Connect with Zoom Connect with Zoom

In order to import your Zoom meetings into Priority Matrix, please authorize read-access to your Zoom account. We only require read access, as we don't need to make changes to your meetings, only read their content.

First of all, you need a Priority Matrix account. It takes one minute! Or you can sign in if you already have one.

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How does the Zoom connector work?

Once you connect Priority Matrix with Zoom, we will import all the scheduled Zoom meetings, and create a new Priority Matrix project which contains links to your scheduled Zoom calls. When preparing for a Zoom call, you can attach files, share with stakeholders and discuss the event, all inside Priority Matrix. That way, when it's time for the event, you will have everything you need for a smooth call.

What are some ideas of use?

Priority Matrix is a very flexible tool. We envision that you use Priority Matrix for Zoom in scenarios like these:

  • Preparing for a sales call, make sure you have all the relevant documents (demo links, pricing scheme, prospect background...)
  • In a weekly team update, keep a list of your talking points, and questions to ask your teammates
  • When getting ready for a department presentation, save pointers to documents that support your talking points.

How often do my items refresh?

Whenever there are changes to the original Zoom events, they sync automatically into Priority Matrix, without you having to move a finger. Sometimes, changes take a couple of minutes to propagate, so if you made a change, and it has not yet been reflected on your Priority Matrix, give it a little longer as it may be too soon. If this persists, send us a message, and we'll take a look.

What if I change my mind?

If you decide that you don't want your Zoom data showing up in your Priority Matrix account, you can click the disconnect button and choose between simply stopping the data sync, or completely erase any reference from Priority Matrix.

Removing the app from my Zoom account

In order to remove the connected app from your Zoom account, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Zoom account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace
  2. Click Manage > Added Apps
  3. Click on the Remove button for Priority Matrix

Does Priority Matrix change my Zoom data?

Priority Matrix does not modify your Zoom data under any circumstances, since we only require read access to provide our functionality.

Are there other connectors?

We're glad you ask! Yes, there are other task connectors, and more coming soon. Send us a message if you have a specific request.