Introduction to Priority Matrix

Video presented by Hai Nguyen

Webinar on

Prioritization is hard, Priority Matrix makes it easy. If you or your team struggle with staying aligned on high impact tasks, join us for this introductory webinar to Priority Matrix. Here is a sneak peek at what you can expect to learn from the introductory webinar:

- Understanding the Eisenhower Matrix: This time-tested method helps you prioritize more effectively, enabling clear communication of your priorities.
- Task Management with Priority Matrix: Ensure no crucial tasks fall through the cracks, and navigate through your work with ease.
- Collaborative Project Management: Gain insights on team projects, creating templates, and delegating action items effectively.
- Priority Matrix for Microsoft Teams and Outlook: Manage your projects and emails seamlessly, without switching context, right from your favorite Microsoft tools.

Please share this invitation with your team members, or anyone who might benefit from learning more about Priority Matrix. Hope to see you there!

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Video transcription (51:38.18) Stop scroll

0.00s this meeting this webinar will be
1.92s recorded and so we'll be posting it
4.08s afterwards so then for those who miss it
5.76s or those who signed up but didn't get a
7.86s chance to join can actually review the
10.32s video or share it with their their team
12.18s members later my name is hi I'm
14.88s co-founder of affluence and today we're
16.92s going to be talking about party Matrix
18.18s teams and Outlook the one thing I do
20.64s want to emphasize is this webinar is
22.92s part of a series of webinars
25.32s so for those who signed up I want to
28.26s emphasize that you can also sign up for
30.18s different types of webinars that we have
32.52s this is an introductory webinar so we'll
36.24s be reviewing the most Basics information
38.40s around party Matrix I want to mention
40.80s too that you are able to type in the
43.80s chat if you have any questions Pablo is
46.44s actually in the line as well and able to
48.06s answer any questions that you have
50.04s um and so please please feel free to
53.22s chime in if you have any any questions
55.32s otherwise we're going to get started
1:3.78 so first of all let's start with the
1:6.00 basic concept of party Matrix for those
1:7.50 who are not familiar pretty Matrix is a
1:9.18 comprehensive email priority and project
1:10.98 management software to help teams manage
1:13.50 emails conduct more efficient meetings
1:15.24 and get real-time status and updates and
1:18.12 um of projects and priorities one thing
1:20.46 I do want to emphasize is that party
1:22.14 Matrix is not just a project management
1:23.82 software but a priority management
1:25.38 software and hence the name and so what
1:27.78 we really want to talk about is what are
1:29.82 the things that you really should be
1:31.38 focusing on what are the things where
1:34.80 you should delegate and what are the
1:36.66 things that you should plan for and so
1:39.36 that's the concept around party Matrix
1:41.40 and that emphasis on prioritization
1:45.36 a couple of things about protein matrix
1:47.10 and what makes it different it's the
1:48.84 only project email and meeting
1:49.98 management software that one uses the
1:52.26 four quadrant methodology and you'll
1:53.82 you'll see that as I talk about the
1:55.50 solution more as the core of the product
1:58.26 and this is a way for us to promote
2:0.42 effective prioritization party Matrix is
2:3.12 also Microsoft 365 security certified
2:5.54 and is the only one that's certified in
2:8.46 the Outlook app the Microsoft teams app
2:10.74 as well as in our web app and of course
2:12.24 we're outlooked editor's Choice as well
2:14.16 the leading one
2:15.96 we're actually starting to leverage a
2:17.46 lot of AI to help you achieve your goals
2:19.50 more and I'll try to Showcase that today
2:21.30 as well we do integrate with Microsoft
2:23.58 teams meetings we integrate with
2:25.20 one-on-one and so one of the things that
2:26.82 we do is actually help you understand
2:28.08 what are the things that you should work
2:30.24 on
2:31.38 um not just in for one project or one
2:34.62 area responsibility but what are the
2:35.94 things you have to do across all areas
2:38.34 of responsibility based on the people
2:40.86 the teammates that you work with and so
2:42.54 we actually have a way for you to see
2:44.04 all that information we also have
2:45.78 templates and then finally pretty Matrix
2:48.36 is available as a standard SAS solution
2:50.34 which is what I'll be showcasing today
2:52.32 but we also have a HIPAA compliant
2:54.78 solution as well as an Azure government
2:56.40 Cloud solution as well of course you
2:58.44 know our Enterprise Solution that's on
3:0.00 private deployments so if you have any
3:2.58 questions around the type of deployment
3:4.56 that you're on please feel free to reach
3:6.78 out to to me or to the support at
3:9.06 affluence contact at any point in time
3:11.82 and we'd be happy to discuss that
3:13.44 further
3:18.60 so
3:20.04 one
3:21.84 um there's a quote attributed to former
3:24.00 President Eisenhower which is what is
3:26.10 important is seldom urgents and what is
3:27.90 urgent a sound of important the core
3:30.00 fundamental here is that what happens is
3:32.64 that every single day
3:34.50 um we have a lot more things that we
3:36.78 have to do than the resources the time
3:39.06 that we have to do that and the things
3:42.30 that are that tend to not be so
3:44.70 important they tend to be urgent and so
3:46.80 what that does is it actually really
3:48.26 nags at you and it pulls you away from
3:50.94 what actually truly matters
3:55.26 actually my apologies actually I just
3:57.60 realized I haven't been sharing my
3:59.10 screen
3:59.88 um so let me do that real quick here
4:3.60 um
4:6.12 right now you should see my screen my
4:9.54 apologies for that um but we can start
4:11.52 here because this is this is where the
4:14.10 the true the concept behind part of
4:15.96 Matrix itself
4:17.16 um so what is important is set emerging
4:18.84 what is urge and seldom important so one
4:20.70 of the things I always ask people to do
4:23.46 um customers and and other folks that I
4:25.38 talk to which is imagine if you took
4:27.96 everything that you have to do right
4:29.58 imagine you took out a piece of paper
4:30.96 right now and write everything down
4:34.02 and then now we have this massive list
4:36.36 so my question to you is where do you
4:38.76 start your day what do you work on when
4:40.32 you wake up in the morning do you work
4:41.76 at the top do you work at the bottom
4:43.50 um or do you pick a random one out of
4:45.36 the middle and then likewise as you add
4:47.76 more tasks uh where where do you add
4:50.64 them do you have them at the top or do
4:51.78 you add the bottom and so the idea is
4:54.24 that we can take this simple Concepts
4:56.40 and actually go ahead and put it into a
5:0.60 two by two Matrix so then you take all
5:3.84 those tasks that you have and start
5:5.40 moving them around and say hey these are
5:7.38 the things I need to work on now these
5:8.94 are things I should plan for these are
5:10.80 things that you delegate and then of
5:12.36 course there are things that you just
5:13.44 drop off completely
5:15.18 um if things if there's something that's
5:16.68 not important not urgent you should not
5:18.30 even have them on your list the idea is
5:19.80 to get rid of them and so quadrant four
5:21.78 is really the inbox so if you took
5:23.64 everything that you have to do based on
5:25.08 what I just described put into this two
5:27.00 by two Matrix now you suddenly have
5:30.00 a bigger picture of what it is that you
5:32.82 should be spending your time on what it
5:34.32 is that you should be doing
5:35.82 now my challenge to you is to take this
5:39.30 Matrix that you just drew on your piece
5:41.46 of paper or whatever it is and go around
5:43.20 the office and compare notes right so
5:45.78 you may think that certain tasks are
5:48.30 really important really urgent and then
5:50.10 your manager may feel a different way
5:52.20 now when you do that notes comparison
5:54.48 you suddenly find the discrepancy across
5:57.06 the organization and that's the goal of
5:59.46 party Matrix which is to surface up all
6:2.10 of those uh discrepancy within the the
6:5.22 team Within
6:7.02 the work that you have to do to know
6:8.88 where you should be focusing your time
6:10.86 now if you find that you're in agreement
6:14.34 with everyone that's fantastic you're
6:16.32 part of the extremely rare group of
6:18.30 people
6:19.20 um what we find is that you'll find
6:21.30 disagreements and that discovery of
6:23.58 disagreement is what party Matrix is
6:26.46 where part Matrix adds value and that's
6:28.32 what helps you in your organization
6:30.60 understand that hey you know what we
6:33.18 have this misalignment let's figure it
6:34.74 out so the four quadrants in the
6:36.84 Eisenhower Matrix creates alignment
6:38.76 because it forces you to do that hard
6:41.34 part of prioritization right because so
6:43.68 many of us just trying to go through the
6:46.26 day without with just that list of ours
6:49.02 without actually going and actually
6:51.18 making the hard choices of saying you
6:53.22 know what these are the only things I
6:54.96 can focus on today everything else got
6:57.06 to be in the back burner
6:59.82 um so I'm going to be jumping to the
7:1.56 product and show you a demo pretty
7:3.30 Matrix and walk you through some of the
7:4.74 basics of pretty Matrix and again for
7:7.20 everyone who joined after the call
7:8.64 started the goal of this particular
7:10.68 webinar is to focus on the introduction
7:12.96 to pretty Matrix so
7:14.88 um the basic capabilities creating
7:16.44 projects and tasks and so forth we will
7:18.78 have other webinars on Advanced topics
7:21.24 around like Gantt charts and and so
7:23.34 forth we also have different we will
7:25.32 also have different webinars on
7:27.18 different solutions such as the HIPAA
7:28.80 and the government Cloud solution but if
7:31.20 you go to that's how you
7:32.76 get started if you don't have a license
7:34.20 ready or an account already and then if
7:36.78 you go to webinars then
7:39.12 you can actually see some of the
7:40.32 recordings that we have in the past and
7:41.94 we cover many various topics
7:44.64 with that I'm going to jump into the
7:46.26 part of Matrix demo
7:49.80 again for those who have questions go
7:52.32 ahead and send them in the chat because
7:54.36 um you know someone will be there to
7:55.50 answer those questions for you and then
7:57.12 of course you can also reach out to us
7:58.56 as supportive affluence if there's
7:59.70 something that you're uh you're curious
8:1.86 about but didn't get a chance to ask
8:3.30 today
8:4.62 so here I am jumping into a party Matrix
8:7.14 and so I have pretty Matrix here open on
8:9.12 the web app
8:10.14 um this is my My Demo account and so if
8:12.66 you go to you click on web
8:14.16 app you sign in this is a view that you
8:16.68 see and so when I showed you the four
8:19.14 quadrants the do now plan delegate and
8:21.78 inbox well that's exactly what we've
8:23.70 created we've created the digital
8:25.38 version of that quadrants that I
8:27.96 mentioned to you that you do on your
8:29.10 paper the reason being is that if it's
8:31.20 digital then it's very very easy for you
8:33.00 to move things around add things without
8:35.88 having to you know scratch them off on
8:37.44 your piece of paper or erase them and
8:38.82 then do something else and then not only
8:40.32 that we have a full audit trail that
8:42.72 tracks the record of everything that you
8:44.70 have so then you can review things
8:46.38 months or years later to know exactly
8:48.80 what tasks were done when why Etc
8:53.10 so if you look at the four quadrants you
8:55.08 see quadrant one is due now quadrant two
8:57.00 is planned quadrant three is delegate
8:58.86 and then inbox and uncategorize inbox
9:1.02 and uncategorized is pretty much where
9:2.40 you start right so if you create a task
9:4.14 and you don't know where it belongs
9:5.64 that's where you get started so for
9:7.26 example let me go ahead and um
9:10.32 let's say I want to go and say reach out
9:13.56 to webinar
9:16.10 attendees so this is one way for me to
9:18.84 create a task and so the moment I create
9:20.28 a task I have the title here and then
9:22.26 there's an owner now there can only be
9:23.82 one owner um in this particular case I'm
9:26.10 in this project by myself so I have just
9:28.50 the owner being myself but I can go and
9:31.14 I can actually assign it to somebody
9:32.58 else right so I can assign to another
9:34.20 team member directly from here when I
9:36.72 create the task and so when you're
9:38.10 working with others you might want to
9:40.02 have multiple people involved in
9:41.46 particular tasks and you want to follow
9:43.20 it and so that's the idea around owners
9:45.18 but there's only one owner because
9:46.68 that's the person responsible we don't
9:48.24 want to have multiple owners then
9:49.98 afterwards you'll be asking wait I
9:51.66 thought you were responsible et cetera
9:53.04 so that's why there's only one owner
9:55.50 so if I go ahead and I create this task
9:57.84 and I click add
9:59.70 you see that it actually creates a task
10:2.04 um now one thing I can do is actually uh
10:5.04 when I open this task on the right hand
10:6.90 side you'll see what's called the item
10:10.14 details so you have the project that it
10:13.02 belongs in you have the name of the item
10:15.06 that I created and then you have a lot
10:17.64 of other metadata that you can add to
10:20.04 this for example the owner as we
10:21.66 mentioned we have progress how much
10:23.64 progress has been made so zero to 100 if
10:26.04 100 then it's done there's effort which
10:28.74 is
10:30.36 um how long something takes so for
10:32.34 example if I click on effort I can
10:34.08 choose one hour two hours half a day the
10:36.18 idea is not to be exact and super
10:38.70 accurate but the idea is to go and just
10:40.68 create sort of a ballpark of how long
10:42.72 something takes and so if you do set
10:44.70 effort on a task then later on we can
10:47.16 run reports on that to show you by the
10:49.50 way it's so and so individual within
10:51.60 your team has a lot of work on a certain
10:53.94 week because of you know the amount of
10:55.80 task that they have and the total effort
10:58.32 is actually you know maybe exceed the
10:59.94 number of hours they have available
11:0.90 because not all tasks are really the
11:2.82 same so that's an idea behind effort uh
11:4.98 and then you have due dates which means
11:6.72 you know when is something due so for
11:8.46 example let's I can go here and I can
11:10.26 select a due date so maybe a follow-up
11:12.24 on Friday here
11:14.76 I think it's that recurring task if
11:16.32 needed so now I have a due date um but
11:19.02 then right next to it is actually
11:20.16 reminders and there's a difference
11:21.30 between reminders and due dates which is
11:23.34 let's just say you have something due in
11:24.84 two weeks but if you wait for two weeks
11:27.24 to get started well maybe you won't be
11:28.92 to finish that on time so what you do
11:30.90 instead is you set a due date but then
11:33.06 you can also set a reminder which means
11:34.86 you know remind me
11:36.72 um ahead of time so I can remind myself
11:38.40 tomorrow and then I can remind not just
11:40.50 myself but everyone who's involved in
11:42.06 this task and so as you use pretty
11:43.74 Matrix what happens is that first you're
11:46.38 really focusing on yourself right what
11:47.94 that means is you're focusing on your
11:49.68 priorities every single day what are the
11:52.08 things you need to work on but then as
11:53.70 you use part of Matrix more then you
11:55.38 realize wait a minute if I can
11:57.06 understand my priorities it'd be very
11:58.68 useful for others to understand what my
12:1.02 priorities are and then for me to also
12:2.64 understand what their priorities are so
12:4.56 then you start adding team members and
12:6.54 collaborators into your projects and so
12:8.46 when you have a task then you might have
12:10.56 a reminder but you can also set a
12:12.36 reminder for all followers and then of
12:13.98 course how often that reminders come
12:15.60 about once or every day Etc
12:18.78 so you see how I have a reminder here
12:20.40 for tomorrow for an item due
12:22.80 on Friday
12:24.90 and
12:26.04 down here there's something called chat
12:28.38 and so I imagine so many of you use many
12:32.94 many different software on a day-to-day
12:35.10 basis um would let's say you get an
12:37.50 email from your manager that say hey
12:39.18 could you do XYZ and then you get a
12:42.18 Microsoft teams chat message or
12:45.48 um you know someone see you in the
12:48.06 office and say hey could you do XYZ
12:50.22 right so you have all these different
12:52.50 channels
12:53.88 um where task and delegation and
12:56.58 information is coming in from the
12:58.44 problem is it's great that you have that
13:1.26 and it's so fluid uh but in the month or
13:4.26 two months when you start looking at
13:5.82 some of these tasks again you start
13:7.20 wondering wait a minute what did so and
13:8.70 so say or what was our decision around
13:11.12 XYZ task right and so what happens is
13:14.16 that party Matrix has this chat but this
13:16.80 chat is focus only on this task and so
13:20.64 when you're in here and you're chatting
13:22.26 with another team member this is kept as
13:24.66 a record only for this task and so it
13:26.70 provides within the context of the tasks
13:28.62 that you're working with the note
13:30.12 section is a little bit more
13:31.26 self-explanatory so you can add
13:32.76 additional notes and details um you can
13:34.86 also add subtasks so for example I can
13:37.02 do subtask one subtask two subtask three
13:40.92 right I can create subtasks
13:43.02 and then I have resources so the idea of
13:45.78 resources is you might want to attach
13:47.10 files or emails or documents or links
13:50.10 right so a task may have a lot of
13:52.50 additional metadata around it because
13:54.66 again you want to send a report maybe
13:56.76 you have to attach the draft of the
13:58.56 report or you want to link to various
14:0.42 resources so then you have that as a
14:2.04 record
14:3.20 one thing you notice is that after I
14:5.58 created those subtasks when I go back to
14:7.02 the chat here it's all created here
14:9.60 um you can see that information here as
14:11.10 part of the audit Trail
14:12.84 um one area that I think part Matrix
14:15.18 does really well is create transparency
14:19.20 but seamlessly and automatically for you
14:22.44 and your team so what what I mean by
14:24.66 that is this which is when you make a
14:26.82 change part of Matrix tracks that as
14:28.62 part of this this history and so when
14:32.16 you create a new sub task well we track
14:34.32 that we say who created it when it was
14:36.30 created and then when the subtask is
14:38.58 done right so let's just say I go back
14:40.32 to here I Mark the subtask that's done
14:42.30 and I go back to the chat what happens
14:44.22 is Again part of Matrix tracks that
14:45.96 record and not only that you see the
14:48.30 progress Now updates because I got one
14:49.74 out of three step tasks done so that's
14:51.12 33 percent
14:52.86 uh and so when in six months or a year
14:56.04 when you look back and you realize wait
14:58.08 a minute you know did I do those things
15:0.00 that I said I would do
15:1.62 um did I get them done on time all of
15:3.66 that is available so let's just say when
15:5.52 I'm done with this task I can go to the
15:6.90 chat here I can tell I'm done one thing
15:9.36 I want to show you is that party Matrix
15:10.98 actually uses natural language to
15:13.74 understand some of the things that you
15:15.24 type and use that as a way to save you
15:18.30 time so you see how the moment I press
15:20.22 done here does actually turn green when
15:22.38 it's green it means that our system
15:23.46 tried to interpret it it actually marks
15:25.68 the progress to 100 crosses us out and
15:28.20 now that task is gone from my Matrix now
15:30.60 I can always go to filters and show me
15:32.40 all the completed items but that's one
15:34.44 way to Market task is done now I want to
15:36.78 show you something else around the
15:37.98 natural language because this is where
15:39.24 we can save you a lot of time and effort
15:40.86 because you're probably creating tasks
15:42.48 day on a day-to-day basis you're
15:44.28 creating tasks constantly so let's
15:46.08 create another task which is
15:47.88 um
15:48.96 check on report right so again I'm
15:52.14 creating a task but I'm going to do
15:53.58 something differently which is due
15:55.08 tomorrow I'm actually going to type do
15:57.12 tomorrow directly here in the title when
16:0.36 I create this task our system actually
16:2.46 goes and interprets that and set the due
16:4.38 date for you which is actually really
16:6.06 really helpful because then you don't
16:7.50 have to go and click on that calendar to
16:9.36 set a due date
16:10.50 um and then in fact if I change my mind
16:12.00 I want to say do in three weeks
16:14.58 so again you see the text turn green
16:17.04 actually the due dates has changed to
16:18.84 Wednesday June 21st that's three weeks
16:20.94 from now
16:21.72 um and then I can say Remind me daily
16:23.76 so instead of actually clicking on the
16:25.56 UI I can actually just type it directly
16:28.20 in the chat here what's really helpful
16:30.36 about that is that
16:32.16 sometimes it's a little bit easier just
16:33.72 to you know talk to the system rather
16:36.30 than clicking on a bunch of different
16:38.58 buttons and so forth and so you see here
16:40.32 now I get a reminder on a daily basis
16:42.66 the two data set and this green text
16:44.88 again tracks the record of all those
16:46.50 changes
16:48.06 so when you use part of Matrix I highly
16:50.64 highly recommend that you use the due
16:52.62 dates and use the reminders because when
16:54.48 you do part of the Matrix will actually
16:55.92 send you notifications that says hey by
16:57.90 the way you know this task is is due or
17:0.00 overdue et cetera and then when you do
17:2.40 have that information it actually shows
17:4.14 up in your um
17:6.72 in your calendar
17:8.64 Etc
17:9.78 so that's the item details um now of
17:12.72 course there's there's stuff on here
17:13.98 that I didn't show you and and that you
17:16.14 know is beyond the scope of this
17:17.46 particular webinar but something that
17:18.90 you can explore down the road so
17:20.46 everything from Star so you can star an
17:22.68 item and that allows you to actually get
17:24.36 reports around that um you can add icons
17:26.82 and actually I do want to show this
17:28.56 because this is actually pretty pretty
17:30.00 useful
17:31.08 um when you go to here you can add an
17:32.22 icon again the choices are limited sort
17:35.16 of on purpose in the way that it helps
17:37.92 you get reports around those
17:40.02 um but one thing that we've seen
17:41.52 customers like is actually using these
17:43.38 colors so let's just say if you want to
17:45.78 create something and you want to
17:47.04 communicate a status to it right so for
17:48.96 example maybe yellow means it's on time
17:51.42 on schedule or in progress green being
17:54.84 on time and red being behind schedule
17:56.58 again you add that and now it shows this
17:58.92 icon here
18:1.08 um there's tags and so forth and links
18:3.30 um but we won't go into that but that's
18:4.62 something that you can explore as you're
18:6.18 using pretty Matrix
18:8.52 so now going back to this main view you
18:11.70 saw this Matrix view that's that's again
18:13.56 what we were talking about now we
18:14.94 understand that actually sometimes
18:17.10 um it's actually you know as your Matrix
18:18.66 get populated with a lot more tasks it
18:20.76 might be hard to track things it might
18:22.20 be hard to find hey what are the things
18:23.82 that overdue that requires my attention
18:25.50 so if you go to the top view up here you
18:27.96 can actually look at different views in
18:30.18 pretty Matrix it takes the same data but
18:33.06 it actually
18:34.52 displays it in a different format right
18:37.74 it's just taking the data and showing a
18:39.54 different view so this is the list view
18:41.10 this is maybe a lot more standard or
18:43.80 something that you're used to and so you
18:45.48 can still create tasks from here now
18:47.04 maybe some of your team members might
18:48.48 want to actually just focus on uh or use
18:51.18 part of Matrix with the list view
18:52.50 instead of a quadrant view because
18:53.76 that's what they're more familiar with
18:55.08 well product Matrix allows you to use
18:56.82 the same data but displays in a
18:58.62 different way and so you go here what's
19:0.66 really nice about this view what I like
19:2.34 best about it is I can sort it across
19:4.74 the entire project
19:6.18 um so for example I can sort my due
19:7.56 dates I can sort by when things are
19:8.88 modified I can sort by the quadrants the
19:11.58 icon the owner the task name Etc very
19:14.58 very useful if you want to identify what
19:16.26 are the tasks that are overdue so you
19:17.64 can see how here the tasks that are
19:19.38 overdue all turn red very easy for me to
19:22.68 see that visualization
19:24.96 now we can take that same data and
19:26.94 actually show it in calendar form again
19:29.28 this is a task that we have earlier I
19:31.32 think I created a task you see how it
19:33.36 was due for June right here it shows up
19:35.40 here if I need to re-prioritize or
19:37.50 change the due date I can just drag and
19:38.88 drop very very straightforward for me to
19:40.74 be able to move that around what's nice
19:42.78 is that when I do move it again the
19:44.46 record is still track here so just in
19:46.14 case I make a mistake or someone else
19:47.94 wants to know you know whether or not I
19:51.42 I change it Etc so that's the calendar
19:54.18 again you can create tasks directly from
19:56.10 this view
19:57.24 um again that's a time-centric view as
19:59.04 opposed to a priorities entry view which
20:1.26 is the quadrant right
20:3.24 we also have the Gantt chart View and
20:4.92 this Gantt chart is actually built
20:6.06 automatically for you and what's nice
20:7.62 about this is that uh you don't have to
20:9.66 go and you know use a Gantt chart
20:11.58 software if you want to create a Gantt
20:13.14 chart party Matrix as long as you have
20:14.58 due dates so the Gantt charts obviously
20:15.96 shows only tasks that have due dates but
20:17.76 you're able to link these tasks together
20:19.38 using dependencies so if you join us for
20:22.32 our Advanced webinars we can go into
20:23.82 details around how to build these
20:25.62 dependencies and how to modify them but
20:27.78 again think of this as just a way to
20:29.82 take that data that you have in pretty
20:31.68 Matrix and then slice it and display it
20:34.20 in different way so now let's go back to
20:36.00 the quadrant View
20:38.16 one thing I want to show you is how to
20:40.02 create a new project as we've talked
20:41.46 about how to create task inside an
20:42.72 existing projects so let's go to Project
20:44.34 here even separate Matrix you go to
20:45.96 click on Project click on create project
20:49.56 when you create projects you actually
20:51.78 have the the option to create a blank
20:54.54 project or you can actually choose from
20:57.18 templates so we have these public
20:59.22 templates the idea here is that you know
21:1.50 our from our side we've seen some type
21:4.62 of matrices that that are helpful to
21:6.60 customers Etc so we've created different
21:8.70 types of templates for example 30 60 90
21:11.58 day plan for New managers so if you're a
21:13.86 new manager in a new position well it's
21:16.74 a good idea for you to create a 30 60 90
21:18.72 day plan and so if you do that you can
21:22.08 choose this template and then pretty
21:23.52 Matrix will create a project using that
21:25.50 template for you one thing I want to
21:27.60 mention is I mentioned the Eisenhower
21:29.64 Matrix as the basic the basis of pretty
21:32.10 Matrix but actually when you create a
21:33.84 project you can choose from a lot of
21:35.58 different types of matrices as well in
21:37.80 fact everything's 100 customizable so if
21:40.62 you go to here you can see I have the
21:42.18 basic party Matrix I can also do
21:44.52 a SWOT analysis or GTD method or brain
21:48.66 dump Etc so I'm going to go ahead and
21:50.40 stick with the basic party Matrix I can
21:52.44 choose a color theme and I can choose a
21:54.60 project name so on success project
21:58.86 um
21:59.82 basic Matrix right so that's my project
22:2.82 name that's the name of the project I
22:4.50 can add notes it as needed the concept
22:6.72 of user group is the ability for you to
22:8.76 associate the project with groups of
22:10.86 users and and that saves you time and
22:13.20 effort and so that's something that we
22:14.40 cover in that separate webinar as well
22:16.20 but sometimes you might have departments
22:18.24 and so forth that you want to use this
22:19.68 user group with and then you can choose
22:21.48 the color theme so I'm going to go ahead
22:22.86 and just do this right here I'm going to
22:24.30 add a project
22:25.62 and so you see how I created the project
22:27.96 one thing I want to mention now is on
22:30.06 the right hand side is the project
22:32.58 details so earlier we saw the item
22:34.86 details then this is the project details
22:36.48 you can also go to the project details
22:38.52 by clicking on this little I icon right
22:40.32 here right it opens the project details
22:42.06 instead of item details going back here
22:44.40 you have the the
22:46.14 um the project name you can star a
22:49.32 project just like we talked about the
22:50.52 concept of starting a task you can start
22:52.44 a project that causes it to actually
22:54.60 surface at the top and then later we can
22:56.64 run reports and say you know what this
22:58.50 is a very important project how do I go
23:0.78 and find out all the find all the tasks
23:2.40 I have for the star project and then you
23:4.56 have the quadrant names uh in the
23:6.48 quadrant colors well cool thing is you
23:9.12 can change the color one thing that I
23:12.00 want to emphasize here is that as you
23:13.86 use part of Matrix first for yourself
23:15.96 and then for your team and then across
23:18.18 your organization you might build up
23:20.34 best practices and and this is something
23:22.38 that happens all the time which is
23:24.12 organizations end up developing
23:26.04 terminology that they
23:28.62 um they prefer to like the do now do
23:31.74 later right um and not only that you
23:33.66 might have different types of projects
23:35.10 that uses different types of quadrant
23:37.86 names and so what part of Matrix you're
23:39.72 able to customize both the colors as
23:41.58 well as the quadrant name so let's just
23:43.86 actually I'm going to go and change this
23:46.20 um to
23:48.54 um
23:49.74 must do
23:52.50 today right so I can do that I can
23:55.44 change that quadrant name and so you see
23:57.60 how that updates here and then when when
23:59.58 I do this everyone who's on this project
24:1.74 with me will understand hey these are
24:3.90 the the items that we have to get done
24:5.64 today if you see something there that
24:7.44 means we didn't get it done let's make
24:8.88 sure we address that very very simple
24:10.68 very very straightforward
24:12.42 um and if you want to invite additional
24:13.80 member to your project you can go here
24:15.78 now project starts out typically as just
24:19.02 a project for yourself then afterwards
24:21.24 you can invite others when you invite
24:22.92 someone to a project they get full
24:24.60 access to everything within the project
24:26.22 that means they see the tasks that means
24:28.38 they see
24:29.34 um the the items the details of the
24:31.86 items they can modify the tasks Etc as
24:34.98 as needed
24:37.32 but let's just say if you actually don't
24:40.32 want them to see that um then we do have
24:42.48 the ability for you to send we you can
24:45.36 do a read-only version of the project
24:46.98 that you can share to others but at the
24:49.32 same time when they do make changes then
24:51.42 you do have a record of it so just from
24:53.40 a permission standpoint that's something
24:54.78 you you have to recognize which is when
24:57.00 someone is added as a member to a
24:58.62 project able to see everything around
24:59.88 there
25:0.78 that's the basics of a project
25:3.54 um and
25:4.80 now I'm going to go and show you a
25:7.38 couple of other things around pretty
25:9.30 Matrix but if I were to pause for a
25:11.46 second one thing I want to emphasize is
25:14.40 that
25:15.60 if you use party Matrix and you create
25:18.84 projects you create tasks you delegate
25:21.60 them you are actually prioritizing
25:24.18 everything that you have to do you've
25:25.98 gone 80 of the value that's that's the
25:28.56 beauty of it and it's very very simple
25:29.88 you see how simple it is for you to
25:31.80 create tasks for you to delegate them
25:34.02 um and then for you to actually create
25:35.34 new projects and so forth
25:38.88 to get the other 20 of the value
25:41.76 um really depends on your job title your
25:44.40 job function and what you want to use
25:46.26 pretty Matrix for so
25:49.08 for example let's just say if you are a
25:52.26 project manager and as a project manager
25:54.84 you have to go and create repetitive
25:56.64 tasks over and over again well in that
25:59.58 case the feature that would actually add
26:1.26 a lot of value to you would be our
26:3.30 project templates right
26:5.34 and so if you create a party Matrix
26:7.92 project and you have all the tasks in
26:9.54 there one of the things you can do is
26:11.58 actually you can save it as a template
26:13.20 what that does is it actually clones The
26:17.52 Matrix for you automatically captures
26:20.22 the due dates for you and then when you
26:22.86 have a new project that gets started you
26:25.32 simply launch from a template instead of
26:28.68 from a blank project again this will
26:30.48 save you a ton of time but it's not a
26:32.34 feature that everyone would need but if
26:34.26 you're a project manager or if you are
26:36.48 Consulting a consultant working with
26:38.88 clients and you always have to do the
26:40.50 same thing over and over for for them
26:42.24 that would be helpful or if you're HR
26:44.58 and you have an employee onboarding
26:46.62 project right so imagine if you create a
26:49.02 party Matrix project for new employees
26:52.28 and who knows what the quadrants might
26:54.90 be for you but examples include these
26:58.56 are the paperwork the forms that you
27:0.30 have to fill out and this is due today
27:2.16 this is due to next week Etc so when you
27:4.50 use party Matrix you can actually create
27:6.18 that Matrix just one time save it as a
27:8.76 template and we have a new employee you
27:10.32 just launch from that and now voila
27:11.82 they're they're good to go they can see
27:13.74 what does they have to do and it just
27:15.78 save you a ton of time and you're able
27:17.52 to track that the new employees are
27:19.14 indeed going through what it is that
27:20.40 they go through that's the idea here
27:23.28 uh if you go to this top link top menu
27:25.80 here on on the top right there's a
27:28.02 couple of other capabilities that are
27:30.90 actually really useful in part Matrix
27:32.58 and that's something that again you can
27:33.84 explore on your own or join our Advanced
27:37.14 webinar to learn more about
27:39.96 now I'm going to switch here a little
27:41.52 bit and actually to talk about our
27:43.08 Microsoft teams application and my um
27:45.48 and Outlook applications the reason
27:48.00 being is that you can use pretty Matrix
27:50.16 here outside of teams but we're probably
27:52.02 the most integrated solution inside
27:53.76 teams and the reason we do that is
27:55.74 because more and more you know
27:57.30 Enterprise organizations perhaps yours
27:59.76 are migrating to Microsoft teams and and
28:2.28 that that means you're chatting a lot in
28:4.08 teams so we're trying to bring part of
28:5.88 Matrix in where you're spending your
28:7.92 time in order to save you effort but the
28:10.26 first thing I'm going to show you is our
28:11.76 Outlook Integrations because I mentioned
28:13.92 earlier you might get a thousand emails
28:16.32 right on a weekly basis I mean I have I
28:19.32 have so many unread emails um and then
28:21.48 what I do is I flag them and so yeah I
28:23.88 assume you do the same well it's great
28:26.16 if you have 10 flag emails it's not so
28:28.14 great if you have 100 flag emails
28:29.64 because then afterwards it's the same
28:31.56 thing which is you have all the things
28:33.24 that are quote important and urgent but
28:35.46 if everything's important and Urgent
28:36.72 then nothing is right so when you when
28:39.06 you look at an email
28:40.80 one of the things that we're allowed we
28:42.24 allow you to do is you can install
28:44.46 pretty Matrix for Outlook so if you
28:46.02 don't have that already click on the add
28:48.42 get add-in icon here and search for
28:50.52 party Matrix and then once you install
28:52.74 pretty Matrix it actually would be
28:54.42 accessible for you uh just like how I
28:57.36 have here so let's just say if I have an
28:58.92 email so let me show you an example
29:0.24 let's say I get an email here okay
29:3.60 I get this email and now I go to click
29:6.36 on this icon and I actually have pretty
29:8.22 Matrix one thing quick side note when
29:11.34 you install
29:12.42 um pretty Matrix apps and teams and
29:13.92 Outlook you will see different versions
29:16.26 for example the HIPAA version is green
29:17.88 the government version is orange the
29:19.98 standard version is blue so just keep
29:21.96 that in mind as you install so sometimes
29:23.52 you can install the wrong one you may
29:25.14 think wait a minute Hey where's my data
29:26.82 Etc well check that you installed the
29:28.68 right version so just keep that in the
29:30.00 back of your mid and back of your mind
29:32.34 um okay but I'm going to go ahead and
29:33.42 open pretty Matrix here
29:35.28 what it does is it opens this right hand
29:38.52 panel okay and so when I have an email
29:42.96 what I'm able to do is I can click on
29:44.70 capture email so what that does is it
29:47.34 actually helps me prioritize an email so
29:49.44 if I do that it creates a task for me I
29:52.44 can choose the project it belongs in
29:55.08 um so let's see here
29:56.88 um what's the project that we created
29:58.26 earlier the test project basic Matrix I
30:0.84 select that I can select what quadrant
30:2.82 it goes in right so maybe I want to
30:4.50 prioritize this email in quadrant one or
30:6.30 quadrant four I can choose the owner so
30:9.18 that means I can assign an email to a
30:11.16 team member
30:12.24 I can set a due date very very helpful
30:15.48 because I get an email and the email
30:18.60 is actually something that I that has a
30:20.94 task for me but it's not due tomorrow
30:23.46 it's due in two months right and again
30:25.80 it's follow up with a customer or follow
30:28.38 up with someone
30:29.82 um who I I owe something to but it's far
30:32.64 in the future and that's when flagging
30:34.62 really doesn't work but with part of
30:36.84 Matrix you're able to create that that
30:40.38 um priority you can prioritize that
30:42.78 email set again the due dates and
30:45.48 reminders as needed and that is a
30:48.06 fantastic way to track uh what it is
30:50.76 that you need to work on and then as the
30:52.44 time comes closer to it pretty much just
30:54.42 to send you reminders hey by the way you
30:56.04 have this email that you need to address
30:57.18 okay
30:58.62 and then we actually have some AI
31:1.08 features which again this is something
31:2.76 you can explore on your own which is we
31:4.74 try to extract action items out of those
31:6.72 emails for you so you can click on that
31:8.34 in order to actually try um if again
31:11.22 maybe a customer asks you for something
31:12.78 or a client asks you for something or a
31:14.82 manager asking for something you can go
31:16.68 and try to extract the action items
31:18.96 but if I were to go ahead and create a
31:20.58 task
31:22.08 it creates a part of Matrix task one
31:23.94 thing you'll notice is that this view is
31:26.16 actually very similar to the item detail
31:27.96 view the only difference is it's on the
31:29.58 right panel of your outlook right so
31:31.20 it's right there for you and you can
31:32.82 actually modify changes everything
31:34.38 exactly like we saw earlier
31:36.72 on the left hand side though what's
31:38.88 really neat is that it actually shows
31:40.92 you that this email has been tracked in
31:42.84 part of Matrix so again it's similar to
31:45.06 flagging but what happens now is shows
31:46.92 party Matrix so then what that means is
31:48.78 when I open an email
31:50.70 let's say I open this email it already
31:52.92 has the party Matrix tag on it right
31:55.38 that meant I've already that means I've
31:57.54 already prioritized this so when I open
31:59.04 pretty Matrix
32:1.26 what it does instead is
32:4.62 I can um I can let me see here
32:8.16 um well I actually technically what it
32:10.62 should do is actually let me open the
32:12.48 item because it actually realizes that I
32:14.52 haven't sync receive I have on here
32:17.46 um
32:22.80 you think actually there you go when I
32:24.90 have this email because I already
32:26.22 prioritized this when I go to here
32:27.84 instead of capturing the email it
32:30.18 actually shows me open item so I don't
32:32.70 have to go and re-prioritize this email
32:34.26 again because I've already re-priorited
32:36.06 I've already prioritized it so I just
32:37.50 opened that task
32:38.94 um one thing that happens is that the
32:40.62 moment I create a test from that email
32:42.06 check this out if I go back to here is
32:45.00 that email I created the task here I
32:46.86 open this here and I go to resources
32:48.90 well the email itself is attached as
32:52.02 part of the resources so a use case for
32:54.54 this is let's just say you get an email
32:56.64 and you assign it to a teammate
32:59.64 that teammate obviously doesn't have
33:1.26 access to your email but because you
33:3.06 prioritize that task and you capture it
33:5.22 in in separate Matrix it uploads this
33:7.86 email now that teammate can actually
33:9.48 open the email and look at it and make
33:12.48 necessary responses as needed one thing
33:15.18 I want to emphasize that's really
33:16.68 powerful here more useful with Outlook
33:18.96 but with part of Matrix for Outlook is
33:21.24 that
33:22.32 instead of creating more and more
33:24.18 threads you know like in in Outlook
33:26.28 where you have multiple email threads
33:28.26 and you're forwarding it to people and
33:30.78 then you're seeing others and BC seeing
33:32.94 others Etc well now in part Matrix you
33:35.82 have this one item that you can chat
33:38.88 about and this chat doesn't send the
33:42.06 customer a bunch of emails right and so
33:44.70 you're actually reducing the number of
33:46.26 emails and not only that you have one
33:48.36 single place for you to track everything
33:50.46 one thing we've seen all the time is
33:52.86 that you know let's just say you have to
33:55.56 attach additional documents and so forth
33:57.72 you can attach those documents here and
33:59.82 now again you're talking about the same
34:1.80 email but you actually have documents in
34:3.72 one central place if you were creating
34:6.36 email threads and so forth how do you
34:8.34 know if the documents the latest
34:9.66 documents how do you know the status of
34:11.82 these action items are they getting done
34:13.44 or you know the subtasks actually making
34:16.14 progress and so that's sort of an aside
34:18.48 around why you want to use part of
34:20.04 Matrix for uh for Outlook but it's a
34:22.50 very useful way to prioritize all those
34:24.72 emails
34:26.16 now I'm going to jump to Microsoft teams
34:27.96 because I I did talk about Microsoft
34:29.40 teams and I did talk about
34:31.38 um how we are probably the most
34:32.46 integrated solution inside teams so when
34:34.92 you're inside teams uh if you don't have
34:36.72 this already I also recommend you do
34:38.46 this go ahead and search the App Store
34:40.26 search for pretty Matrix
34:42.06 uh and then afterwards when you open
34:43.98 pretty Matrix it actually shows up here
34:46.08 on the left hand side go ahead and right
34:47.70 click on it and pin it so what that does
34:49.80 is actually has shows pretty Matrix
34:52.20 um on the left panel for you inside
34:54.12 teams so you can actually just jump to
34:55.98 party Matrix without having to go to the
34:57.54 website Etc once you get here you see
35:0.24 how this view is very very similar to
35:2.76 what you saw in the web app so you have
35:5.46 the list of projects
35:7.26 um and then you again here this is the
35:9.24 web app and then you can jump to a
35:10.68 project right that project that I
35:12.18 created earlier is directly here all the
35:14.58 information is available here everything
35:16.68 is synchronized together it doesn't
35:18.18 matter if I'm in teams or Outlook or on
35:20.10 mobile
35:21.84 Etc all my data is there and that's
35:23.76 again another powerful capability inside
35:26.10 part of Matrix having all that
35:27.54 information available at your fingertips
35:29.04 no matter where you are if you use teams
35:31.44 for mobile you can actually add pretty
35:33.12 Matrix on the mobile app as well in the
35:35.46 access party Matrix directly inside your
35:37.80 team's mobile app very powerful way for
35:40.80 people who are in the field
35:42.60 let's just say if you're traveling you
35:45.54 know to a customer site for work you
35:47.10 don't have your laptop you can open up
35:49.02 Microsoft teams open up pretty Matrix
35:50.76 and see everything that you have in one
35:52.32 central place
35:54.06 but one thing I want to emphasize here
35:55.74 inside teams is this thing this little
35:57.96 icon here this is called home if you
36:0.78 click on this this shows you alerts what
36:3.18 that means is these all the tasks that
36:4.86 required your attention earlier we talk
36:6.84 about due dates we talk about reminders
36:8.40 and so forth well the question is how do
36:10.68 I get them right and so if you go to
36:12.18 Party Matrix and you go to the home view
36:15.06 it actually shows up here in alerts
36:17.22 right so for what that means is that
36:19.50 these are the items that requires your
36:21.30 attention that means as you click on
36:22.80 them it actually goes away you you can
36:25.08 think of this as notifications and
36:27.06 sometimes you know some people actually
36:29.28 what they want to do is they want to go
36:30.84 to inbox zero what that means is you're
36:33.24 clicking through all of these know that
36:35.52 you've done everything that requires
36:37.38 your attention only tasks that you are
36:41.16 an owner of
36:42.36 or you are a follower of would show up
36:45.54 in the alerts View
36:47.34 so as you're using it across your
36:49.26 organizations there'll be many many
36:50.52 different tasks and so forth that gets
36:52.98 updated all the time it's not going to
36:54.48 ping you right only the things that are
36:56.04 actually relevant to you
36:58.16 so that's in the alert view visited you
37:0.96 can see the tasks that you visited
37:2.34 agenda is actually takes the task that
37:5.16 you have and actually uh shows it to you
37:8.34 in a very simple format that says hey
37:11.40 these are things that I need to work on
37:12.96 today these are things that I missed
37:15.54 yesterday and these are things that's
37:16.80 coming up right so that's the agenda my
37:18.96 items
37:20.16 takes the exact same information that
37:21.78 you have but then actually shows it to
37:24.12 you in a list form across all your
37:27.60 projects
37:28.70 that actually is a very useful
37:31.38 capability because you know I in my
37:34.80 primary real pretty Matrix account I
37:37.08 have something like 300 projects so with
37:40.02 the 300 projects it's impossible for you
37:42.00 to know
37:43.08 um you know which project has been
37:44.28 changed et cetera so I actually rely on
37:46.92 the agenda and my items view all the
37:49.50 time because that allows me to see
37:51.00 everything I have to do the other thing
37:53.22 you can do is actually go to this thing
37:54.78 called the search View
37:56.22 what the search views allows you to do
37:57.96 is actually search across all your items
38:0.12 across all your projects we have a bunch
38:2.04 of different filters prefix filters Etc
38:4.20 but this is something that you can
38:6.12 explore as you use part of Matrix more
38:7.74 if you have 10 tasks doesn't really
38:9.42 matter if you have a hundred a thousand
38:11.46 ten thousand tasks uh prior to Matrix uh
38:14.34 offers you all the different ways for
38:15.84 you to see that information
38:18.06 I did mention starring on the item
38:20.52 earlier you can see how when you have a
38:22.86 star item you can actually have a very
38:24.72 special filter just for it if you click
38:26.40 Start it shows you only the start item
38:28.14 right so it hides everything else very
38:30.36 very easy way for you to find just the
38:32.28 tasks that you need to focus on
38:34.44 this is inside pretty Matrix inside the
38:36.78 teams app
38:38.16 um the teams app itself now I want to
38:41.16 show you some really powerful
38:42.90 capabilities around other Integrations
38:46.14 with party Matrix itself so if you go to
38:49.14 a chat with a team member
38:51.00 if you click on this plus icon search
38:53.52 for party Matrix when you click on that
38:55.86 you have the ability to add two views
38:58.14 the one-on-one view or full project View
39:1.08 when you do a full project view you can
39:3.06 select a project and what that does is
39:5.76 it actually will share a project with a
39:9.00 team member allowing both of you to see
39:11.34 you know what are the things that you
39:13.20 have to work on um a use case for this
39:15.48 is actually pretty pretty simple let's
39:17.10 just say if you have a team and a team
39:20.28 has a particular initiative right and so
39:22.58 that particular initiative can be
39:24.90 created as a part of Matrix project and
39:27.06 so then you can actually just add a
39:28.98 project tab with that party Matrix
39:31.86 project in there so now everyone's able
39:34.20 to see what are my what are the
39:35.64 priorities that we have within the
39:37.62 context of that team's conversation
39:40.74 alternatively you have this one-on-one
39:42.60 view which is a way for you to actually
39:46.08 see everything you have in common with
39:48.66 another individual
39:50.16 um the best way to think about this is
39:52.14 one-on-one with your manager so if you
39:54.72 were to go to this View and you create a
39:56.70 one-on-one view with your manager right
39:58.56 you can select your manager and what
40:0.72 this does is actually shows you all the
40:2.34 tasks you have in common with that
40:4.44 person across your entire party Matrix
40:7.32 project
40:8.34 across all your data that you have
40:10.20 regardless of the project that it's in
40:12.72 you can think of it as
40:15.54 everything we've talked about protein
40:17.10 matrix so far has been project Centric
40:19.92 right what that means is you have a
40:22.26 project and you have task well you saw
40:24.66 the calendar which is then time Centric
40:26.70 which means these are all the items that
40:28.74 I have with due dates show me what they
40:31.74 are like or what what my calendar is
40:33.96 like
40:34.92 um today tomorrow next month Etc uh and
40:38.04 then this is a people-centric view so
40:41.04 what this means is that it actually
40:42.90 takes everything to Javelin pretty
40:44.70 Matrix and flips it around and sort it
40:47.04 in such a way where it shows you all the
40:49.26 things you have to do for somebody and
40:51.48 again let's just say if it's your
40:52.74 manager so easy for you to have a
40:55.38 one-on-one because when you do that
40:56.70 one-on-one with the manager you can just
40:58.50 go and say hey by the way these are all
41:0.24 the things that we have in common these
41:2.76 are all the tasks I have in common these
41:4.32 are the tasks that I have due for you
41:5.94 that I'm doing for you rather and these
41:8.88 are the things that are overdue
41:10.86 um and these are across all my projects
41:12.66 help me prioritize right because you can
41:15.54 easily be so overwhelmed with so many
41:17.52 different tasks and imagine this list
41:19.20 was extremely long you can go and say by
41:21.48 the way I can't do all of this tell me
41:23.34 what it is that I need to focus on what
41:24.72 are the things that are my key
41:25.92 priorities and also why don't we change
41:28.02 the due dates appropriately so then we
41:29.70 can actually get these things done
41:31.88 additionally when you're in this view
41:33.78 you can create a share task very very
41:35.76 easily if you click on share task what
41:37.98 it does
41:38.88 um so so
41:40.56 actually so let's just say
41:42.60 um
41:46.02 I'm going to say Bill report due
41:48.06 tomorrow again I do that what this does
41:51.24 is creates a task for me and then it
41:53.64 invites both people your manager
41:55.86 automatically uh here so when you have
41:58.32 that one-on-one conversation with your
42:0.18 manager and you're talking about all the
42:1.56 things that you should be doing or wish
42:3.90 you could be doing instead of waiting to
42:7.08 go and actually track and create that
42:9.06 task later the one-on-one view allows
42:11.22 you to create the Pretty Matrix action
42:13.20 items directly from that teamed
42:15.54 conversation so what that means is it's
42:17.82 going to save you time and effort you
42:19.44 don't have to go and open up pretty
42:21.54 metrics create a tasks set due dates
42:23.70 invite your manager Etc you do from this
42:26.94 view directly not only that you can
42:29.10 choose what project it belongs in
42:31.32 allowing you to actually prioritize and
42:34.68 also capture everything that you need to
42:36.60 do within the context of whatever it is
42:39.54 that you're talking about so
42:41.52 this is really really useful the
42:43.62 one-on-one view is a very unique
42:45.18 capability we have inside Microsoft
42:47.22 teams and
42:49.08 the second thing I want to show you with
42:50.94 respect to the one on one too is inside
42:53.16 the team's conversation let's just say
42:55.50 if you get a message from your manager
42:58.92 right could you send me a report right
43:1.38 let's just say your manager sends you
43:2.88 this text or I'm sorry this message
43:4.68 inside teams well you don't have to go
43:7.14 to part of Matrix to actually create a
43:8.88 test in fact you can actually just click
43:10.56 on this dot dot dot choose create party
43:13.14 Matrix item
43:14.76 and directly create a task from this
43:18.00 view inside teams one thing that's
43:20.40 really powerful about our approach to
43:22.68 all of this is that we actually capture
43:25.44 the moment in time when you have that
43:27.96 conversation with your manager let me
43:30.18 give you an example
43:31.74 imagine if
43:34.44 um your teammate asks you again to send
43:36.78 you and send me this report right and it
43:39.84 was something that was six months ago
43:41.28 well when you create a part of Matrix
43:43.08 task what happens is we actually link to
43:46.68 that moment in time when you had that
43:48.72 team's conversation so then when you
43:50.64 create this task important Matrix you're
43:52.08 able to click on this link and it brings
43:54.54 you back to that context that you have
43:57.90 when you have that conversation allowing
44:0.00 you to go and understand oh this is what
44:2.28 you know so and so person meant uh this
44:4.92 is what they actually wanted me to do
44:6.36 because more so than ever you know we
44:8.88 get delegated things delegated tasks and
44:11.58 has to be asked to do things that are
44:14.58 without context and then not only that
44:16.98 as time goes by we have less and less
44:19.44 visibility right because people forget
44:22.14 um so part of Matrix allows you to jump
44:23.70 to that one one thing that you know in
44:26.10 particular that I think is helpful with
44:28.32 pretty Matrix is when employees again
44:31.98 this could be your teammates they could
44:33.60 be you this could be your manager when
44:35.82 they leave the organization or when
44:38.82 they're on leave
44:40.50 um medical leave or whatever it is right
44:42.72 because vacation and then suddenly you
44:44.82 just want to understand what were those
44:46.50 people's priorities
44:47.94 um what was your you know what is it
44:50.10 that um
44:51.48 how these decisions were made like what
44:53.70 was a conversation about so because of
44:56.16 the way part Matrix keeps a record of
44:58.26 all of those it gives everyone else full
45:1.20 visibility on what the priorities were
45:3.30 in the past
45:4.68 um and how what decisions were made to
45:7.86 actually get to us at the present that
45:10.38 it actually really helps you and your
45:12.48 organization save time and effort
45:14.52 because if again if everything's in your
45:16.38 head or everything's actually on that
45:17.70 piece of paper
45:19.92 it's great if you have it but if you
45:21.90 lose it or if that person leaves you're
45:23.88 going to be in a um and you're going to
45:26.40 be running blind right so party Matrix
45:28.32 gives you that visibility and it allows
45:30.24 someone else to take over a project or a
45:32.46 tense very easily because they can look
45:33.84 at that record and so part of this
45:35.88 record that we have here linking to the
45:37.98 exact moment in time when you have that
45:40.26 teams message allows you to get that
45:42.42 context as needed no matter how long ago
45:45.12 it was
45:48.08 partometrics also actually has a lot of
45:50.22 action cards Integrations and so we're
45:52.92 probably the most Integrated Solutions
45:54.48 in again inside teams because if we
45:57.12 leverage almost all the capabilities
45:58.62 inside teams if you go to this dot dot
46:0.90 dot you can add pretty Matrix as well
46:2.52 allowing you to pull up action cards so
46:5.04 what that let me show you an example
46:6.36 action card so earlier you saw how I
46:8.64 created that task from Outlook right
46:10.92 based from this email well check this
46:13.02 out I can actually pull up that task and
46:14.76 I can send that task and I can send this
46:16.98 task as part of this conversation right
46:18.60 here so again if I I want to share this
46:22.50 task with the teammate and say hey by
46:23.94 the way like a customer to send us this
46:25.68 email I've converted that email to a
46:27.84 task I can send this out to the the
46:29.70 teammate they can look at this from her
46:31.80 Matrix and be able to chime in or set
46:34.62 due dates Etc
46:37.44 um
46:38.90 so that's the team's Integrations
46:41.28 there's a lot more um in fact this is
46:43.98 something again that you can play on
46:45.42 your own but if you go to the App Store
46:47.40 and you go to uh you search for pretty
46:50.22 Matrix here you're actually going to see
46:52.38 a lot of different things I want to I
46:54.18 want to show you a couple things that
46:55.38 are actually really really powerful so
46:57.54 you see how here I have the three
46:58.80 partometrics versions one thing by the
47:1.50 way to to keep in mind is you see this
47:3.54 Security check box again that's the
47:5.28 Microsoft 365 security certification
47:6.96 right that makes us unique compared to
47:8.88 all the other Solutions which means
47:10.02 Microsoft has reviewed our security
47:12.90 um and and all that in order to ensure
47:14.94 that we meet industry standards if it
47:17.34 ever gives you trouble in terms of being
47:19.32 able to install per Matrix send them
47:21.30 that information because that actually
47:22.62 really helps in it because at the end of
47:24.12 the day we're making it's job easier as
47:25.98 well
47:26.70 um but if you're in it this is something
47:28.68 that you can recognize wait a minute you
47:30.30 know compared to other applications per
47:32.46 Matrix provides me all of those value
47:34.62 without me having to
47:36.96 go through the whole Security review
47:38.64 process because Microsoft has done it
47:40.02 for me already but anyways I want to
47:41.82 jump to here when you search for party
47:43.26 Matrix one thing you'll notice is
47:45.24 actually we show up here in the workflow
47:47.04 as well
47:47.88 um this is actually brand new
47:49.20 Integrations with Microsoft teams that
47:52.14 um we just jointly release with
47:54.24 Microsoft during their their conference
47:56.52 just last week but go in here check this
47:59.46 out part of Matrix actually creates all
48:1.62 sorts of automations and Integrations
48:3.60 with Microsoft teams and the entire
48:5.34 Microsoft Office ecosystem and so
48:8.46 you can create these workflow if this
48:11.76 then that kind of thing allowing you to
48:14.24 take part Matrix to the the next level
48:18.24 so with that I'm actually gonna
48:21.60 walk um work towards concluding this
48:24.36 this webinar because again this is meant
48:26.22 to be an introductory webinar so you're
48:28.92 just getting a taste of what pretty
48:30.72 Matrix is going back to what I mentioned
48:33.18 earlier you don't need a lot of these
48:35.64 capabilities that I mentioned if you use
48:37.98 pretty Matrix right if you go to here
48:39.90 and you create a single project and in
48:43.38 this project you are tracking your
48:45.24 responsibilities you're tracking your
48:46.86 priorities you're communicating that to
48:48.72 your team members
48:50.16 um and you're sharing this with the
48:52.44 appropriate people
48:53.82 and then you're setting due dates in
48:55.38 your tasks
48:56.46 you've achieved the vast majority of the
48:58.32 value
48:59.34 and that's all that's all we're trying
49:0.78 to do um priority Matrix is around
49:2.58 helping you prioritize and that's the
49:4.92 key
49:5.76 everything else is icing on the cake so
49:8.64 um we recommend that you start there and
49:10.86 then as you get familiar with permatrix
49:12.60 you can actually go and learn a lot more
49:14.52 capabilities we have reportings and so
49:17.52 forth that again is available but not
49:20.46 necessary for you to to get value out of
49:24.12 the system
49:25.32 um and so that's how you want to get
49:26.82 started as I mentioned earlier
49:29.76 uh let me go back to here if you go to
49:32.76 if you don't haven't started haven't
49:34.44 gotten started with party Matrix yet go
49:35.94 to click on web app at the
49:37.92 top or sign up and then if you
49:41.16 um want to watch some of the other
49:42.18 webinars we have go to
49:43.56 webinars and then again if you want to
49:46.62 check out our other versions the HIPAA
49:48.48 governments Etc you can always reach out
49:50.22 to us supports is the best
49:53.04 way to reach out to us in terms of
49:56.28 um in terms of getting help either
49:58.14 getting started or securing training Etc
50:1.08 and then inside the teams and Outlook
50:3.54 app store you saw me how I showed you
50:5.52 how to acquire the application simply
50:7.68 search for pretty Matrix and then just
50:9.24 make sure you choose the appropriate
50:10.44 ones
50:12.06 foreign
50:24.84 I just wanted to say that I I enabled
50:27.48 your microphone cameras if you have any
50:29.58 questions you can just unmute yourself
50:31.08 and and just shoot it and we'll be happy
50:33.00 to answer
50:53.28 and again it's solely okay if you don't
50:55.14 have any questions today again as you
50:56.88 use part Matrix you continue using part
50:58.38 Matrix you'll you'll have questions and
51:1.26 and we're always here to help and we try
51:3.42 our best to create some of these other
51:4.80 webinars and tutorials and so forth to
51:6.90 address different use cases if there's
51:8.70 anything that within your organization
51:10.20 that you are particularly interested
51:11.82 about definitely reach out to us perhaps
51:14.22 you know if there's enough requests for
51:15.84 certain type of use cases we can do a
51:18.18 webinar around that as well
51:20.16 um
51:20.82 and again this meeting is recorded and
51:23.40 so we'll uh we'll post that on our
51:26.10 website and be able to send that to you
51:27.96 and you can share with your team members
51:30.66 thank you so much and you can reach out
51:32.58 to me directly at Hyatt at
51:34.50 any point in time thank you all