template here so new project okay so
17:13.02 that's the project name
17:15.00 as I mentioned you can do various types
17:17.94 of projects and every project has that
17:20.10 quadrants okay and then down here we
17:22.56 have the type of of projects so again
17:25.32 these are a couple of blank templates
17:26.82 all it's doing is customizing the
17:28.62 project
17:29.94 um names the quadrants names within the
17:31.92 project so I'm going to go ahead and do
17:33.78 the basic party Matrix and then I can
17:36.30 choose a color
17:37.68 you notice I kind of skip over this user
17:40.86 group
17:41.64 user group is an advanced feature and
17:43.62 the idea there
17:45.00 is you can create departments so for
17:46.98 example you may have a project and say
17:49.38 this is a sales project or a marketing
17:51.96 project and then all the marketing
17:53.58 people are invited that's what user
17:54.96 groups are
17:55.92 same thing with engineering same thing
17:57.66 with let's just say if you are a
18:0.24 property property management company you
18:3.12 might have a group of people that are
18:5.52 relevant to every single project that
18:7.08 you have there and so you can create a
18:8.76 bunch of different user groups and then
18:10.20 add the appropriate probes as needed and
18:12.24 then notes add additional information
18:13.62 about the project so go ahead and create
18:15.24 a new project right there
18:17.16 and that's it you see how it actually
18:19.32 looks exactly like what I've created
18:21.48 earlier
18:23.22 um for what I showed you earlier where I
18:26.34 had the Matrix where I'm adding on my
18:28.38 task and so for me to edit this project
18:31.20 there's a little eye icon right here if
18:33.18 you click this it opens up what's called
18:34.50 now the project details the project
18:37.08 details is the project name and then you
18:39.54 can start a project again just like
18:41.04 starting a task starting a project
18:42.44 surfaces to the top and then you have
18:44.88 members who are the people in this
18:46.74 project when you start a project and you
18:48.60 don't have User Group then it's just you
18:50.34 right and that's your personal project
18:51.84 but you may want to go and invite a
18:53.94 teammate
18:55.26 once you invite a teammate the way it
18:56.94 works is that they get to see everything
18:58.50 within this project so that's how
18:59.76 permission control works they want to
19:1.38 see everything they're able to edit it
19:2.58 they're able to talk about it they can
19:4.14 click on a task and say hey by the way
19:5.58 like you know I disagree or agree or
19:7.68 what's the status of this then you can
19:9.54 actually customize the quadrant names
19:11.46 too the the interesting thing about this
19:13.74 is that as you use protein matrix more
19:15.42 and more one thing you'll realize is
19:17.22 that your own organization
19:20.10 um the company you work for the
19:21.78 organization you work for as well as
19:23.28 your own organizational style can change
19:26.10 the way the quadrants names might be so
19:28.86 that's a convention that you can create
19:30.36 as part of the domain expertise within
19:34.02 your area of work that's not something
19:36.18 that we can
19:37.98 we can ever fully understand because you
19:39.90 understand your work better than than
19:41.22 all and then the second aspect of it is
19:43.26 as I mentioned this is a communication
19:46.50 tool right so use the quadrant names use
19:49.38 the color that communicate best to you
19:51.66 and best to your manager okay so that's
19:54.30 what you have here so that is
19:56.46 essentially the basics of a project now
19:59.34 one thing that's really interesting is
20:0.72 I'm going to jump to another project
20:2.46 here
20:4.64 that has a task for example the basic
20:7.44 Eisenhower Matrix now the Matrix is the
20:10.26 main view but one thing you can you
20:12.00 notice is here we actually have
20:13.50 different views I for example I can be
20:15.30 in list view the list view takes
20:17.04 everything you have in this quadrant and
20:18.36 actually shows them a list it is very
20:20.34 very easy to sort by due dates modify
20:23.16 dates
20:24.18 um by name by owners Etc so sometimes
20:27.06 you just want to go and identify what
20:28.80 are the things that are actually
20:29.82 requiring my attention
20:31.68 um regardless of the quadrants they're
20:33.06 in so the list view takes that
20:34.80 information and display in a different
20:36.42 way the way that you can think about
20:38.52 this this is that
20:40.62 all these tasks that you have within the
20:42.18 project are just information and then
20:44.58 the views takes that information and
20:46.50 sort it in a way to help you focus on
20:49.68 every single uh day the third is the
20:52.62 calendar view the calendar view takes
20:54.90 all the items that you have with due
20:56.52 dates and actually display it
20:58.68 um and uh
21:0.06 it's a time-centric view and so that
21:3.72 task that I created earlier was due next
21:5.40 week but now imagine if I actually want
21:7.08 to make sure I follow up on Tuesday I
21:9.00 just drag and drop it right very very
21:10.80 straightforward
21:12.60 one thing I want to point out is that
21:14.94 tasks that don't have due dates wouldn't
21:16.80 show up here so that is why I strongly
21:18.96 encourage using due dates the other
21:21.60 thing you'll notice too is the chat
21:23.40 section actually shows me all those
21:25.14 things that I've done the record of all
21:26.82 those changes it is so important in a
21:29.46 team environment that if you make a
21:31.26 change you have a record of that because
21:33.54 if your manager changes the due date
21:35.70 then you want to know right like that
21:37.86 what the due date was before and what
21:39.66 the due date is now and then vice versa
21:41.52 two if you assign a task to somebody and
21:43.74 then they mark it as done on time but
21:46.68 that's because they've changed the due
21:48.42 date three times then that information
21:50.40 is actually available and shows up here
21:52.74 in pretty Matrix and that's part of the
21:54.48 record keeping and this is called an
21:56.22 immutable record it cannot be changed by
21:58.02 somebody else
21:59.46 that transparency is extremely helpful
22:1.92 over time and one of the things that as
22:5.52 I mentioned as a communication tool what
22:7.98 happens is people within your
22:9.66 organization leave all the time oh in
22:12.00 fact you could be on sick leave or
22:13.68 maternity leave or something like that
22:15.36 too so when that happens how will
22:17.64 everyone know what your priorities are
22:19.26 and so when you look at pretty matrix
22:20.94 it's so if I'm on leave a teammate can
22:23.64 look at my quadrants and say okay I see
22:25.74 that you know highs considering these as
22:27.84 critical priorities and these are lower
22:30.18 priorities Etc and they may or may not
22:32.76 agree but at least my mindset is clear
22:35.88 and I don't have to go and answer an
22:37.92 email while one leave that says oh yeah
22:40.02 this is important this is not important
22:41.52 so you can think of permatrix as that
22:43.44 way to save you so much time during
22:46.38 using for the Matrix but also well
22:48.60 you're not using pretty Matrix
22:50.94 so that's that calendar view and then
22:53.34 you have the Gantt chart view so
22:54.66 affordable interest can build Gantt
22:56.04 charts for you automatically if you have
22:57.96 due dates and you have dependencies uh
22:59.94 per Matrix will actually link those
23:2.16 tasks together and display it for you
23:3.72 and then you have to feed which is sort
23:5.52 of like a you can think of as Facebook
23:7.14 feed that lists all the changes so
23:11.28 um again one of the things I want to
23:12.90 mention is that there is a chat section
23:14.58 if you have any questions send messages
23:15.84 there at the right moment in time I'll
23:18.00 try my best to answer them
23:20.04 so that's how pretty Matrix looks and
23:23.70 feel at the very very basic level now
23:26.10 one thing I want to mention is the 80 20
23:28.62 rule right which is if you were to use
23:31.80 only 20 of the features in part Matrix
23:33.84 and get 80 of the value I've shown it to
23:36.60 you which is one create a project right
23:40.08 or actually three projects as I
23:41.82 mentioned three projects use the Matrix
23:44.46 customize the Matrix as needed use the
23:47.10 quadrant names and the colors that
23:49.02 reflect best what how you want to work
23:51.54 and then two create action items and set
23:54.72 due dates if you did that you're able to
23:57.48 so much better track the priorities that
23:59.76 you have where um you probably aren't
24:3.00 doing before or you know there's no
24:5.04 confusion as to what those priorities
24:7.08 are and then share that to share that
24:8.82 with your co-worker share that with your
24:10.62 manager so then everyone's the same page
24:12.30 and so imagine if all your teammates
24:14.70 have one project that they're working on
24:16.38 together everyone knows exactly what
24:18.42 everyone's priorities are and then when
24:20.40 you have a meeting you're not going
24:21.78 through and say what are you working on
24:23.04 because instead the meeting would be hey
24:26.04 let's talk about this is should this be
24:28.44 a higher priority or you know should
24:30.18 this be low a priority so that will save
24:32.58 you a ton of time and effort and if
24:34.26 party Matrix is able to help you
24:36.42 identify one task that everyone's
24:39.30 working on but should not be working on
24:40.92 then we've saved a ton of of resources
24:43.38 and then vice versa if a protein matrix
24:45.54 can identify one task that everyone
24:47.58 should be working on but no one is then
24:49.92 again that also ensures that we create a
24:52.08 ton of value so it's not about the
24:53.82 number of things you get done it's about
24:55.26 the right things being done and that's
24:57.24 what the communication tool is
24:59.52 so you see that this is inside Microsoft
25:1.62 teams now let me show you the
25:3.42 capabilities inside teams where um where
25:6.72 part Matrix is really really powerful
25:8.94 and this is where our deep integration
25:11.52 um with Microsoft teams kick in
25:14.04 when I use Microsoft teams one of the
25:16.08 things that happens is that party Matrix
25:18.06 has
25:19.02 something called a one-on-one view so if
25:21.54 you click on this tab you can choose
25:23.46 protomatrix and when you do that what
25:25.62 you see is you actually see two options
25:27.12 I have the ability to add a pro full
25:29.34 project view what a full project view is
25:31.20 it actually attaches a matrix like
25:34.08 project Matrix into this tab with your
25:37.20 co-worker but the second thing I can do
25:39.36 is actually add something called a
25:41.04 one-on-one and when you add a one-on-one
25:44.64 what it's doing is it's telling you what
25:47.10 are all the tasks you have in common
25:48.72 with this person across your entire
25:51.60 party Matrix right across all your
25:53.88 projects all your responsibilities and
25:55.62 so forth
25:57.00 and so I have a one-on-one added already
25:58.62 when I go to here you can see that with
26:0.60 Eugenia I have all these tasks I have in
26:3.24 common with her and all the tasks the
26:5.52 due dates and so forth and so imagine
26:8.40 for a second if this was your manager
26:10.68 you and your manager go to Microsoft
26:13.74 teams open to chat with each other and
26:16.68 now suddenly you see all the tasks you
26:18.30 have in common across all your projects
26:20.70 suddenly your one-on-one meeting
26:23.22 will be so easy right because instead of
26:27.42 saying hey what are the things you're
26:28.62 working on and what are the things that
26:30.60 are overdue where where can I help you
26:33.78 um best your manager can go in here at
26:36.18 any point in time doesn't have to wait
26:37.74 until you have that one-on-one bi-weekly
26:40.32 or whatever you go in here and see the
26:42.30 status of all the different tasks and
26:44.22 here's the cool part how many times have
26:46.38 you had the situation where you had a
26:48.42 meeting and you talk about a really
26:50.34 awesome initiative that you're going to
26:51.78 get done two weeks later
26:53.94 you know someone asked hey by the way
26:55.80 did you get that done the question and
26:57.42 then the answer is like uh no actually I
26:59.22 forgot to write a debt right so which
27:0.84 part of Matrix you're actually able to
27:2.22 create that share task directly here
27:4.14 inside teams so for example and say call
27:6.78 soon tomorrow
27:8.34 right so I can actually create the task
27:10.68 directly here inside the The Matrix I'm
27:13.44 sorry inside the one-on-one view within
27:15.36 the chat inside Microsoft teams so I can
27:17.64 do cost you tomorrow I can decide which
27:19.26 project it belongs in and then not only
27:21.12 that it invites all the the two relevant
27:23.52 people directly here so I've saved a ton
27:26.64 of steps I don't have to go and open
27:28.20 part Matrix I don't have to go and
27:30.18 actually create a task and then set a
27:31.68 due dates I don't have to go and create
27:33.24 a task and then assign to somebody I can
27:35.34 do it all directly from here and all I
27:37.86 have to do is type the action item
27:40.86 and voila that's it right and so the
27:43.26 task is created the due dates are set
27:44.82 the relevant people are added into this
27:46.92 conversation
27:48.24 um and so I can ensure that when I have
27:49.98 that one-on-one meeting I'm actually
27:51.30 just spending my time creating and
27:54.48 tracking action items instead of
27:55.92 worrying about
27:57.18 worrying about uh opening another app
27:59.28 and switching context so that's how it
28:1.62 works in the one-on-one view there's a
28:3.24 lot more to it in terms of the use cases
28:5.70 that I think is extremely powerful and
28:7.50 so I highly recommend that if you use
28:9.78 Microsoft teams and you do think this
28:12.06 one-on-one is is powerful at this
28:13.98 one-on-one view with all your colleagues
28:15.86 especially the people that they report
28:17.76 to you or the people you work with
28:19.50 across many many projects
28:22.14 the other uh cool thing about
28:23.82 protomatrix is our deep Integrations
28:25.62 with all these other Advanced
28:27.48 capabilities inside teams so earlier I
28:30.00 mentioned how you can go and create a
28:32.58 task but imagine if your managers shoot
28:34.80 you an email or a message in teams and
28:36.60 say hi there you know could you send me
28:38.34 a report right so let me ask you a
28:40.38 question imagine if right now someone
28:42.54 sent your message in teams asking you to
28:44.28 do that what do you do well you could
28:46.50 send a report right away regardless of
28:48.48 whatever you're doing but more likely
28:50.10 than not you want to schedule that task
28:51.84 to ensure that you actually get it done
28:53.70 because it may take you days or weeks or
28:55.50 whatever to work on that report but then
28:57.54 how do you schedule that task
28:59.76 in a traditional application you might
29:2.16 have to go switch context open another
29:4.32 application go find the appropriate
29:6.12 project at the task set the due date
29:8.28 right but with part of Matrix you don't
29:9.66 have to do any of those you can actually
29:11.04 just hover this dot dot dot you create
29:12.96 PM item and that's it I can actually go
29:16.02 and create a task directly from the
29:17.82 message that I was sent
29:20.10 um and I can set the due date and if
29:21.78 your manager say hey could you send me
29:23.64 the report tomorrow well our system will
29:25.98 interpret that and set the due date for
29:27.30 you I can choose what quadrants it
29:29.10 belongs in what projects it belongs in
29:30.84 and here's another cool capability that
29:33.42 I haven't seen anywhere else which is
29:35.82 the ability for us to link back to that
29:38.34 moment in time when you made that that
29:42.78 task
29:43.74 let me give you an example imagine if
29:46.44 someone asked you to do something and
29:48.06 and that's because you've just had this
29:49.74 whole conversation with them around
29:52.44 um around priorities and and all that
29:54.72 and you create the task and to do in six
29:56.70 months suddenly you look at pretty
29:58.68 Matrix and you're thinking I forgot what
30:0.84 we discussed well pretty Matrix deep
30:2.94 links back to the Microsoft teams
30:4.98 conversations you had at that moment in
30:7.92 time when you created that task and so
30:9.48 that's what the special linked is it
30:11.94 brings you back to the right context
30:14.46 helping you understand
30:16.38 the context as needed and so you see how
30:19.26 now I can go and create this task
30:21.90 right and then I can share this in the
30:24.24 chat and so now your manager knows that
30:26.82 oh yeah you know what you know I've not
30:28.74 only um I'm not gonna create the task
30:30.90 but I actually can share it right here
30:32.46 and then one thing you'll notice is that
30:34.32 inside pretty Matrix these are called
30:36.06 action cards and the way the action
30:37.98 cards works is that it's party Matrix
30:39.90 action items but it's shared within the
30:42.12 team's conversation and so the the other
30:45.12 person can go and view the item they can
30:47.10 save the item as needed
30:49.26 the other thing you could do is you can
30:51.00 actually also pull up another task
30:52.56 directly from here so you can open
30:54.90 pretty Matrix here and then I have these
30:57.78 tasks and actually I can send this task
30:59.46 directly from here as well
31:2.10 and so I'm able to send that over to my
31:4.68 co-workers this happens all the time let
31:6.60 me give you a use case I get an email
31:8.28 from a uh from somebody a customer
31:10.92 that's very important and I want to
31:12.60 alert my team on hey could you take a
31:15.78 look at this action item I would take
31:17.34 that email create a task from it and
31:19.08 then share this action card inside
31:21.78 Microsoft team so now they get a ping
31:24.00 that says by the way this is something
31:25.56 that's important
31:26.82 right they can open it and view it
31:29.70 so that's that's how that part works so
31:32.04 now let me show you something else which
31:33.30 I think is actually
31:34.56 um
31:35.58 really useful inside the Microsoft teams
31:39.18 Integrations that we have which is the
31:41.76 ability to actually
31:44.04 automate things
31:45.60 um so
31:46.92 so earlier I showed you how you know
31:49.50 you're using Microsoft teams you're
31:51.42 using pretty Matrix you're tracking all
31:53.10 these different tasks but there's
31:54.54 there's things that you might want to do
31:55.92 sort of like the if this then that
31:57.84 scenario and so Microsoft released this
32:0.12 really powerful capability called
32:1.56 workflow Automation and so we've
32:3.54 leveraged them we're one of the very
32:4.74 first application to leverage that and
32:6.30 you can do that the way it works is the
32:8.22 following first you have to create a
32:9.84 group chat so here you see how I create
32:12.06 a group chat and you if you click on
32:13.80 this and you can create a group and it's
32:15.60 supposed to just a chat with one person
32:17.28 it's a chat with a team right so I'm
32:19.56 going to go ahead and open an existing
32:20.88 group chat that I have right here
32:22.92 all right so I have a group chat and
32:26.16 then if you go to the App Store here and
32:28.26 you search for pretty Matrix one of the
32:30.60 things you'll see is actually we have
32:32.46 the application here but at the very
32:34.26 bottom we have workflows so I won't go
32:36.36 into all the details here because this
32:37.92 is something you can explore what's
32:39.72 really neat about it is this I can
32:42.42 create a workflow where and whenever
32:44.28 anyone create a Microsoft form
32:46.74 submission
32:48.30 right
32:49.62 a pretty Matrix task is created and then
32:52.02 you notify the teams let me give you a
32:53.82 simple use case imagine if your
32:57.42 marketing team is seeking customer
32:59.22 feedback and for doing that they created
33:1.68 a Microsoft form so I'm going to go
33:3.60 ahead and you know imagine a go here go
33:5.64 create a Microsoft form
33:7.86 and I can call this customer feedback
33:11.34 form okay so you send this form to all
33:13.86 your customers and so forth right so
33:15.78 imagine if you did how likely would you
33:18.30 recommend okay so go ahead and add that
33:23.40 okay
33:24.72 um and then I'm going to go ahead and
33:25.86 click on collect responses and now I
33:28.26 have this form right here
33:30.66 now I go back to part of Matrix what's
33:32.82 neat about this is I can go and I can
33:34.74 create an Automation and you just simply
33:37.26 click on this and then you sign in with
33:39.48 part of Matrix and essentially what I
33:41.76 can say is I can say that when there's a
33:45.66 customer feedback form submission go
33:48.66 ahead and um
33:52.32 um choose that and then send a message
33:55.20 inside that teams chat and that's it I
33:58.14 added a workflow so the way part of
34:0.30 Matrix works is it's not only using
34:2.52 Microsoft teams but it ties together
34:4.56 with other Microsoft products in order
34:7.44 to create one comprehensive solution so
34:10.56 then you're not switching context
34:11.76 because if you get this Microsoft form
34:13.14 integration Microsoft form submission
34:15.48 you want to alert all the appropriate
34:17.28 people that hey there's a new customer
34:19.08 submission and so not only that it
34:21.72 tracks it for you in separate Matrix and
34:23.58 that's how workflow works so when you
34:25.50 look at this you'll see a couple of
34:26.88 other Integrations we have for example
34:28.80 when a task is overdue move it to the
34:30.60 first quadrants celebrate when a task is
34:32.88 done imagine if you have a customer
34:35.82 um
34:36.48 uh that you want to win right and you
34:38.58 create a task imported Matrix and if you
34:40.26 win that customer and you mark that task
34:42.18 as done right then it sends a
34:44.34 celebration inside inside teams
34:47.16 um leveraging your pretty Matrix Etc so
34:50.46 that's how these additional workflow
34:52.44 works and actually you can go and you
34:54.48 can build whatever workflow that you
34:56.10 want on an Enterprise level with pretty
34:57.96 Matrix and our team would support you in
35:0.72 that but these are the public ones that
35:2.40 you can do today
35:4.20 so that's how pretty Matrix Works inside
35:6.48 teams you saw how I have the this party
35:9.42 Matrix
35:10.80 um app that I pinned here there's so
35:13.02 many more capabilities that I'm not
35:14.46 showing you and that's something that
35:15.90 you can explore on your own again my
35:17.76 emphasis today is on that 80 20 right
35:20.16 which is how do you get the most value
35:22.56 out of permatrix and some of these
35:24.30 Advanced capabilities are useful if you
35:26.58 have specific use cases and that's
35:28.02 something that we can consult you on
35:30.54 um for your organization especially if
35:33.36 you're looking at our Enterprise
35:34.14 solution or especially if you're really
35:35.64 into the Microsoft teams and the Outlook
35:37.92 environments so now I'm going to show
35:39.60 you something actually that's slightly
35:41.04 different which is email management one
35:43.86 of the things that's really interesting
35:45.06 is that
35:46.20 you know you me and every other person
35:49.20 that you know probably receive way more
35:50.88 emails than you'd like and um One
35:54.66 Challenge I have for example with my
35:56.52 emails is sometimes I flag them the
35:58.98 problem is if I have Five Flags emails
36:0.72 that's fine but if I have 50 flags email
36:2.34 100 flags emails I start losing track of
36:4.86 them real quick and then not only that
36:6.60 if I have a flag email when do I get
36:8.82 back to it right you can set a due date
36:10.56 and so forth but then
36:12.18 I want to make sure that I'm actually
36:13.68 getting the proper reminders in the and
36:16.80 and the proper prioritization to ensure
36:20.76 that I track this email so pretty Matrix
36:22.44 is has probably one of the coolest
36:24.30 Outlook the one the best Outlook
36:25.74 Integrations out there and the way it
36:27.96 works is simple too so you go to the App
36:29.94 Store here search for a party Matrix
36:32.76 once you've installed pretty Matrix
36:34.86 um you get this panel on the on the
36:37.02 right hand side and the way I'll show
36:39.12 you how to open it imagine if I got an
36:41.10 email right imagine again my manager
36:43.20 shot me an email or a customer shot me
36:45.24 an email I can go click on this dot dot
36:47.52 dot instead of just flagging it by the
36:49.26 way this is sort of the point instead of
36:50.94 just flagging it I click on this um
36:52.62 Ellipsis I open pretty Matrix right here
36:55.98 and when I do I have the option to pin
36:58.50 for the Matrix but I can capture the
37:0.90 email what capturing email does is it
37:3.54 takes the email and converts it into a
37:5.52 task and then from that task I can
37:7.44 prioritize an appropriate project so
37:9.30 I'll show you that right I can say hey
37:11.46 which project does it belong in okay a
37:13.92 new project or let's just put in the
37:15.60 basic Eisenhower Matrix
37:17.70 I can choose what quadrants hey this
37:19.44 email is really important I'm going to
37:20.52 put in quadrant one and then here's the
37:22.44 cool thing which is I can assign to
37:23.94 somebody else right so I can assign to
37:25.92 Eugene directly from here
37:27.96 um and I can say due on Monday so now
37:30.48 I've taken an email instead of just
37:32.10 flagging it I've converted into a task
37:34.74 I've prioritized it in a project put the
37:37.68 appropriate quadrant on it set a due
37:39.66 date
37:40.44 um and we have the AI capability to
37:42.24 actually extract the action items for
37:43.98 you so
37:45.48 you if you click on that then our system
37:47.40 will read that email and say hey is
37:49.02 there a task here
37:50.52 um that I can actually uh take out and
37:53.28 put it for you so then you know what
37:54.96 what to do never perfect right that's
37:56.88 how AI is but it's one of those things
37:58.86 where it could save you time and
37:59.94 resources and that's it I click on
38:1.98 create action item you see how after I
38:4.20 create action item the right hand side
38:6.06 here becomes a sort of just like your
38:8.40 item detail panel right you have the
38:10.26 project name you have the task name you
38:12.30 have the ability to start Task the owner
38:15.12 Etc but the neat thing is when you
38:16.86 assign somebody else you're on this too
38:18.72 so if this task gets done you get
38:21.18 notification
38:22.50 we have customers that use this as a way
38:24.78 to ensure that they are not dropping the
38:28.38 ball on the most critical customer
38:30.24 emails when they have external clients
38:32.46 that's shooting them an email and they
38:34.80 have a let's say a share support email
38:36.48 address or if you have your own personal
38:38.94 email address and a customer shoots you
38:40.56 an email but then everyone else needs to
38:42.36 know about it if you forward the email
38:44.16 all you're doing is you're polluting
38:46.02 more and more people's inboxes and then
38:48.72 not only that you there's no assurance
38:50.76 that the tasks actually get done because
38:52.68 you don't know if they read them but
38:54.12 what part of Matrix when you convert
38:55.62 that email into a task you know that
38:57.96 someone's assigned to it and you know
38:59.82 that there's a due date and if it
39:1.14 doesn't get done it'll show you right
39:2.88 for the Matrix shows you that this task
39:5.04 is overdue
39:6.42 um and if you start everyone get the
39:7.98 proper notification so that's how it
39:10.14 works the cool thing about this too is
39:12.18 in the resource section that email is
39:14.40 attached so when I assign this to
39:16.14 another teammate the teammate can open
39:17.82 the email
39:19.08 as an EML file
39:21.06 um so they have access to this email but
39:22.74 then what's neat is this when I go back
39:24.24 to Microsoft teams right and I'll show
39:26.16 you here I go to back to this
39:28.26 conversation here and I open pretty
39:30.60 Matrix I can attach that task just like
39:33.30 I mentioned to you earlier okay could
39:35.52 you review this
39:37.32 you see how it actually attached that
39:39.78 that task as in that email rather as an
39:42.72 action card and then now this person
39:44.82 knows oh hey I got an email here and I
39:47.16 can open it and when I click on this
39:48.90 view item it opens up pretty Matrix and
39:51.60 then has the resource section the EML
39:53.40 file and then what's neat is that you
39:55.26 can have a whole conversation
39:57.54 um
39:58.50 around it directly in here within the
40:0.78 context of this task you can attach
40:2.64 files attach documents and you're not
40:4.92 sending an email back and forth and
40:7.26 accidentally CC the customer right if
40:9.66 you reply all that you're going to
40:11.82 create additional chaos but pretty
40:13.08 Matrix allow you to actually prioritize
40:15.12 that email and actually have a
40:16.98 conversation as needed so that's how the
40:19.38 Outlook integration works and that's how
40:21.06 it's so powerful one thing that you'll
40:23.28 notice too is after I create a task it
40:25.56 actually shows the party Matrix um
40:27.78 tag right here that means this email is
40:30.18 prioritized so then when I go back to
40:32.04 this email let's say I'll you know go to
40:33.84 a different email here and I open up
40:35.46 pretty Matrix okay right here right
40:37.98 imagine if I go here instead of actually
40:40.38 just letting me create another action
40:41.94 item I have the ability to open the item
40:44.28 instead
40:45.42 um so what that allows me to do is
40:46.86 actually track an existing task as
40:49.62 opposed to
40:51.06 um as opposed to creating more and more
40:53.16 tasks the other thing I can also do is
40:55.32 actually imagine if I got an email
40:57.24 that's actually relevant to an existing
40:58.86 task I can attach that email to an
41:1.44 existing task instead and that's what I
41:2.94 hover over and I hover and I attach it
41:5.04 right here so imagine if you have three
41:7.38 or four emails from the same customer
41:9.24 there's already a task you have the
41:11.28 appropriate people already assigned
41:12.72 again if you forward the email you're
41:14.46 just going to inundate everyone's
41:15.66 inboxes but instead you take that email
41:17.64 and you attach an existing task and now
41:20.22 suddenly everyone has one centralized
41:23.10 place where they understand the
41:24.30 priorities and all the resource
41:25.80 resources are in place and that's how
41:27.84 our Outlook Integrations work again
41:30.12 I'm going through this at a very very
41:31.80 high level
41:33.06 um as if you really want to use this
41:35.16 capability you can explore it and adapt
41:36.72 it to your specific use case there's a
41:39.00 couple more Integrations that I want to
41:40.50 highlight I won't go into them and all
41:42.48 the details just because in the context
41:43.98 of time but this is something that you
41:45.72 can explore
41:46.98 um one go ahead and search for the
41:49.26 priority Matrix Edge extension so we
41:51.90 have an edge extension and a Chrome
41:53.52 extension as well as a safari extension
41:56.82 if you use our iOS application but if
41:58.92 you go
42:0.06 if you go to the Microsoft Edge app
42:2.34 store you can install pretty Matrix for
42:4.56 Edge and you sign in and everything gets
42:6.48 linked together one powerful use case
42:8.52 with the edge extension is the ability
42:10.26 for me to convert any website that I
42:12.42 want into a task and so you can think of
42:14.70 this as a way to share SharePoint
42:16.44 documents um you can think of it as a
42:18.72 way to attach
42:20.88 um a web page that you're doing research
42:22.74 on and and and so forth
42:25.86 the other thing I want to show you is
42:27.54 our connectors so if you go to
42:29.70 on the panel here you
42:32.40 actually there's ability for you to
42:33.48 click on connectors we actually have
42:35.34 Integrations with Azure devops we have
42:38.52 Integrations with Microsoft planner we
42:40.32 have Integrations with Outlook calendar
42:42.32 and what it's doing is it's actually
42:44.88 pulling in all of these tasks that you
42:47.10 have in all these different applications
42:49.44 right
42:50.46 imagine if you have tasks in to do you
42:52.56 have your outlook Calendar you have task
42:54.78 and planner
42:56.28 um you when you connect
42:58.14 what part of Matrix does is it actually
42:59.94 creates a different project for each of
43:1.74 these software add-on and then it pulls
43:4.98 all your tasks over into part of matrix
43:6.78 it's a one-way sync so it's not two-way
43:8.88 sync as you update party Matrix it
43:10.92 doesn't go and update everything else
43:12.06 that's not the intention but the
43:13.68 intention is for you to see all those
43:15.24 other tasks and so as you make changes
43:16.92 to them it pulls into a pretty Matrix
43:18.72 for you because we understand that you
43:20.58 know everyone uses too many software
43:23.52 um and that's a challenge and so
43:24.96 hopefully over time what you'll find is
43:27.36 that pretty Matrix serves at that
43:29.22 centralized place for you to track all
43:30.84 your tasks prioritize them because once
43:33.12 you do you can access that in Outlook
43:35.16 you can access that in teams and you
43:37.62 don't need all these other software to
43:39.90 actually track all these different tasks
43:41.52 and then lose track of them
43:43.26 so that's how that Integrations with the
43:45.30 connector works again it creates
43:46.50 different projects for it and then as
43:48.72 you update those um those other external
43:51.72 software it pulls it into pretty Matrix
43:55.08 so Microsoft
43:57.48 um pretty Matrix also integrates with
43:59.70 several other really powerful Microsoft
44:2.70 capabilities
44:4.08 um so for example when you send an email
44:6.72 uh you're able to attach part of Matrix
44:9.36 and not only that you can go and
44:12.48 and you can create action cards so again
44:16.02 when you I mean let's just say you do
44:18.54 want to shoot an email to somebody right
44:20.40 but you want to include the part of
44:21.78 Matrix action card you can actually go
44:23.88 here open up party Matrix and what's
44:26.58 really neat is as you're composing a new
44:28.44 email you actually have the ability to
44:30.96 attach a part Matrix action card and
44:33.54 instead of just asking somebody to do
44:35.82 something as a text instead what you're
44:38.52 doing is you're actually allowing them
44:41.28 to see the parametrics task itself and
44:43.62 they can open it they can respond to it
44:45.30 and so the really really useful way to
44:47.70 have again partometrics as a centralized
44:49.62 place to track all those tasks
44:51.54 so I'm going to take a pause there um
44:54.42 because I know I've covered a lot of
44:56.16 different things and I'm going to go
44:57.42 back to the Microsoft teams Matrix view
45:0.66 because again I want to emphasize how
45:2.94 you can get so much bang for the buck by
45:5.76 focusing on using pretty Matrix as a
45:7.68 communication tool and inside teams and
45:10.26 then everything else is icing on the
45:11.76 cake we have
45:13.92 so many different ways in which you can
45:15.54 use pretty Matrix
45:16.98 um and then what happens is as you use
45:19.02 protein matrix more and more and you're
45:21.00 customizing quadrants you're customizing
45:23.10 uh workflow and so forth once let me
45:27.12 give you an example imagine if you have
45:29.34 you create a party Matrix and that
45:31.62 Matrix is a employee onboarding uh
45:35.94 priority list right you say hey as a new
45:38.88 employee these are the things you need
45:40.14 to do these are things you should read
45:41.64 these are the resources once you do you
45:43.98 can go and choose the uh to save that as
45:47.64 a template so now when you have a new
45:49.02 employee instead of doing all this work
45:50.76 over and over again you can actually
45:52.26 launch a project as a template instead
45:54.42 and you say this is due today and then
45:56.76 all the future due dates are propagated
45:58.56 for you same thing applies to if you
46:1.20 have a new let's say Consulting clients
46:4.02 that you're onboarding and with the
46:5.76 Consulting clients you have all these
46:7.20 things you have to do for them
46:8.64 so that's the capability that we have as
46:10.32 well there's several other things that
46:12.24 makes protein matrix really unique the
46:13.98 ability to work with external people so
46:16.26 we actually have that capability for you
46:17.64 to actually share pretty Matrix with
46:19.44 external to your organization
46:21.66 um and that's something that you know
46:22.86 many many products out there don't
46:24.18 really do and for example Microsoft
46:26.10 planner doesn't really do that because
46:28.14 you only can only access the internal
46:30.06 stuff and then
46:31.80 you might also really want to share a
46:34.68 read-only version of pretty Matrix you
46:36.42 can do that you can generate reports a
46:39.00 pretty Matrix you can do that you can
46:40.98 generate
46:42.18 um
46:42.72 history of all the changes that you need
46:44.82 you have you can do that and then party
46:47.16 Matrix also has workload reports again
46:49.74 what I'm trying to show here is what's
46:52.20 possible from the data that you have if
46:54.78 you go to reports part of Matrix
46:56.28 actually has reports for you on your
47:0.12 daily re usage your weekly usage and so
47:3.24 forth in order for you to understand
47:4.50 what is it that you work on example you
47:7.14 do your quarterly review product Matrix
47:8.82 can actually show and generate that
47:10.62 report that shows your all the things
47:13.38 you worked on this past quarter that
47:15.48 will help you with your performance
47:16.68 reviews I'm not diving into all of those
47:18.66 today but just understand that your task
47:20.70 in pretty Matrix as you mark them as
47:22.38 done is actually really really helpful
47:24.42 to your own career progression as well
47:26.76 be able to communicate to others what
47:28.14 you're working on
47:30.72 one last thing is there's this thing
47:32.94 called the home view you'll probably
47:34.02 notice and I kind of gloss over it but
47:35.88 if you click you see this this red
47:37.76 number right here well I've mentioned
47:40.56 about all those due dates and reminders
47:42.42 and so forth this right here is
47:44.04 notifications right when you have things
47:45.84 that are due or things that require your
47:47.52 attention that's what get updated and
47:49.74 then it'll show up here in the alerts
47:51.12 and so when you
47:52.98 um send someone a message when you
47:54.48 assign a task to a co-worker it would
47:56.88 send them an alert right here and now
47:58.32 they know that they can go and actually
48:0.66 um look at it and so forth when they
48:2.58 look at the task it updates pretty
48:4.08 Matrix
48:6.08 so with that
48:8.34 um
48:9.60 I'm actually going to go back to here
48:11.28 and see if there's any questions
48:13.26 um here in the chat and as always I'm
48:16.26 more than happy to answer other
48:17.52 questions as well
48:19.32 um if there's any other questions thank
48:22.26 you for the very positive feedback there
48:24.84 appreciate it
48:26.10 um and so again this meeting is recorded
48:28.74 and we'll be sharing this with uh on the
48:31.44 webinar website if you have any
48:33.00 questions shoot me an email at
48:34.20 or if you have questions
48:36.42 about your company Enterprise use cases
48:38.66 shoot us a message of support or sales
48:40.98 at and we'd be happy to
48:42.66 accommodate thank you all